All Chinese majority countries and territories are successful

Ya they will put more effort into this life that's true.

But if Muslim countries have a united population and good leaders like UAE, Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia they can be successful.
No I think that we can get a fully functionning democracy which is the best way of government.
Not dictators or royals.
But yeah emiratis qataris and kuwaitis have better leaders than african leaders.
They country might be wealthy but most people lives are terrible, Turkic and Central Asian people have the highest quality life along with Arabs, they’re autonomous and have the choice of the want to join society and succeed or live in baadiya in their own terms

Sure but who builds arab countries? The successful ones were built with the help of foreign nationals.
50% of saudi workforce aren't saudi nationals which btw live a confortable life in a country where everything is free for them.
UAE 90% of workforce are foreign nationals, thus the emirati government takes taxes from 100% of inhabitants but only has to give benefits (healthcare, free stuff) to 10% of the population, this is why they can easily give free houses to any emirati national and still have a lot of money in reserve.
If you do not believe me just look at this graph :
Asian countries are built by the natives, this is why they seem to work harder than Gulf arabs.
Most arab countries that rely ONLY on their own nationals are Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Algeria etc... and as you can see they are not living better than the asians.
This is something that I have noticed a while ago.
If you look at chinese majority countries and territories : Hong Kong, Taiwan, Macau, Heinan, Singapore, Mainland China.
All of them are first world countries/territories except mainland China which will soon become first world this decade.
There are many arab countries but not all of them are successful, same for turkic (Azerbaidjan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Turkey etc...), persian countries (Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran etc...).
If we compare it to somali majority countries like Somalia and Djibouti, (2 countries that have one of the worst human development index) there is a large difference.
What are they doing that we are not doing? What should we learn from them?

Azerbaijan, Turkey and Kazakhstan are successful and all of the Turkic nations have high literacy rates.

Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, UAE, Kuwait, Oman are successful and the Arab countries that are not are second world at best.

Iran and Afghanistan are facing issues because of America hegemony. Their failures are not really attributed to them. And even then Iran literally has metro stations, highways, an educated populace as well as good infrastructure that would take Somalia or any sub Saharan African countries 100 years to build.
Somali majority populations are literally living 4th world conditions that are behind the worst Arab countries. Hell I think Iraq has surpassed Somalia in quality of life.
Somalia has a lot of potential. The old farts in charge need to be purged though, all they think about is qabiil. They are the cadow of progress


You are comparing the country with the highest population on earth with a tiny country like djibouti and a 12 million people country like Somalia.
The somali peninsula is mostly arid and has few resources unlike china.
You should also remember that China was extremely poor 60-70 years ago.
They litteraly killed millions of their own people with famines caused by bad choices from thr governement
Is that high IQ?
Actually China shows that you can develop if you finally have a good leadership.
Mao made many mistakes and cruelties but his system was reformed and china went from a poor country to a global power in just a few decades


Lol @ Africa had more disease... did you forget that 60% of Europeans were killed by the Black Plagued. Historically they suffered more epidemics or pandemics then Africa. Also historically Europe suffered more wars due to close proximity to each other. There are no factors that favored Europe in any capacity. Harsh climates, limited food sources, wars and diseases plagued them which is why they went out in search for new lands.

The fact that intelligence has everything to do with this can easily be observed from slavery alone. Did you know in W.Africa that some chiefs literally sold all the working age men to the point all that was left were women, children and elderly. That takes an extraordinarily stupid people to do that.

Africans leaders are still doing this today. They have zero concept of the future, or longterm consequences...they only worry about today aka the term caqli lix saac. And as of not having winters contributing to lack of longterm planing, then explain Middle East and South America, both have similar climates to Africa yet are way more developed.
Some historians say the plague brought some indirect benefits because by lowering the population it boosted the economy. Less people and more food and resources for those who survived


Simple - it’s called high IQ. Both Chinese and cadaans have high IQ, hence why they have the most prosperous developed countries in the world. High IQ will take you far even when you don’t have the resources, low IQ will fail you even if you have abundance of resources, hence Africa.
Some questions to counter your argument.
1) Somalis aren't even full africans. If africans have inherey low IQ (it's false) then explain why ethiopia, eritrea and especially somalia who have 40% caucasian DNA are poorer than many full African bantu countries.
2) Botswana which is 95%+ black African has a roughly the same development index as white countries like Ukraine and Moldova. How is that possible if they are low IQ? Botswana was lucky cause tye British thought it was a useless colony and didn't exploit much. After independence Botswana found diamonds and with their good leadership they became succesful.
3) why is northafrica so much worse than Europe? Even black carribbean nation have higher development index and are more stable politically. Northafricans are essentially Caucasians and close to southern european cadaans.
4) if China is high IQ why were they so poor in the 1950s? How can a high IQ country litteraly genocide their own people by causing a famine?
If any African country did that you would call them low IQ

"taiwan and hong kong shall be china once again may sheikh xi reclaim our homeland back from the evil americans"
You are comparing the country with the highest population on earth with a tiny country like djibouti and a 12 million people country like Somalia.
The somali peninsula is mostly arid and has few resources unlike china.
You should also remember that China was extremely poor 60-70 years ago.
They litteraly killed millions of their own people with famines caused by bad choices from thr governement
Is that high IQ?
Actually China shows that you can develop if you finally have a good leadership.
Mao made many mistakes and cruelties but his system was reformed and china went from a poor country to a global power in just a few decades
"china" "high iq":cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley::cryinglaughsmiley:


"Show respect to all people, but grovel to none"
Britain was robbing everyone
China was in the shitz and stagnant for a long time may be wasrecovering from opioid crisis and didn't take off till eighties.

but South Korea:diddyass:better HDi than Uk, USA


Britain was robbing everyone
China was in the shitz and stagnant for a long time may be wasrecovering from opioid crisis and didn't take off till eighties.

but South Korea:diddyass:better HDi than Uk, USA
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Even South Korea started as very poor.
Korea is the proof that IQ is BS.
North Korea, poor, famine, dictatorship, they spend all their money on rockets while people starve.
South korea: succesful.
They are the same exact people genetically and culturally.
The only difference is that one governement did a better job than the other one