Anyone here on anti bidaar meds? I need help [pictures provided, saqajaans]


No i'm not on fin but i'm meeting with my doctor in May to get some. I am on minoxidil currently.
honestly i wouldn't f*ck around with minoxidil. I know its much more safer than the other alternatives but at the same time, I heard depression, fatigue and other health effects occur.

At that point, I would rather shave my head than get those health effects.

Just lift , dress good and rock that bald head. You'll look better in general than most with hair.
honestly i wouldn't f*ck around with minoxidil. I know its much more safer than the other alternatives but at the same time, I heard depression, fatigue and other health effects occur.
All BS i have been on minoxidil for a year and i'm completely fine no side effects what so ever .


All BS i have been on minoxidil for a year and i'm completely fine no side effects what so ever .
Thats good for you man and I'm happy for you, but anecdotal evidence alone isn't enough. Most current research says otherwise.

I mean at the end of the day its OP's decision, but he should be careful.

He should also consult a professional first and foremost. Talk to a dermatologist first OP.
Thats good for you man and I'm happy for you, but anecdotal evidence alone isn't enough. Most current research says otherwise.

I mean at the end of the day its OP's decision, but he should be careful.
Where is this current research of yours. Topical minoxidil is one of the safest drugs out there.


Where is this current resource of yours. Topical minoxidil is one of the safest drugs out there.

"Topical minoxidil has been considered safe; however, some patients experienced side effects after application. The most common side effect of MS is irritant contact dermatitis with the typical symptoms of itching and scaling. The incidence is lower with 2% MS than it is with 5% MS. Allergic contact dermatitis can also occur because of PG or minoxidil itself. A patch test should be performed to determine the causative agents. Although an allergic reaction to minoxidil could occur, it is infrequent. If patients are allergic to PG, the vehicles should be substituted with butylene glycol, glycerin, or polysorbate. Moreover, MF, a PG-free formula, should be prescribed instead and if the reactions persist, then allergy to minoxidil should be suspected. In this scenario, the use of all minoxidil preparations should be discontinued.86

Oral minoxidil is mostly metabolized via the liver by conjugation with glucuronic acid. The metabolized minoxidil is excreted through the kidneys 3–4 hrs after administration, but the vasodilation property may persist for up to 72 hrs.1 Serious adverse effects including sodium and fluid retention, and cardiovascular effects (eg ischemic heart disease, pericardial effusion, and pulmonary hypertension) have been reported with systemically administered minoxidil.12 Sodium and fluid retention causes a rise in body weight and in severe cases, congestive heart failure occurred. This is due to the redistribution of blood flow from the outer to the inner cortex of the kidney as well as plasma-renin activity.1,2 Ischemic heart disease was reported, which might have been due to higher oxygen demand as heart rate and cardiac output increased.4 Pericardial effusion caused by minoxidil occurs around 5% of patients with unknown mechanism.12 Pulmonary hypertension due to increased pulmonary artery pressure and high cardiac output from minoxidil has also been described.12 Other adverse effects include hypertrichosis, occasional pulsating headache, itchy eyes, skin rashes such as bullous eruptions, and polymenorrhea.12,89,90 In our opinion, the benefits of the oral medication are not sufficient to justify exposure to the risk of potential side effects."

Keep in mind this is just one article I found. I can post more if you want. They're all relevant as well (this one was from 2019).

"Topical minoxidil has been considered safe; however, some patients experienced side effects after application. The most common side effect of MS is irritant contact dermatitis with the typical symptoms of itching and scaling. The incidence is lower with 2% MS than it is with 5% MS. Allergic contact dermatitis can also occur because of PG or minoxidil itself. A patch test should be performed to determine the causative agents. Although an allergic reaction to minoxidil could occur, it is infrequent. If patients are allergic to PG, the vehicles should be substituted with butylene glycol, glycerin, or polysorbate. Moreover, MF, a PG-free formula, should be prescribed instead and if the reactions persist, then allergy to minoxidil should be suspected. In this scenario, the use of all minoxidil preparations should be discontinued.86

Oral minoxidil is mostly metabolized via the liver by conjugation with glucuronic acid. The metabolized minoxidil is excreted through the kidneys 3–4 hrs after administration, but the vasodilation property may persist for up to 72 hrs.1 Serious adverse effects including sodium and fluid retention, and cardiovascular effects (eg ischemic heart disease, pericardial effusion, and pulmonary hypertension) have been reported with systemically administered minoxidil.12 Sodium and fluid retention causes a rise in body weight and in severe cases, congestive heart failure occurred. This is due to the redistribution of blood flow from the outer to the inner cortex of the kidney as well as plasma-renin activity.1,2 Ischemic heart disease was reported, which might have been due to higher oxygen demand as heart rate and cardiac output increased.4 Pericardial effusion caused by minoxidil occurs around 5% of patients with unknown mechanism.12 Pulmonary hypertension due to increased pulmonary artery pressure and high cardiac output from minoxidil has also been described.12 Other adverse effects include hypertrichosis, occasional pulsating headache, itchy eyes, skin rashes such as bullous eruptions, and polymenorrhea.12,89,90 In our opinion, the benefits of the oral medication are not sufficient to justify exposure to the risk of potential side effects."

Keep in mind this is just one article I found. I can post more if you want. They're all relevant as well (this one was from 2019).

Itching and scaling lol. Ya topical minoxidil is 100% safe. Oral minoxidil tho i do not recommend without consulting a doctor.


These drugs mess with your Male hormones though, each body is different but destroying your hormones comes with severe consequences
These guys suggesting minoxidil without any consultation are being completely ignorant LOL.


Itching and scaling lol. Ya topical minoxidil is 100% safe. Oral minoxidil tho i do not recommend without consulting a doctor.
Side Effects
  • Acne at site of application.
  • burning of scalp.
  • facial hair growth.
  • increased hair loss.
  • inflammation or soreness at root of hair.
  • reddened skin.
  • swelling of face.

All topical effects.
i advise you don't take any meds without consulting doctors, i heard you can get ed from this and i assume you would feel emasculated with ed more than having a receeding hairline


i advise you don't take any meds without consulting doctors, i heard you can get ed from this and i assume you would feel emasculated with ed more than having a receeding hairline
No man. He should totally listen to the experts on Somalispot!!! Just take Minoxidil and ignore all the potential side effects that can cause long term damage!!!!!!


LOVE is a product of Doqoniimo mixed with lust
Let Them Eat Cake
i have a healthy normal hairline however i have a lot of balding family members including my father who got a bidaar in his 30s so i am on finasteride to prevent that. 1mg 3 days a week. I have been on it for 6 months now and my hair although great before is much more thicker. No side effects whatsoever.

I advice you to jump on it because it looks like youre gonna go bald, your crown is very thin and your hairline is recessed. You can probably regrow your hair on your scalp but your hairline will only stabilize.

Why r u so vain?


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We're just telling OP should consider the side effects and get a consultation. Not listen to strangers and their anecdotes.

Tens of millions of people are using it. I'm sure it's fine if the doctor prescribes it.