Anybody with Somali blood running through they're veins....

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ʜᴀᴄᴋᴇᴅ ᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ
Cushitic sounds badass

Hitler could have coined the term and I'd still use it it's that cool


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Cushitic sounds badass

Hitler could have coined the term and I'd still use it it's that cool

KUSHitic :westbrookswag::westbrookswag::westbrookswag:

giphy (1).gif


Wallahi your arrogance is astounding. Haddi nin Rahanweyne, Garre, iyo adiga laisku keeni lahaa.. I'm pretty sure they would look more Somali than you.

Who's talking about looks?

They can look like whatever. It still doesn't change they are less Somali than the nomadic clans. Hard fact.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
Who's talking about looks?

They can look like whatever. It still doesn't change they are less Somali than the nomadic clans. Hard fact.

Why do you think Af Maay is less intelligible when compared to other Somali dialects? I reckon the Ogaden and Garre thing might be true, I have noticed that the Somalis in K5 are much lighter than other Somalis, whatever their qabiils are.


Why do you think Af Maay is less intelligible when compared to other Somali dialects? I reckon the Ogaden and Garre thing might be true, I have noticed that the Somalis in K5 are much lighter than other Somalis, whatever their qabiils are.

1) It's a divergent dialect.
2) K5 Somalis are not lighter than Somalis from Somalia. They are actually more Sub-Saharan on average than ethnic Somalis from Somalia.
Who's talking about looks?

They can look like whatever. It still doesn't change they are less Somali than the nomadic clans. Hard fact.

Aren't you the one who always goes on about looks?

Less Somali? Lol...and how do you judge that? Rahanweyne intermarry with Mareexaan and Ogadeen. Madow live among us, but inter-marriage is very rare.

They are Somali. Period.


USC | Ururka Bililiqada iyo Kufsiga
1) It's a divergent dialect.
2) K5 Somalis are not lighter than Somalis from Somalia. They are actually more Sub-Saharan on average than ethnic Somalis from Somalia.

When you say sub saharan what do you mean? Geography or Genetics?


Aren't you the one who always goes on about looks?

Less Somali? Lol...and how do you judge that? Rahanweyne intermarry with Mareexaan and Ogadeen. Madow live among us, but inter-marriage is very rare.

They are Somali. Period.

I was talking about their genetics. Not a word on looks.

You are projecting.

And their non-Somali ancestry is mostly South Ethiopian-Omotic, not Bantu. Fact is they are less Somali than other clans.
I was talking about their genetics. Not a word on looks.

You are projecting.

And their non-Somali ancestry is mostly South Ethiopian-Omotic, not Bantu. Fact is they are less Somali than other clans.

Well excuse me, whenever you talk about Somali clans looks play big part in your critique. In this instance though. it's my bad.

So you believe they're closely related to Oromo? Btw, how many D &M genetic results did you see to arrive at that conclusion?

Also, do you look down on pastoralists?
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