GENETICS Ancient Egyptian G25 results.

New sample. Woman from Thebes Upper Egypt.
New leaks regarding y-DNA.

Old-Middle Kingdom:

J F1826 DER
J F3119 DER
J F3176 DER
J1 CTS1138 DER
J1 PF4659 DER
J1 PF4667 DER
J1 F4320 DER
J1a PF4772 DER

Middle Kingdom (Djehutynakht):

G2a F2529 DER
G2a P15 DER
G2a2a PF3159 DER
G2a2a PF3167 DER
G2a2a PF3168 DER


E1b1b1 CTS3637 DER

E1b1b1 CTS6298 DER

E1b1b1 M5322 DER

E1b1b1 M5360 DER

E1b1b1b2 PF1961 DER

E1b1b1b2 CTS11781 DER
What is Djehutynakht? Is that not 1 person? That G2a is Anatolian farmers invasion. While the J1 could be Semitic incursions maybe?
Studies are often separated. It is funny how there is a study on Djehutynakht's yDNA , a study on Djehutynakht's mtDNA and now a study on his autosome. They are not linked to one another.


I think further information from the published studies will show the context of some samples (I.e. some elites would actually have Western Asian grandparents or something who converted to Egyptian beliefs & took Egyptian identities). I do not believe it suddenly all became Js in the MK. Especially not 11th dynasty Thebans given how they’re plot just next to Naqadas on craniometric PCO. More likely a resurgence of OK-like profile (of course not exactly, but this was revealed by “Kolgeh” in that 2020 Anthrogenica thread to be the case) happened in the NK as a result of Tao and his family’s inevitable rise to power.
From another thread

Here are few coordinates estimated from the triangulation of some genetic distances provided above (using markov-chain process) :
Should be close enough to real values to play with a PCA.
Disclaimer : I copied the distance values manually, extra uncertainty might be generated if I miscopied some numbers (or if for some reasons I don't have exactly the same G25s for ref-modern-pops than the peoples providing the genetic distances).



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Cushite Arab
New leaks regarding y-DNA.

Old-Middle Kingdom:

J F1826 DER
J F3119 DER
J F3176 DER
J1 CTS1138 DER
J1 PF4659 DER
J1 PF4667 DER
J1 F4320 DER
J1a PF4772 DER

Middle Kingdom (Djehutynakht):

G2a F2529 DER
G2a P15 DER
G2a2a PF3159 DER
G2a2a PF3167 DER
G2a2a PF3168 DER


E1b1b1 CTS3637 DER

E1b1b1 CTS6298 DER

E1b1b1 M5322 DER

E1b1b1 M5360 DER

E1b1b1b2 PF1961 DER

E1b1b1b2 CTS11781 DER
This is fake how did G haplogroup magically take over in the middle kingdom? And the old middle kingdom was safe from IEs it's not J fake


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