"An Arab country that does not speak Arabic"

Why do they always use pics and videos of some west African country to represent us. What makes Djibouti, Somalia and the Comoros Arab?

No Arab populationโŽ
No native Arabic speakersโŽ

Sudan still spoke native languages at the time of the mahdist war against the British
No they didnโ€™t, Arabic was the main language of Sudan since the Funj Sultanate. Native languages are still spoken at home.

If we had a more Arabphilic leadership most Somalis would be speak Arabic today.
thatโ€™s stupid. The most arabphilic political party in Somali history was the GSL and they were the ones who first pushed for a Somali script.


Frรผher of the Djibouti Ugaasate ๐Ÿ‡ฉ๐Ÿ‡ฏ
No they didnโ€™t, Arabic was the main language of Sudan since the Funj Sultanate. Native languages are still spoken at home.
You idiot native languages are essentially dead in Sudan all they speak is various dialects of Arabic. Not even beja maintained their cushitic tounge nearly a majority of their some-3 million only speak Arabic nowadays
thatโ€™s stupid. The most arabphilic political party in Somali history was the GSL and they were the ones who first pushed for a Somali script.
No, there were talks of making Arabic the official languages of the state in the early years. Af-Somali wasn't used to write things like the constitution until Siad Barre made a standardised Somali language. Before Barre it was all in Italian


Entitled uppity East African
We still have our native culture and our indigenous language our own customs and way of life itโ€™ll never change!!!!!!!!!


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
Why do they always use pics and videos of some west African country to represent us. What makes Djibouti, Somalia and the Comoros Arab?

No Arab populationโŽ
No native Arabic speakersโŽ

Northern Dir clans speak their own dialect of Arabic. No I'm not making this up & I was planning on making a twitter thread on it soon.




