When you’re incredibly rich, like the rich Chinese and Arabs you don’t need to be frugal when it comes to certain luxuries. Somalis simply don’t have a lot of people on that level and their money is spread thin. A Somali wife of a rich man is sharing her man who probably only really has 5 million and is sharing his money with this whole family and his clan are constantly at his doorstep.
A very rich Arab who is the wife of a man with a network of £100 Mill doesn’t need to be frugal. She can live in the best house and wear the best clothes. Rich Khaleeji Arabs too are very polygamous but the men are super rich and each wife will lead a luxury lifestyle. Polygamy doesn’t impact the wealth of wives and kids.
They blow their money away and go bankrupt or in debt in the process.
As much as you concentrate on the ultra wealthy minority Chinese, it only means that the majority are living poor to compensate for the minority luxurious lifestyle.
It's not about not affording, its about retaining wealth and also distributing it not just spending it. This is why Black Americans have a spending power of 1 trillion dollars but lack wealth because they blow their money away

Why Black People Are Top Consumers But Lack Wealth
Marketers want our products to improve the lives of the people who use them. How can we as marketers better support one of our largest consumer populations?
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