Arab dude: I want a Somali girl but they go to shisha and are not submissive

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Allah I remember as a kid I had light skin kinda and I used to tell people I was white and they'd believe me. I've gotten darker but I can still pull off Italian or something


Somalis, Oromo, Habashis, Eritreans can tell. Some African American males who dated Somali women heavily can tell I am Somali. And Whites who dealt with Somalis. Generally in America, if you have dark skin, you are African American at first unless you state otherwise.

We are talking about people who treated anyone with one drop of African blood as Africans even if you had blue eyes.

Look up the concept of "One drop rule" in American race. Too funny.
I'm familiar with the one drop rule. I was just curious because over here pretty much all ethnic minorities that have had some exposure to Somalis can identify them. Especially in cities with a large Somali communities. It gets tiring tbh, I wish Somalis didn't stick out.
I'm familiar with the one drop rule. I was just curious because over here pretty much all ethnic minorities that have had some exposure to Somalis can identify them. Especially in cities with a large Somali communities. It gets tiring tbh, I wish Somalis didn't stick out.

Well saxib, Somalis stand out before long anywhere they settle in great numbers. In some US states, they joined every branch of state government and all private and health sectors. That leads to local communities becoming familiar with the new invaders. You have Amazon hiring crazy and already the company set up prayer room for the Somalis mainly in recognition of their culture. Somalis have affected the culture and thinking of companies in the States where they settled.

When something bad happens and a Somali is behind it, we hear that too covered in the news, both in print and on TV. Most of these criminals are kids who left the culture and adopted wholeheartedly the gang culture. Somalis who keep their culture become productive member in America. The Somali good outweighs the bad in America luckily.
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