I don't follow andrew tate what are you on about, not only are you slandering and lying about me, and also slandering an lying about andrew tate being a munaafiq, but then You swear by Allah(A person who swears by Allah over small things and things they are not sure of is a sign of a hypocrte and someone who doesn't value Allahs name) that I am a mentally ill person.
You gave me ajr by slandering me, andd talking bad to me and lying about me, thats why i thanked you, you will give me your ajr yawmul qiyama for your lies.
Not only that but now for lying when saying wallahi you have to feed 10 poor people, and if you don't you get more sins, sister/brother this isn't a light issue to be doing, your stepping on thin ice
you only become a shiek when you are defending a monger and a pimp, who is publicaly still drinking and running his pimp-prostitution website.
as the Hadith says
Three persons are prevented from entering Paradise (by Allah): The drunk, the one who is disobedient to his parents and the pimp.