Andrew Tate exposes his true beliefs


Medical specialist in diagnosing Majeerteentitis
He’s arrogant and no arrogant man will taste the smell of paradise. His arrogance will deter him from seeking knowledge.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
People prade this as a gotcha moment for all the muslims who said give this man time to fix up before we judge him for his actions.

But i think enough time has passed for him to know right and wrong.

Also i seen many of these redpill people when confronted with the question why are you muslim? They never say “i am convinced with the theological arguments the religion displays”. It always some subjective nonsense like “islam is the last religion”. Like tf does that even mean. Does that mean your religious choice is based on the societal condition instead of you trying to find the truth??


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake

Omar del Sur

also I've never been a big instagram user.... but I knew a woman who was a big instagram user who told me how instagram kept having Andrew Tate content pop up in her Instagram feed even though she never interacted with his content.... if Andrew Tate was really this person against "the Matrix" why would social media have been promoting his content???? I believe that Tate is not against the Matrix but that he is part of it.
This really shouldn’t be a gotcha moment as it’s rather sad when you think about it. But let’s not forget the colossal abuse Muslim women who were against Tate faced at the hands of Muslim men who made takfir against them, screamed that they were deviant feminists and the list goes on.

if we’re going to be honest, there is a clear misogyny problem with some men in the Muslim community. They were attracted to Tate’s harmful stances against women and knew deep down that Tate never spoke about the deen with regards to the spiritual side and aqeedah. It was always about women and how he felt Islam treated women.

I blame Muslim men, particularly the Dawah bros who’ve sold this fantasy to redpillers being able to come into deen and get themselves these docile women who’ll jump when they say at the expense of the dignity of Muslimas.

Anyways, If Tate truly believes in Islam, then may Allah strengthen his Iman.
also I've never been a big instagram user.... but I knew a woman who was a big instagram user who told me how instagram kept having Andrew Tate content pop up in her Instagram feed even though she never interacted with his content.... if Andrew Tate was really this person against "the Matrix" why would social media have been promoting his content???? I believe that Tate is not against the Matrix but that he is part of it.
That was always my point which you and many others ignored. How can a man that was trending this much be against the matrix? They banned towards the end because he become too argument and ruffled a few feathers, but when he was at his worst saying the most controversial of things, he was there making millions from his content. How does someone against the matrix makes millions from social media?

Omar del Sur

That was always my point which you and many others ignored. How can a man that was trending this much be against the matrix? They banned towards the end because he become too argument and ruffled a few feathers, but when he was at his worst saying the most controversial of things, he was there making millions from his content. How does someone against the matrix makes millions from social media?

this is me talking about him December last year, seven months ago:

"Something that annoys me is that Andrew Tate is supposed to be some sort of "masculinity coach" and I do not think this is masculinity to be overly obsessed with women like this. I guess people take him as this masculine icon because he has muscles and martial art skills.

But shouldn't there be more to it? I mean for example what if a man is muscular but is overly obsessed with fashion- is this not unmasculine? Or he's muscular and a dayuth for example.

I don't mean anything derogatory towards women but in the Quran women are mentioned with worldly things. This obsession with having four wives, it's like obsession with owning a mansion, or obsession with eating or some other materialistic obsession.

And isn't Andrew Tate supposed to be "anti-the-system"? How is it anti-the-system to promote materialism? He promotes materialism just like "the matrix" as he calls it does.

In the end this is just someone pushing materialism. This materialism, this obsession with dunya is at odds with Islam. He should be quiet and be learning and reshaping his thought to be in line with Islam but instead he continues to push a message that is contrary to Islam."

I've never liked Andrew Tate or been an Andrew Tate supporter or said or believed he was against "the matix".

this is me in November of last year saying I think he's a freemason:

Wallahi I think both Tate and Muhammad Hijab are freemasons. I've seen both of them seem to flash hand signs that made me think this.

I was never for him, I was just in favor of giving him the benefit of doubt when he supposedly converted. I didn't really believe him but I think anyone who says they're a new Muslim is entitled to the benefit of the doubt. I believe this based on a hadith:

Usamah ibn Zayd reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, sent us on an expedition. In the morning we attacked Al-Huraqat of Juhaynah. I caught hold of a man and he said, “There is no God but Allah!” I stabbed him anyway. Then, it occurred to me that I should mention that to the Prophet. The Prophet said, “Did he say ‘there is no God but Allah’ but you killed him?” I said, “O Messenger of Allah, he only said it because he feared the weapon!” The Prophet said, “Did you tear open his heart to know if he meant it or not?” The Prophet continued repeating it to me until I had wished I had not embraced Islam until that day.

Source: Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 96

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Muslim
This really shouldn’t be a gotcha moment as it’s rather sad when you think about it. But let’s not forget the colossal abuse Muslim women who were against Tate faced at the hands of Muslim men who made takfir against them, screamed that they were deviant feminists and the list goes on.

if we’re going to be honest, there is a clear misogyny problem with some men in the Muslim community. They were attracted to Tate’s harmful stances against women and knew deep down that Tate never spoke about the deen with regards to the spiritual side and aqeedah. It was always about women and how he felt Islam treated women.

I blame Muslim men, particularly the Dawah bros who’ve sold this fantasy to redpillers being able to come into deen and get themselves these docile women who’ll jump when they say at the expense of the dignity of Muslimas.

Anyways, If Tate truly believes in Islam, then may Allah strengthen his Iman.
I never defended Andrew Tate, I knew all along something was wrong with this guy and the way he behave towards women, if anything Muslim men need protect their sisters from such men like him.. In other words I don't want this kinda guy near any of my sisters even if he claimed to have become the biggest sheik in earth.
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Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
This really shouldn’t be a gotcha moment as it’s rather sad when you think about it. But let’s not forget the colossal abuse Muslim women who were against Tate faced at the hands of Muslim men who made takfir against them, screamed that they were deviant feminists and the list goes on.

if we’re going to be honest, there is a clear misogyny problem with some men in the Muslim community. They were attracted to Tate’s harmful stances against women and knew deep down that Tate never spoke about the deen with regards to the spiritual side and aqeedah. It was always about women and how he felt Islam treated women.

I blame Muslim men, particularly the Dawah bros who’ve sold this fantasy to redpillers being able to come into deen and get themselves these docile women who’ll jump when they say at the expense of the dignity of Muslimas.

Anyways, If Tate truly believes in Islam, then may Allah strengthen his Iman.
It was not wrong for people to say let him get his shit in order before we judge as he was new to the faith. However enough time has passed for him to know right and wrong. My only fault with the women were they were so eager to berate the man for his past sins and judge him off that.
It was not wrong for people to say let him get his shit in order before we judge as he was new to the faith. However enough time has passed for him to know right and wrong. My only fault with the women were they were so eager to berate the man for his past sins and judge him off that.
It wasn’t past sins. He was literally flaunting his sins in public and was still doing podcasts about committing Zina and being the ‘Lord’. I’m sorry but if a woman who was in corn was still associated with that lifestyle and still creating podcasts about it with no remorse, you’d all be disgusted. It really shows how low standards you lot have for your fellow men.

