Arab dude: I want a Somali girl but they go to shisha and are not submissive

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I was in an Arab country for a while and the Arab men kept praising somali and yemeni women for being strong
Wallahi I feel sorry for how some women are treated in some cultures
Not saying there isn't any misogyny in somali culture but compared to others :manny:
I was in an Arab country for a while and the Arab men kept praising somali and yemeni women for being strong
Wallahi I feel sorry for how some women are treated in some cultures
Not saying there isn't any misogyny in somali culture but compared to others :manny:
Arabs especially reer Gulf are a bunch of pedophiles. After being around them most of my life I've learnt it's best to avoid Arab men


Your superior
Better tell him to get his apple ready and get in line, there is a long line of revert brothers looking for fresh opportunities post prison


Arabs are mental. The worst among are the Iraqis, they're just as crazy as you would imagine something as insane and mixed up sounding as something that calls itself an "Iraqi" would be.

North African men though :banderas:


future pirate king
Black women in general are a headache to deal with, you'll be fighting to be the man in the relationship.


Arabs are mental. The worst among are the Iraqis, they're just as crazy as you would imagine something as insane and mixed up sounding as something that calls itself an "Iraqi" would be.

North African men though :banderas:
That's funny because I genuinely respect Iraqis, both men and women. Very stand up and honourable people. From experience I'd even say I respect them more than any other group of people. My siblings and I have/had very close Iraqi friends at some point or another. Even my parents. I absolutely despise SA/UAE people.


That's funny because I genuinely respect Iraqis, both men and women. Very stand up and honourable people. From experience I'd even say I respect them more than any other group of people. My siblings and I have/had very close Iraqi friends at some point or another. Even my parents. I absolutely despise SA/UAE people.
I rate Iraqi Kurds from my experience; they're pleasant and hard-working people. The regular Iraqis I met were mental, but that's anecdotal and I recognize that.


Nine kitaabs on a bookshelf
kulaha they go to shisha spots, who's gonna be submissive to these gossiping ass niggas anyway:draketf:
:) :)

Good luck to the reverts. They are doing Somalis a service.
I remember me and my somali friends saw this somali girl with a reer jamaican and we karbaashed his ass so hard that the next day we saw him with an Madow. I don't play with dat shit
I remember me and my somali friends saw this somali girl with a reer jamaican and we karbaashed his ass so hard that the next day we saw him with an Madow. I don't play with dat shit

I don't take their choice personal enough to get physical with some dude bro. My view is that any individual be they male or female who love being Somali will remain Somali in their choice of partner. I don't fault people who grew up in the west and who have no deep attachment to Somali culture. I can understand their mixed view of life.
In America, keeping your record clean and staying out of violence is more important than a Somali female going out with some dude. My life and progress depend on that clean record.
I don't take their choice personal enough to get physical with some dude bro. My view is that any individual be they male or female who love being Somali will remain Somali in their choice of partner. I don't fault people who grew up in the west and who have no deep attachment to Somali culture. I can understand their mixed view of life.
I guess I can somewhat agree with you
That's fucked up, what's wrong with you
Does it make you more mad that after that she sucked my dick :chrisfreshhah:
In America, keeping your record clean and staying out of violence is more important than a Somali female going out with some dude. My life and progress depend on that clean record.
Those were my Qaxooti days I was a savage back in high school


In America, keeping your record clean and staying out of violence is more important than a Somali female going out with some dude. My life and progress depend on that clean record.
Bit random but are you generally identifiable as Somali in America or do most people (including AA's) assume you're African American until you state otherwise?
Wallahi billahi I'm not joking. She had a thing for strong men so when I whooped his ass she dated me :pachah1:
Bit random but are you generally identifiable as Somali in America or do most people (including AA's) assume you're African American until you state otherwise?

Somalis, Oromo, Habashis, Eritreans can tell. Some African American males who dated Somali women heavily can tell I am Somali. And Whites who dealt with Somalis. Generally in America, if you have dark skin, you are African American at first unless you state otherwise.

We are talking about people who treated anyone with one drop of African blood as Africans even if you had blue eyes.

Look up the concept of "One drop rule" in American race. Too funny.
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