Andrew Tate exposes his true beliefs

It wasn’t past sins. He was literally flaunting his sins in public and was still doing podcasts about committing Zina and being the ‘Lord’. I’m sorry but if a woman who was in corn was still associated with that lifestyle and still creating podcasts about it with no remorse, you’d all be disgusted. It really shows how low standards you lot have for your fellow men.
the issue was never about him converting to Islam, it’s that muslim women aren’t afforded a fraction of the grace andrew tate received while muslim men looked for every excuse in the book to defend his sins.

besides, we judge by what’s apparent in Islam. the man was actively engaging in haram and retweeting shirk tweets from his fans on twitter, he deserved every bit of criticism and flack.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
It wasn’t past sins. He was literally flaunting his sins in public and was still doing podcasts about committing Zina and being the ‘Lord’. I’m sorry but if a woman who was in corn was still associated with that lifestyle and still creating podcasts about it with no remorse, you’d all be disgusted. It really shows how low standards you lot have for your fellow men.
Yeah but people were complaining about his past sins the week he converted. Obviously now that he was a muslim for awhile we can criticise him as he has knowledge of his actions.

If a female Pstar converted to islam and still walked around and acted in a haram manner i would advise her and give her the benifit of the doubt that she is on the path to redemption. However if i saw that same woman 9 months later committing the same sins then it would be okay to criticise her for those sins.

Same thing with Tate.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
the issue was never about him converting to Islam, it’s that muslim women aren’t afforded a fraction of the grace andrew tate received while muslim men looked for every excuse in the book to defend his sins.

besides, we judge by what’s apparent in Islam. the man was actively engaging in haram and retweeting shirk tweets from his fans on twitter, he deserved every bit of criticism and flack.
Not true muslim women are given the same amount of grace when they reunite with the deen.

Obviously there are a large amount of sheepish men who tried to excuse him for his sins.

However the majority of people thought that giving him time to repent and change his actions before we heavily criticise him would be fit.

Enough time has passed so i do think critiquing him for his actions is fair.
Not true muslim women are given the same amount of grace when they reunite with the deen.
you know that’s not true lmao. a woman struggling in her deen is quite literally admonished and scrutinized on social media while there’s so much room for men to make mistakes.

However the majority of people thought that giving him time to repent and change his actions before we heavily criticise him would be fit.
the vast majority of muslim men were giving him excuses claiming husnu-dhan or that islam wipes away all sins to pass off misogyny, fasad and haram. most of the pushback came from people weary of his intentions, that should not be misconstrued as gatekeeping islam or complaining about his past sins. as muslims, we should have more ghayrah for our deen, especially when public figures use religious conversions for political and social influence.

you’re forgetting muslim men celebrated and embraced him with open arms when he first became muslim as if he was what the ummah needed all along. don’t get me wrong, every new muslim should be given grace and space to grow but they practically saw his conversion as some salvation for the muslim ummah, even comparing him to Omar ibn al-khattab (RA).

most if not all of the criticism comes from muslim men placing him on a pedestal no human deserves to be put on. the attitude his muslim fanboys have towards him is shirk.
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Not true muslim women are given the same amount of grace when they reunite with the deen.

Obviously there are a large amount of sheepish men who tried to excuse him for his sins.

However the majority of people thought that giving him time to repent and change his actions before we heavily criticise him would be fit.

Enough time has passed so i do think critiquing him for his actions is fair.
Walal, they put him on a pedestal and glorified him. Even before Tate become Muslim, many Muslim men were following him and looking up to him which is why Dawah men were interviewing him and arguing with Muslim women that critiqued him well before his conversions. He was loved by Muslim men even before his conversion which is why he was able to inspire so much loyalty from Muslim men to such an extent that they were ready to make takfir against their Muslim sisters. The hypocrisy Wallahi was shocking.

This is akin to Muslim women glorifying and looking up to a corn star who says shady stuff and glorifying her without even giving her time to adjust or observe whether she changes her behavior.

Everyday, shady people convert to Islam. From former gangbangers to druggies. But we don’t put them on a pedestal or admire them. We teach them Islam, we don’t allow their past content nor justify or make excuses for their present haram content. We make dua they change and recognize that their past behavior was an issue and that people shouldn’t be swayed by that.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Walal, they put him on a pedestal and glorified him. Even before Tate become Muslim, many Muslim men were following him and looking up to him which is why Dawah men were interviewing him and arguing with Muslim women that critiqued him well before his conversions.

This is akin to Muslim women glorifying and looking up to a corn star who says shady stuff and glorifying her without even giving her time to adjust or observe whether she changes her behavior.

Everyday, Shady people convert to Islam. From former gangbangers to druggies. But we don’t put them on a pedestal or admire them. We teach them Islam, we don’t allow their past content nor justify or make excuses for their present haram content.
Your right they were wrong for that. He said 2/10 statements which were right and people praised him for that and swept all the bad under the rug.

I think most of them wanted to capitalise on his clout.

My only contention was people still critiqued him for his past actions prior to islam and did not give him time to develop.

Obviously now there was plenty of time for him to be a better muslim.

Also muslims should be careful on who they endorse. Islam doesn't need andrew tate, andrew tate needs islam.

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
you know that’s not true lmao. a woman struggling in her deen is quite literally admonished and scrutinized on social media while there’s so much room for men to make mistakes
I agree to a certain extent that there are more scrutiny amongst women who commit sins than men who commit sins.

the vast majority of muslim men were giving him excuses claiming husnu-dhan or that islam wipes away all sins to pass off misogyny, fasad and haram. most of the pushback came from people weary of his intentions, that should not be misconstrued as gatekeeping islam or complaining about his past sins. as muslims, we should have more ghayrah for our deen, especially when public figures use religious conversions for political and social influence.

you’re forgetting muslim men celebrated and embraced him with open arms when he first became muslim as if he was what the ummah needed all along. don’t get me wrong, every new muslim should be given grace and space to grow but they practically saw his conversion as some salvation for the muslim ummah, even comparing him to Omar ibn al-khattab.

most if not all of the criticism comes from muslim men placing him on a pedestal no human deserves to be put on. the attitude his muslim fanboys have towards him is shirk

It is not wrong for people to be skeptical but it is wrong for someone to gate keep the salvation of Allah.

The best response was to congratulate him on entering the deen but also tell him he will need to fix up his views and behaviour towards woman. I believe its wrong to instantly critique a new revert as they haven't gotten accustom to the deen and may have bad habits.

Enough time has past for people to critique him though.

The andrew tate fanboys are cringe and if they do not fix up they will be misguided by him. I admit there was a worrying amount of andrew tate fanboys but what can you expect when so many young men are lost.
Your right they were wrong for that. He said 2/10 statements which were right and people praised him for that and swept all the bad under the rug.

I think most of them wanted to capitalise on his clout.

My only contention was people still critiqued him for his past actions prior to islam and did not give him time to develop.
Let’s be real, if he showed remorse and believed his past actions that were against Islam was wrong and changed his tone, people wouldn’t use it against him. The man was completely the same. No difference. Most reverts have a sense of humbleness and tone down their lifestyle and the very least in public. He knows that drinking is haram, even Gaals no this, he knows that Zina is haram, even non Muslims no this about Muslims, he knows that calling women **** is haram, even decent non Muslims don’t behave like this. Not even gaals call themselves ‘lords’ and say people should treat them like masters. His issues was also so much more than being a new Muslim as decent gaals have enough manners not to behave like this, yet still he was put on a pedestal, championed and Muslim women and even men for that matter as I follow even Islamic students who pointed this out were even harassed and bullied by some crazy Muslim men due to this Islamic students pointing out the obvious.
Obviously now there was plenty of time for him to be a better muslim.

Also muslims should be careful on who they endorse. Islam doesn't need andrew tate, andrew tate needs islam.
We know that, but clearly Dawah men and other Western Muslim men felt they need Tate. Tate was the answer to disgruntled Muslim men who want to shit on women and now they’ve found a Western man who will talk about women like objects to be used and abused and how women need to shut up and who will teach them having many Bugattis and a harem of women is what makes you a real man. Tate is smart and has made them Muslim men feel as though his ideology fits into their Islamic views. Authobillah.

Seriously, I think a lot of Western Muslim women have now woken up to the reality that there is a real issue of misogyny and that some of our men including most notably the Dawah scene are heavily impacted by redpill. There is a real hatred brewing against women in general. From Tate to Ali Dawah inviting a Muslim man who is known to have beaten up both his wives and made one give birth In the living room whilst he chilled upstairs, something is amiss and I’m convinced that some of these Shaytans want to weaken the imaan of women.
@ℑ𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔱 𝔑𝔬𝔪𝔞𝔡 These girls always manage to insert their female bias into every topic, so don't let them get to you.
Female bias? Or male bias that made you lot put a man like him on a pedestal despite his alarming behaviors? Now that you can’t take accountability, you want to call it female bias.

Take accountability. It’s embarrassing, for all of your nonsense about female bias, at the end we’re right and I hate to say it.

Even men, students of knowledge at that said it how it was, and were attacked by you horrible fanboys.
These men are disgruntled and will not conform to the pervasive spirit of the times, rallying behind figures like tate and their vitriolic speech(?) serve as a much needed release valve which is a net-benefit in the preservation of society. Disenfranchised men create revolutions, leave their surrogate fathers alone!

Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
Let’s be real, if he showed remorse and believed his past actions that were against Islam was wrong and changed his tone, people wouldn’t use it against him. The man was completely the same. No difference. Most reverts have a sense of humbleness and tone down their lifestyle and the very least in public. He knows that drinking is haram, even Gaals no this, he knows that Zina is haram, even non Muslims no this about Muslims, he knows that calling women **** is haram, even decent non Muslims don’t behave like this. Not even gaals call themselves ‘lords’ and say people should treat them like masters. His issues was also so much more than being a new Muslim as decent gaals have enough manners not to behave like this, yet still he was put on a pedestal, championed and Muslim women and even men for that matter as I follow even Islamic students who pointed this out were even harassed and bullied by some crazy Muslim men due to this Islamic students pointing out the obvious.
I agree my only point was that the day he converted many people did not give him time to reform, they instantly criticised him for his prior sins.

If a revert still smokes and drinks after reverting to islam but promises to cut down on the sin. I don't think people should hold that sin over his head. However if they still see the man smoking and drinking 9 months later i understand the critique.

Andrew tate has a massive ego and self grandeur which goes against the teachings of Prophet Muhammed(PBUH). He still hasn't really cut down on that trait of his.

We know that, but clearly Dawah men and other Western Muslim men felt they need Tate. Tate was the answer to disgruntled Muslim men who want to shit on women and now they’ve found a Western man who will talk about women like objects to be used and abused and how women need to shut up and who will teach them having many Bugattis and a harem of women is what makes you a real man. Tate is smart and has made them Muslim men feel as though his ideology fits into their Islamic views. Authobillah.

Seriously, I think a lot of Western Muslim women have now woken up to the reality that there is a real issue of misogyny and that some of our men including most notably the Dawah scene are heavily impacted by redpill. There is a real hatred brewing against women in general. From Tate to Ali Dawah inviting a Muslim man who is known to have beaten up both his wives and made one give birth In the living room whilst he chilled upstairs, something is amiss and I’m convinced that some of these Shaytans want to weaken the imaan of women.

Many western young muslim men need a role model so they cling onto who seems the most cool and masculine. The best way to combat this is more positive male role models to be pushed in the algorithms.

Misogyny is profitable. A person who says non controversial opinions would not be boosted in the algorithm like a man who says some hurtful misogynistic stuff. Then that skews women's opinion on men as thats all they see from men online. Also men start to see that and think it normal to have such opinion.

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Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
@Angelina lets make a truce i don't neither of us have the willpower to send full essays back and forth over a slight disagreement on something we agree on the most part.
Tired Monday Morning GIF by Pudgy Penguins

Omar del Sur

The hand signs are mudras, do-it-yourself acupuncture without the needles.

ah ok, so that must be why all the celebrities do poses with one eye covered... diy acupuncture... nothing to do with anything weird, creepy or satanic... everything is exactly what it seems, social media celebrities are organic, things are just how the media presents them, the vax is safe and effective, freemasonry is just boy scouts for adults, no influential people are Masons, the country my family immigrated from isn't a Masonic dictatorship and when our president yelled "viva la fraternidad universal" (viva the universal fraternity) during the independence celebration and that time he called for a world government- none of that is weird or suspicious, it's perfectly normal

and all these celebrities covering one eye are just doing diy acupuncture




totally normal... just diy acupuncture... nothing weird or strange

and pious Muslims doing devil horns symbolism... totally normal too... what pious Muslim doesn't throw up the devil horns occasionally? just diy acupuncture



Internet Nomad

✪͓̽W͓͓̽̽i͓͓̽̽n͓͓̽̽t͓͓̽̽e͓͓̽̽r͓̽ ͓̽A͓͓̽̽r͓͓̽̽c͓̽✪͓̽
ah ok, so that must be why all the celebrities do poses with one eye covered... diy acupuncture... nothing to do with anything weird, creepy or satanic... everything is exactly what it seems, social media celebrities are organic, things are just how the media presents them, the vax is safe and effective, freemasonry is just boy scouts for adults, no influential people are Masons, the country my family immigrated from isn't a Masonic dictatorship and when our president yelled "viva la fraternidad universal" (viva the universal fraternity) during the independence celebration and that time he called for a world government- none of that is weird or suspicious, it's perfectly normal

and all these celebrities covering one eye are just doing diy acupuncture

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View attachment 278798

totally normal... just diy acupuncture... nothing weird or strange

and pious Muslims doing devil horns symbolism... totally normal too... what pious Muslim doesn't throw up the devil horns occasionally? just diy acupuncture

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View attachment 278800
I love schizo posting

