Andrew Tate exposes his true beliefs

ah ok, so that must be why all the celebrities do poses with one eye covered... diy acupuncture... nothing to do with anything weird, creepy or satanic... everything is exactly what it seems, social media celebrities are organic, things are just how the media presents them, the vax is safe and effective, freemasonry is just boy scouts for adults, no influential people are Masons, the country my family immigrated from isn't a Masonic dictatorship and when our president yelled "viva la fraternidad universal" (viva the universal fraternity) during the independence celebration and that time he called for a world government- none of that is weird or suspicious, it's perfectly normal

and all these celebrities covering one eye are just doing diy acupuncture

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totally normal... just diy acupuncture... nothing weird or strange

and pious Muslims doing devil horns symbolism... totally normal too... what pious Muslim doesn't throw up the devil horns occasionally? just diy acupuncture

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Shifty the one eyed whisperer is < God.

Analyse the world view you’ve burdened yourself with critically… What a depressing and demoralising position, it robs you of self-accountability and instills and reinforces paranoia and mistrust. “They” don’t rule the world God does.

Omar del Sur

Shifty the one eyed whisperer is < God.

Analyse the world view you’ve burdened yourself with critically, what a depressing and demoralising position, it robs you of self-accountability and instills and reinforces paranoia and mistrust. “They” don’t rule the world God does.

Allah is al rabb, yes.

now give me your explanation for what I presented that is more convincing than simply reaching the simple and straightforward explanation.

Omar del Sur

Wallahi its sad, imagine waking up and thinking a grand conspiracy is keeping you down.

I don't think a grand conspiracy is keeping me down. I don't think whatever Rihanna is up to behind closed doors has a lot of effect on me personally. I don't think I'm going to gain or lose sleep based on whether or not I think Andrew Tate is a mason.

Omar del Sur

The images of Hijab and Dawah are a bit of a reach.

I mean... you're free to think that. I think we'd be better off if society didn't think it was normal and not-suspicious for people to go around flashing those kinds of hand-signs but... it is what it is. myself, I am maybe a superstitious person. If I get married, come home and see some other guy in bed with the wife... I think I might think something's going on. if I see a "Muslim" displaying satanic symbolism, I might raise an eyebrow or two.


Female bias? Or male bias that made you lot put a man like him on a pedestal despite his alarming behaviors? Now that you can’t take accountability, you want to call it female bias.

Take accountability. It’s embarrassing, for all of your nonsense about female bias, at the end we’re right and I hate to say it.

Even men, students of knowledge at that said it how it was, and were attacked by you horrible fanboys.

Lol, you are now calling me Tate Fanboi. The same person who accused Andrew Tate of not knowing Tawheed when he retweeted those shirk tweets. This is the female bias I was speaking of. Not to mention your wild theory of female characters like Tate not being given the same grace if they revert to Islam and behave like him.

You enter Islam by reciting the Shaada, the Shahada is:

"There is no God but Allah"

Acknowledging there is only one Allah is the bare minimum, if he genuinely converted to Islam he knows that.

And this guy is tweeting things like Worship Me.

You can excuse him by saying he doesn't handle his Twitter account but saying things like Worship me and I'm God is blatant Kufri Walaal.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
I mean... you're free to think that. I think we'd be better off if society didn't think it was normal and not-suspicious for people to go around flashing those kinds of hand-signs but... it is what it is. myself, I am maybe a superstitious person. If I get married, come home and see some other guy in bed with the wife... I think I might think something's going on. if I see a "Muslim" displaying satanic symbolism, I might raise an eyebrow or two.
These are popular hand symbols that has diffused all across media many people do it without knowing their meaning. I dont think all those people are secret satan worshippers.

Omar del Sur

These are popular hand symbols that has diffused all across media many people do it without knowing their meaning. I dont think all those people are secret satan worshippers.

I'm ready to change my view immediately. Just give me the more plausible explanation as to why all these people are doing all these gestures. It is just coincidence? They just think it looks stylish?




Allah is al rabb, yes.

now give me your explanation for what I presented that is more convincing than simply reaching the simple and straightforward explanation.
Uttarabodhi Mudra It is believed that it is a great improvement for self-confidence and realizing the inner Self.
Whether its invoking a deity, employing the placebo effect or working on the nervous system is up for debate and if it actually works is another question entirely.

Omar del Sur

Whether its invoking a deity, employing the placebo effect or working on the nervous system is up for debate and if it actually works is another question entirely.

you're still going with the diy acupuncture theory? I can see why there's so much censorship against us crazy conspiracy theorists. we're crazy, we're stupid but for some reason you can't just kindly enlighten me with a more sensible explanation for what I've observed.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
I'm ready to change my view immediately. Just give me the more plausible explanation as to why all these people are doing all these gestures. It is just coincidence? They just think it looks stylish?

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First of all the Erdogan one is a turkic wolf symbol which many turks use as a sign of nationalism
Just goes to show how the lack of information behind these images will make you jump to insane conclusions.

The rest i just assume its a popular symbol.

For example almost everybody celebrates birthdays but very people know a little about their origin. So when i see a popular muslim celebrate his birthday i am not going to assume they are a part of a insane illuminati kabbal of elites,
you're still going with the diy acupuncture theory? I can see why there's so much censorship against us crazy conspiracy theorists. we're crazy, we're stupid but for some reason you can't just kindly enlighten me with a more sensible explanation for what I've observed.
A practice which spans several cultures (a common hindu religious practice) and 1000+ years of history is not sensible. K

Omar del Sur

First of all the Erdogan one is a turkic wolf symbol which many turks use as a sign of nationalism
Just goes to show how the lack of information behind these images will make you jump to insane conclusions.

The rest i just assume its a popular symbol.

it's just funny to me how I'm the tinfoil crazy person- but you and @Yibir_ are doing the logical gymnastics here. it's diy acupuncture, it's Turkish wolf... if I remember correctly, the Turkish wolf thing has to do with some fascism-related ideological current that Erdogan has nothing to do with. anyways, the logical gymnastics is... ok, even if we scratch out the example of Erdogan... we scrach out one case whereas there are countless more examples. so if I'm really this crazy and stupid person us conspiracy theorists are supposed to be, you should be hitting a lot harder than just saying Erdogan is doing the Turkish wolf... your explanation wouldn't even put a dent into what I'm discussing. Texe Marrs had a book called Codex Magica that's like 600 pages of this stuff. and the pages are huge, it's not a regular size book, it's much taller and wider.

For example almost everybody celebrates birthdays but very people know a little about their origin. So when i see a popular muslim celebrate his birthday i am not going to assume they are a part of a insane illuminati kabbal of elites,

this is more logical gymnastics. birthdays is pretty normal and common. i know a lot of people who celebrate birthdays but I don't know anyone who randomly poses with one eye covered and I don't know any hardline "Islamists" who randomly display the devil horns. celebrating birthdays is a lot more normal than some supposed anti-Western leader like Ahmadinejad or Yassir Arafat doing the devil horns thing.


Omar del Sur

A practice which spans several cultures (a common hindu religious practice) and 1000+ years of history is not sensible. K

I didn't know basically every modern famous and influential person (including "Islamist" politicians) is a Hindu.

and anyways, I thought Erdogan was supposed to be doing the Turkish wolf thing. is it Turkish wolf or diy acupuncture????

Omar del Sur

I want to mention. what I have posted is nothing. Altiyan Childs did a video where he's basically doing nothing but showing these kinds of pictures for like five hours. you can even look up old manuals of freemasonry (Duncan's monitor of Freemasonry, for example, which is from the 1800's if I remember right).... and you can do long montages (as Childs does) of famous people- celebrities, politicians, etc. demonstrating the exact Masonic gestures that are directly from Duncan's monitor of Freemasonry... he does this for about five hours... the Texe Marrs book I mentioned is about 600 giant pages.... when you go through all the evidence, you look at it, you study it... it's blatantly obvious that my explanation (these people are freemasons) makes more sense and better fits the evidence than all the lame explanations that have been given here.


Other than the zina, he isn’t really saying things controversial, it’s how you choose to interpret his statements.

