Andrew Tate is BEGGING Authorities to release him so he can take care of his 10 kids.

He is still a criminal, talking to his minions is like talking to the wall. And even if he wasn't and it was all after he (sincerely) converted, Allah swt may forgive you but you still have to pay what you owe. It's not a free for all like y'all make it seem.
Yh and..
Your still backbiting him.
honestly you do gotta side eye men who have a bunch of kids with a bunch of women. What are they hiding?
Suspicious Monkey GIF by MOODMAN


East Africa UNUKA LEH
Most men are s. Its built inside of us. Unfortuantely, Girls have it easier
It's not much of a difference, hardly if you may but women on average are not as promiscuous as men. But that's all excuses though since we are humans and can control ourselves. Falling upon your whims and desires shows your weakness.
It's not much of a difference, hardly if you may but women on average are not as promiscuous as men. But that's all excuses though since we are humans and can control ourselves. Falling upon your whims and desires shows your weakness.
Qeelbax im being honest you would never understand your not a man. Mens hypothamlamus(part of brain which controls sexual desire) is 3x more in men than in women, plus men are much more visually stimulated than women and fed hypersexual stuff froma young age. Refraining yourself from being promiscous for the general man is like telling him he is never allowed to eat food that tastes nice ever again despite the fact he is surrounded by tasty food all day and night and it is advertised to him and easy to accesss
If Mia khalifa tomorrow said I am now Muslim and instead of praying kept on commuting her fasooq and drinking openly would you be riding her hypothetical dick like you are riding this Romanian woman abuser?


Most men are whor3s. Its built inside of us. Unfortunately, Girls have it easier
aha! I knew it! you're a man! I noticed that some of the shit you say is biased towards men. :yousmart:

but anyways, it really doesn't depend on gender. It depends on the amount of drive allah has put in a person. there are men out there that have a lower drive than women. and there are women out there that have higher drive than plenty of men. It case by case. Some people just have great self control :manny:
is he your god or an awliyah that you follow to give you Ajr? Wllhi you are a mentally ill person who needs guidance.
I don't follow andrew tate what are you on about, not only are you slandering and lying about me, and also slandering an lying about andrew tate being a munaafiq, but then You swear by Allah(A person who swears by Allah over small things and things they are not sure of is a sign of a hypocrte and someone who doesn't value Allahs name) that I am a mentally ill person.

You gave me ajr by slandering me, andd talking bad to me and lying about me, thats why i thanked you, you will give me your ajr yawmul qiyama for your lies.
Not only that but now for lying when saying wallahi you have to feed 10 poor people, and if you don't you get more sins, sister/brother this isn't a light issue to be doing, your stepping on thin ice
If Mia khalifa tomorrow said I am now Muslim and instead of praying kept on commuting her fasooq and drinking openly would you be riding her hypothetical dick like you are riding this Romanian woman abuser?
If she converted to Islam I would be happy and her sins would be expiated, I wouldn't expect her to become a great Muslim straight away nor does anyone have the ability to do that, I would be defending her from people who backbite her yes if she was Muslim.

Who said he is a women abuser?
aha! I knew it! you're a man! I noticed that some of the shit you say is biased towards men. :yousmart:

but anyways, it really doesn't depend on gender. It depends on the amount of drive allah has put in a person. there are men out there that have a lower drive than women. and there are women out there that have higher drive than plenty of men. It case by case. Some people just have great self control :manny:
I'm not biased towards men

Nope, a very small amount of men have a small drive, it is an actual fact that men have a higher drive than women in most cases and more weak towards women, there are several verses in the Quran and sunnah about this,a nd modern day science proves this fact, I don't know what you are dispusting with, just because 3% of men have a lower drive than women doesn't negate my first fact that most aka more than 75% have a much higher drive than women


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