Arab and Somali tribes on T-Y16897

@Step a side I don't think all these tests are representative of the general population and they probably do certain groups, for example in the PMC2759955 study Somalia only had 10.4% T. We all know it's much higher unless they didn't exclude Somaliland from Somalia, which could maybe make sense. I don't know the Dir/Somali T population in Somalia.

I would say E-Y16892 is 35% and T is 15%. Other E are 30%. While all the other lineages make up the rest of Somalia.
I would say E-Y16892 is 35% and T is 15%. Other E are 30%. While all the other lineages make up the rest of Somalia.
Isaaq alone was 22% of the Somali republic census, adding Dir which was 7% makes it 29%. Now adding djibouti, somali galbeed and Kenya makes the figure probably around 30-40%.

T is like 25-40% in greater somalia and around 25-30% in the Somali republic which is Somalia and Somaliland combined.
Isaaq alone was 22% of the Somali republic census, adding Dir which was 7% makes it 29%. Now adding djibouti, somali galbeed and Kenya makes the figure probably around 30-40%.

T is like 25-40% in greater somalia and around 25-30% in the Somali republic which is Somalia and Somaliland combined.
So Dir/Isaaq are 40% and Hawiye, Darood, Raxanweyn, Madow weyne, Degodia, Garr, 0.5 etc are 60%? 😂 You serious? And who said all the Isaaq and Dir are T?
E-Z830 is the default proto Semitic marker as of now.
House of Saud members are private but they claim J1. They are irrelevant though. Adan tribes are known to come under the J1-FGC11 cluster including the Hashemites who get the L859 (Quraish) lineage.
What about UAE since you claimed they also belong to a J sub clade right, and where does the house of saud claim J1, not all Adnani have J, there's many with T and some adnanis have other lineages. Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE and Saudi royal family members all got tested positive for T as you saw in FTDNA, that's almost all royals in Arabia. All of those are Adnani tribes except maybe UAE since I don't know if Banu Yas of UAE are adnanis or not. The Jordanian royal family is allegedly J1 due to having a supposed 2 or 1 J1 results that I'm not even sure about. Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE and Saudi none of them are irrelevant.

So Dir/Isaaq are 40% and Hawiye, Darood, Raxanweyn, Madow weyne, Degodia, Garr, 0.5 etc are 60%? 😂 You serious?
29% in Somali republic (somalia plus Somaliland) proven by the census done in the somali republic, and 25-40% in greater Somalia. We may not have a reliable census for greater Somalia. Remember 90% ore more of Somaliland is Isaaq and Dir, 40-50% of Somali galbeed is Isaaq and Dir, Djibouti is 65-70% isaaq and Dir, I don't know about somalia and Kenya percentages.

40% in greater somalia could be a little too high, maybe 35%.
And who said all the Isaaq and Dir are T?

70-90% of Dirs and Isaaqs seems to be T1. Only Habar Awal seems to be predominantly E1b1b with T minority members. Habar Awal E's won't make up more than 20% of isaaq and dir combined, maybe not even 10%. Around 2-8% I'm guessing. Name any other sub clan besides Habar Awal in isaaq and dir that have been tested several times and looks like they are majority non T, there is none.

What about UAE since you claimed they also belong to a J sub clade right, and where does the house of saud claim J1, not all Adnani have J, there's many with T and some adnanis have other lineages. Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE and Saudi royal family members all got tested positive for T as you saw in FTDNA, that's almost all royals in Arabia. The Jordanian royal family is allegedly J1 due to having a supposed 2 or 1 J1 results that I'm not even sure about. Bahrain, Kuwait, UAE and Saudi none of them are irrelevant.

29% in Somali republic (somalia plus Somaliland) proven by the census done in the somali republic, and 25-40% in greater Somalia. We may not have a reliable census for greater Somalia. Remember 90% ore more of Somaliland is Isaaq and Dir, 40-50% of Somali galbeed is Isaaq and Dir, Djibouti is 65-70% isaaq and Dir, I don't know about somalia and Kenya percentages.

40% in greater somalia could be a little too high, maybe 35%.

70-90% of Dirs and Isaaqs seems to be T1. Only Habar Awal seems to be predominantly E1b1b with T minority members. Habar Awal E's won't make up more than 20% of isaaq and dir combined, maybe not even 10%. Around 5-8% I'm guessing. Name any other sub clan besides Habar Awal in isaaq and dir that have been tested several times and looks like they are majority non T, there is none.
Semitic is Afroasiatic and Afroasiatic has origin in NE Africa. E1b1b is known to be the Afroasiatic lineage. While only few T and few J are AfroAsiatic.
-Semitic E-PF1962
- Cushitic E-V32
- Egyptian E-V22
- Berbero-Libyan E-L19
- Omotic E-Y17750
- Chadic E-V5933

In fact the Natufians were E-Z830. During this time J1 and T were still in Zargos and the Iranian plateau. Geuss what? Arabians who carry J1 p58 are mostly Natufian like while other J1 in the caucuses are not.
😂 bro it’s simple. Adnan is J1-FGC11. Yes some tribes do get T, R, G, E that claim Adnan etc but only FGC11 is found accross all the Adnan tribes be they in the city or Bedouin.


Look forget Arab royals. Here is the legendary al AZD tribe family project. They all under Z640 which is the brother of FGC11 🔥

Semitic is Afroasiatic and Afroasiatic has origin in NE Africa. E1b1b is known to be the Afroasiatic lineage. While only few T and few J are AfroAsiatic.
-Semitic E-PF1962
- Cushitic E-V32
- Egyptian E-V22
- Berbero-Libyan E-L19
- Omotic E-Y17750
- Chadic E-V5933

In fact the Natufians were E-Z830. During this time J1 and T were still in Zargos and the Iranian plateau. Geuss what? Arabians who carry J1 p58 are mostly Natufian like while other J1 in the caucuses are not.
😂 bro it’s simple. Adnan is J1-FGC11. Yes some tribes do get T, R, G, E that claim Adnan etc but only FGC11 is found accross all the Adnan tribes be they in the city or Bedouin.

View attachment 278802

Look forget Arab royals. Here is the legendary al AZD tribe family project. They all under Z640 which is the brother of FGC11 🔥

It says:

"Traditionally, the AZD are belong to Qahtan,, Nabet bin Qahtan,, there are many texts explained that the AZD are descended from ( Nabetbin Ishmael ),, now, those texts has been confirmed after the DNA revelation came up, and the worth noting in this regard it is to point out that the "Cohens" (Aron's lineage) which belongs to the prophet ( Ishaq bin Abraham ) are tested positive for the SNP (ZS227) which means that the upstream SNP (YSC234) it's the "Abrahamic SNP", so this leads up to conclude that the (SNP L858) should be another son of Abraham, which certainly is hisson "Ishmael", moreover, the lineage of prophet Mohammad was found under the L858 and it's well known that he belongs to Ishmael,, this is beside that texts we've mentioned above which indicated how the AZD are belonging to the ( Nabet of Ishmael ).."

I may read elsewhere that Azd belong to to ismail as, Allah knows best I have no idea if they're qahtani or adnani. One or more Azd tribe/tribes already matched close to isaaq and dir.

Notice how it says Haaruuns lineage and Ibrahim AS. That page disagrees with you since you think FGC8712 is Abrahams lineage.
It says:

"Traditionally, the AZD are belong to Qahtan,, Nabet bin Qahtan,, there are many texts explained that the AZD are descended from ( Nabetbin Ishmael ),, now, those texts has been confirmed after the DNA revelation came up, and the worth noting in this regard it is to point out that the "Cohens" (Aron's lineage) which belongs to the prophet ( Ishaq bin Abraham ) are tested positive for the SNP (ZS227) which means that the upstream SNP (YSC234) it's the "Abrahamic SNP", so this leads up to conclude that the (SNP L858) should be another son of Abraham, which certainly is hisson "Ishmael", moreover, the lineage of prophet Mohammad was found under the L858 and it's well known that he belongs to Ishmael,, this is beside that texts we've mentioned above which indicated how the AZD are belonging to the ( Nabet of Ishmael ).."

I may read elsewhere that Azd belong to to ismail as, Allah knows best I have no idea if they're qahtani or adnani. One or more Azd tribe/tribes already matched close to isaaq and dir.

Notice how it says Haaruuns lineage and Ibrahim AS. That page disagrees with you since you think FGC8712 is Abrahams lineage.

Nope that’s the 2nd hypothesis they use. It’s clear Azd is from Yemen. In the seerah Aus and Khazraj ( ansaar of medinah) arrived form Yemen and settled with the Jews in Yathrib. The guy on the project is begging to be Ibrahim (as) son 😂 but Z640 has nothing to do with it. Thats strictly within FGC11 notably FGC8712

Even if we follow the pages logic it would still include FGC11 but it would include many other Arabians and Semitic branches thus making Ibrahim really really old. The real Harun (Cohan) is within FGC8712 parallel to the Adnan lineage.


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Interesting that Arabs have sheegtos among them too


سبحان اللهِ وبحمدِه Free Palestine
Rashida are the most isolated Adnanic Arabs, they’re from the Banu Abs branch who moved out west and almost all of them carry J1 and from J1 majority are either J-FGC5418 or J-M267
Rashida are the most isolated Adnanic Arabs, they’re from the Banu Abs branch who moved out west and almost all of them carry J1 and from J1 majority are either J-FGC5418 or J-M267
Correct! They migrated from the Hejaz not that long ago. They fall under the notorious FGC11. Which is the ancestor of J-FGC5418 like you correctly stated.
😂 are you really telling me that T is younger than E-Z830, E-V12, E-V22? T is super ancient compared to these 3 E subclades who outnumber T in Arabia.

What’s the argument about anyways? Are you trying to convince me that Adnan was T? 😂 Face it, J1 is the king pin at 75% of Arabia while T is never above 7%. My prophet belonged to J1 and so do most Jews.
Does that mean any Arabs that as e-z830, e-v12 and E-v22 is from Africa but is assimilated to the Arabian culture?
Not sure about E-Z830 but the latter two are both from E-M78 which has long roots in North Africa.
Is it right to classify it as semetic since that’s where semetic lineage was born .

Also what about this


An Ethiopian Jew got that E-FGC14383 and I checked it and it’s mostly Saudis and Yemenis there . What does it mean ?


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