Amazonian tribe gets access to the internet, guess how it affects the men..

I don’t understand is men not lowering their gaze a preventative measure and yeah I believe a good preventive maeasure is having kids married of early like 18 or above . Will sure as hell rid us of a lot of degeneracy and consummation of corn
Isn’t hijab and lowering one’s gaze a preventative measure? That didn’t stop fatwas being made for women to be disallowed in doing things that are technically halal.

A preventative measure would be controlling what you lot watch. Highest corn watchers are in Muslim countries. Also, a lot of married men watch it and marriage unfortunately isn’t an antidote.
Isn’t hijab and lowering one’s gaze a preventative measure? That didn’t stop fatwas being made for women to be disallowed in doing things that are technically halal.

A preventative measure would be controlling what you lot watch. Highest corn watchers are in Muslim countries. Also, a lot of married men watch it and marriage unfortunately isn’t an antidote.

Ibn Mas‘ood, who said: We were with the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), young men who had nothing of wealth. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to us: “O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding one’s chastity. And whoever cannot afford it should fast, for it will be a shield for him.”

And as far as goes making it difficult for one to access it will be a good preventative .

Again a piece of advice seek consultation with a scholars and why these fatwas are being issued nobody can answer these questions for you except someone who is well versed on the deen
Ibn Mas‘ood, who said: We were with the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him), young men who had nothing of wealth. The Messenger of Allah (blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) said to us: “O young men, whoever among you can afford it, let him get married, for it is more effective in lowering the gaze and guarding one’s chastity. And whoever cannot afford it should fast, for it will be a shield for him.”

And as far as goes making it difficult for one to access it will be a good preventative .
You need to understand that corn rewires the brain. Men who are corn addicts aren’t attracted to their wives and find it hard getting it up for their real partners that aren’t on a screen.

Its completely different ball game which is why the marriage advise doesn’t work as much.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Yes I know men are mostly murdered but they partake in risk taking behavior way more than women. Most drug dealers? Men. Most men involved in pretty crimes? Men and the list continues. Yet only 11% of men are killed by close members, yet women who don’t engage in risk taking behaviors and are mostly inside their homes are much more likely to be killed whilst just being at home by men who are meant to protect them.
Let's look a little bit deeper at America, about 34% of women killed in 2021 were at the hands of a partner.

Just reading a couple of articles and some FBI info sheets, there seem to be two types of murders, Premeditated vs. spontaneous.

premeditated homicides, motives are often jealousy or greed & The spontaneous ones are people who probably have a history of abusing their spouse(may have drug dependency)

At the core of domestic violence are power and control, domestic violence also includes emotional abuse and sexual abuse.

Now going back to the premeditated violence, this could be going on for years, it could be mental, financial and sexual, usually, the women are stuck in this environment due to having no way out, and the homicide offenders tend to have narcissistic and anti-social personalities.

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that some women have a poor choice of partner, this could be due to an unstable household, lack of a good father figure etc.
You need to understand that corn rewires the brain. Men who are corn addicts aren’t attracted to their wives and find it hard getting it up for their real partners that aren’t on a screen.

Its completely different ball game which is why the marriage advise doesn’t work as much.

If the prophet advices something no matter the situation it still is the solution to that problem no matter complicated the topic may be .

Often times kaffir men with corn addiction always talk about how they’re going to talk to their crush and that their 🌽 addiction ends from there . Even they see it as a solution to their problem having a spouse . Just go on no fap YouTube comments and you’ll see it
Let's look a little bit deeper at America, about 34% of women killed in 2021 were at the hands of a partner.

Just reading a couple of articles and some FBI info sheets, there seem to be two types of murders, Premeditated vs. spontaneous.

premeditated homicides, motives are often jealousy or greed & The spontaneous ones are people who probably have a history of abusing their spouse(may have drug dependency)

At the core of domestic violence are power and control, domestic violence also includes emotional abuse and sexual abuse.

Now going back to the premeditated violence, this could be going on for years, it could be mental, financial and sexual, usually, the women are stuck in this environment due to having no way out, and the homicide offenders tend to have narcissistic and anti-social personalities.

I'm going to play devil's advocate and say that some women have a poor choice of partner, this could be due to an unstable household, lack of a good father figure etc.
That won’t work since women in countries in which their marriages are arranged have very high rates of DV. Think Pakistan and India. High rates of bride burning, high rates of husbands killing them and the list continues. The crux of the issue is culture and misogyny. Someone cultures have lower rates of DV, nor due to the choices of women but due to the permissiveness and not so permissiveness of the society they live in. Example Somalia probably has lower rates of DV traditionally compared to Pakistan. Why is that? Ponder on that. The West has lower rates than Eastern societies, why is that?


♚Sargon of Adal♚
That won’t work since women in countries in which their marriages are arranged have very high rates of DV. Think Pakistan and India. High rates of bride burning, high rates of husbands killing them and the list continues. The crux of the issue is culture and misogyny. Someone cultures have lower rates of DV, nor due to the choices of women but due to the permissiveness and not so permissiveness of the society they live in. Example Somalia probably has lower rates of DV traditionally compared to Pakistan. Why is that? Ponder on that. The West has lower rates than Eastern societies, why is that?
In Somalia, it's mostly due to the egalitarian nature of the society, mixed in with the protection of the clan, usually marriage within the same clan etc..

The West has a safety net for women, governmental services and strict laws when it comes to DV, lets not go into the stans and India, that place is a shithole, and these people burn their own loved ones...

I'm was talking about DV in Western societies, the third world has its own set of challenges, eg Iraq has a terrible problem with temporary marriages that are handed out like cupcakes, basically a legalised form of prostitution, pimped out by supposed religious figures.
In Somalia, it's mostly due to the egalitarian nature of the society, mixed in with the protection of the clan, usually marriage within the same clan etc..

The West has a safety net for women, governmental services and strict laws when it comes to DV, lets not go into the stans and India, that place is a shithole, and these people burn their own loved ones...

I'm was talking about DV in Western societies, the third world has its own set of challenges, eg Iraq has a terrible problem with temporary marriages that are handed out like cupcakes, basically a legalised form of prostitution, pimped out by supposed religious figures.
Yes and Western societies have the lowest DV rates. If DV is happening everywhere in the world and is unfortunate part of human societies, why wouldn’t Western countries have issues with DV. Also another point that shatters your argument is that police and Army officers have the highest rates of DV in their marriages despite these professions being seen as noble. Those men are seen as an asset to society, yet beat their wives the most. The issue is far too complicated to reduce it to female choice.

Also, most of society especially men would argue that women going for men who are more educated and have more money than them is a bit shallow. But studies show that relationships in which the wife has more money or is smarter and more educated also has higher rates of DV. Clearly many things can trigger violence against women.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Yes and Western societies have the lowest DV rates. If DV is happening everywhere in the world and is unfortunate part of human societies, why wouldn’t Western countries have issues with DV. Also another point that shatters your argument is that police and Army officers have the highest rates of DV in their marriages despite these professions being seen as noble. Those men are seen as an asset to society, yet beat their wives the most. The issue is far too complicated to reduce it to female choice.

Also, most of society especially men would argue that women going for men who are more educated and have more money than them is a bit shallow. But studies show that relationships in which the wife has more money or is smarter and more educated also has higher rates of DV. Clearly many things can trigger violence against women.
It's not that common in Europe since the majority of police officers are recruited from the public sector and aren't ex-military, military men tend to have a higher percentage of mental illness/ PTSD and are more prone to violence, it's more common in America, and police are not seen like that anymore, for every good cop there is 5 bad ones.

I'm not familiar with that study, but I assume it is out of greed and jealousy.

The world would actually be a better place without Twitter


Amaan Duule
Highest corn watchers are in Muslim countries.
Where are the statistics for that? I heard of this claim before, but I believe it's been debunked since the website making this claim was an Indian propaganda site. If you look at the countries that popular corn sites receive the most traffic from, they are almost all gaalo countries.



LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
I wonder how many people they have already molested and raped in this community since the introduction of the internet. In addition, how c0rn consumption has affected their sexual desires and behaviours. I bet they're more violent and callous now than they were before. at 06.21.11.png"]330784[/ATTACH]dia/

Wow. The devil has arrived in their jungle. Haalaa Waasho
Please, we’ve had fatwas in the past saying women can’t drive or go to school in case they commit haram LOOOL. Yes ‘in case’. Yet we have millions of men walking around with a device in their pocket that allows them to watch women being *****.
There have actually been discussions on this and related topics from a long time ago but most of the time they are regarded as 'backwards' and 'not in tune with the times' by people who had no baseera or foresight