Anarchism in Somalia


To be honest ever since the birth of our republic we fought tooth and nail to survive you also forgot to mention the 1960s border war where when we were a fresh nation ethiopia attacked us but we managed to hold them off despite being outgunned.

Yes that's true , i mentioned it at the top of this thread. It made them call in Isreal because of it.

It's ironic how there are people out there try to find fault at Kacaanka for trying to develop the Military to defend our country and think it would had stopped if we didn't initiate the Ogaden liberation war. We need defend ourselves and it is simply wouldn't change the course of things either, they were bent held on invading occupying us and claiming our coast and oppress our people. Like the excerpts i'v shown of Haile Selassie.

Like the regime that took over after Haile Selassie was even worse and more brutal and more extreme. The plan international actors like the US/Soviet had for us is to come under Ethiopia, or be on some subservient alliance with them.

One think I'll say is that we've honestly made it incredibly far . I mean the somali diaspora came went to the west with most of our parents having never went to school in their lives and speaking no English. On top of dealing wut sending moeny to family back home and dealing with all sort of pstd or family members dying. Many of them even spent their early years growing up in the badiyo. Yet 25 years later look how far we've come. We don't appreciate the fact that we played on the ultimate hard mode compared to everybody else. On top of the massive vilification and stereotypes. Somalia are tough people wallahi.

Early Somali migrants to the diaspora went to school and most were from the cities from what i can tell. Both my mom and dad was university educated, so i would imagine most come from the large population clusters in the city. These early ones paved a way for later arrivals to come who was born into lived from the hard situation in Somalia, where they didn't have that privileged upbringing of free public school/education and job oppurtunities.

The hard mode, is actually is leaving all our belongings and generational wealth, capital etc to start a life in foreign country, with foreign language, foreign culture that is hostile to our norms and costums, who's local populous scapegoat non-white migrants, Post 9-11 war on Terror Islamophobia and Targetting, we endured it all to continue to earn money to support those back home and help sustain them.

We are very ressilient people. It mus be our warrior blood that Nidar was talking about
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Although wikipedia is mainly inaccurate this wiki page on the '64 border war seems accurate enough

Also @Idilinaa @Galool See how it is openly stated in the page that during the border war America was backing them 😂
I suspect we thank that Somali archivist for that wiki page, he has been putting out the hard fight against those pro-ethiopian editors when it comes to representing accurate reflection of Somali contemporay history. May Allah reward him.

Whats funny about that it wasn't even a war between them and the Somali government in the beginning, it was a war between them and NasraAllah (The Victory of God) led by Garaad Makhtal . They were getting military aid from the US to combat them and beg them to bail them out, could you imagine that? and they captured most of Ogaden by then.

They only start accusing the Somali government of supporting them, yet they recieved no support but because how they were humiliated by a guerilla liberation group, they couldn't rationalize it any other way. They not only started to attack innocent Somalis outside but also launched an unsuccessful border invasion on Somalia.


Opposite of depressing. To me this proves how awsome Somalis are , could you imagine this being any other country , let alone a country in Africa , if this proxy war and targeted concentrated sustained destabilizing efforts from outside happened to 1 single country . Heck not even Iraq and Syria has this been happening, and held out through human manufactured catastrophes.

After we defeated an Ethopian army twice our size to liberate Ogaden , which took 4 nations to intervene to stop it.(Cuba, Soviet, Yemen, Libya), Somalia defeated the Ethiopian invasion of 1982-83, twarted several ethiopian backed coup attempts while progressing the country in the 70s/80s , defeated an American invasion, reclaimed our land from warlords/insurgents backed by US and Ethiopia (ICU), defeated a US backed Ethopian invasion.

Even after international actors conspired with warlord/insurgent traitors to dump toxic waste and exploit our maritime resources, to muscle out local fishermen they fought them off.

During the scramble for Africa unlike this fake fiction of landlocked Ethiopia defeating colonialists. Somali sultanates and polities defended 3000 km of coastline stretching the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea, as well as around a million km of land against centralized colonial empires with a combined imperial population above 400 million (British, Italians, and French) and all the resources and human capital that came with it. And held out until the 1920s when most African and Asian nations were colonized
This all while repeatedly defeating large european backed Ethiopian armies making several incursions. And all of this without being industrialized like Japan or others.

It's because we were blessed with bountiful strategic geography, resources, and the fact that we try to stay resilient, unapologetically true to who we are as Somalis and Muslims.

They despise that. They wish nothing more to see Somali be diminished and taken advantage of. So all we need to do is stay vigillant , especially to honour those before us.

Even now the illegitimate governments they pose from outside on us and the faux peacekeeping occupiers are taking massive L's to AS , it actually works in our favor at the present moment if Somalis are woken up to take advantage of it, because all AS thrives on is the illegitimacy and non-delivery of the Somali government not because people favor them but because there is no other alternatives , so all you need to do is create an alternative to for people to unite around.