Arab guy on TikTok says Ilhan is not apart of the Muslim community

These hooknosed Arabs won't hold their own kin accountable. Why won't he speak on Sisi letting Yahudis genocide Palestinians? He won't, because these kin don't hold themselves accountable. Typical langaab Arab; anybody who pretends to be 'Ana Arab' needs to get stoned.
This is nonsense. USA foreign policy in the Middle East isn’t going to deviate because of who takes the seat. Pro Israel policy is set in stone. What’s there to wait for?

Stop treating politicians like some Imams, Ilhan claims to represents a myriad of religious, racial and party interests. She never said she was only for the Muslim community. Just lower your expectations of Muslim politicians playing a western system.

I am also weary of any commentary by Muslims who come from anti black cultures when they critique black politicians. They seem to hold black politicians to a different set of standards than Arab and Asian politicians. Ilhan has probably been more radical and vocal about Palestine than many Arab personalities in the West.
This is nonsense. USA foreign policy in the Middle East isn’t going to deviate because of who takes the seat. Pro Israel policy is set in stone. What’s there to wait for?

Stop treating politicians like some Imams, Ilhan claims to represents a myriad of religious, racial and party interests. She never said she was only for the Muslim community. Just lower your expectations of Muslim politicians playing a western system.

I am also weary of any commentary by Muslims who come from anti black cultures when they critique black politicians. They seem to hold black politicians to a different set of standards than Arab and Asian politicians. Ilhan has probably been more radical and vocal about Palestine than many Arab personalities in the West.
Exactly. How about he criticizes the entire Arab League, from Morocco to Egypt to Saudi Arabia?

Ilhan almost got kicked out a few months ago for criticizing Israel. They were calling her antisemitic.


Min Al-Nahr ila Al-Ba7r
These hooknosed Arabs won't hold their own kin accountable. Why won't he speak on Sisi letting Yahudis genocide Palestinians? He won't, because these kin don't hold themselves accountable. Typical langaab Arab; anybody who pretends to be 'Ana Arab' needs to get stoned.

This guy is actually very openly anti-Arab dictators. Also if you look at the TikTok it’s part of a series of his called β€œsell-outs” in which he calls out Muslim figures in the West selling out Palestinians.

Most of the people he called out in that series seem to be Arabs.

I think saying Ilhan isn’t part of the Muslim community is despicable and is a clear dog whistle but let’s research someone before we throw ad hominem.

Or else we’re no better.
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Yall focus on him being Arab , you miss the fair points he is making. Most Muslims are against Biden for his foreign policy in Gaza and rightfully so. So they are questioning her support for his re-election in spite of this , knowing how she has been an outspoken critic of Isreal.

My answer is that she is being pragmatic , fearing that Trump is going to be worse on both the domestic and foreign policy front and that at least with Biden you have some potential to steer him away in a 2nd term.

Or she is just showing loyalty to her party in line with what i said before.
I also don't think she is particularly fearless, it's just so happens that she isn't backed by AIPAC etc and she is being backed by other progressive or liberal leaning donors to chair their positions. She is a democratically elected politician at end of the day and are beholden to their donors and constituency that elected her in. And needs to be loyal to that if she ever wish to be re'elected.
It's part of the reason why i think Muslims or Somalis shouldn't try to appeal to her to voice concerns outside her jurisdiction , it's not much 1 Somali in congress can do. Her stances has no direct influence on US foreign policy direction.

Now that Kamala Harris has replaced him, it gives a new hope for different course on the issue. There is some chirping on how she might be tougher on Isreal, but we will see what happens.
Given Biden refuses to budge on this issue, a Harris candidacy might offer a fresh start for Democrats on Gaza. Remember the headline in Politico from December? β€œKamala Harris pushes White House to be more sympathetic toward Palestinians.” Or the NBC News reporting from March on how Biden’s national security council β€œtoned down parts of her speech” calling for a ceasefire, because the original draft β€œwas harsher on Israel”?

β€œShe is definitely better on Gaza than he is,” a well-connected member of the administration told me a few weeks ago.
After everything she’s done for these people.. I’m so sick of these arabs. She legit got thrown of her foreign affairs because they called her antisemitic. She’s hated by her own party because she’s brave enough to call aipac out. Also notice how he doesn’t highlight the positives she’s done like introducing a bill to stop weapons going to Israel.
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This is a complete disgrace by the way. Saying Ilhan Omar is β€œnot one of us” is just a clear dog whistle in its purest form I had to close the video after that.

If being a part of the US government/Democrat party is considered as being a β€œsellout”, focus your attention onto the actual PALESTINIAN lady who is part of the Democrat party and is still in the US government. Who endorsed Biden literally a MONTH after Gaza attacks started.

I don’t think he understands that Rashida is not a Black woman like Ilhan, Rashida does not wear hijab like Ilhan. Rashida does not have baseless lies spread about her and death threats pinned onto her like Ilhan.She’s literally everything the establishment hate. She’s forced to keep a low profile otherwise #they will end up getting her ousted from Senate.

Somali women constantly get accused of β€œnot supporting” β€œnot being one of us” by gabadh carab. Not only ilhan, but look through halima’s IG comments. Being angry because she lowered her hijab when they have their hair showing in their pfp

If there was some semblance of unity between us this could have been shut down very fast. We have to protect Somali women it’s that simple.

Somalis as a whole have to do double work for the dhegacas to get half the attention. We exist in a space where we somehow are expected to be the standup saviour for Arabic-speaking countries just because we’re β€œdevout Muslims” whilst receiving absolutely nothing back. Cut me out man I’m tired of this one-sided Muslim β€œunity” BS.
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Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
These hooknosed Arabs won't hold their own kin accountable. Why won't he speak on Sisi letting Yahudis genocide Palestinians? He won't, because these kin don't hold themselves accountable. Typical langaab Arab; anybody who pretends to be 'Ana Arab' needs to get stoned.
Ture lol. He won't say shit when his carab brethren gets pushed about by jews. Ilhaan is probably the only mainstream muslim african which has done more for these carab niggas then anyone in the senete
This is a complete disgrace by the way. Saying Ilhan Omar is β€œnot one of us” is just a clear dog whistle in its purest form I had to close the video after that.

If being a part of the US government/Democrat party is considered as being a β€œsellout”, focus your attention onto the actual PALESTINIAN lady who is part of the Democrat party and is still in the US government. Who endorsed Biden literally a MONTH after Gaza attacks started.

I don’t think he understands that Rashida is not a Black woman like Ilhan, Rashida does not wear hijab like Ilhan. Rashida does not have baseless lies spread about her and death threats pinned onto her like Ilhan.She’s literally everything the establishment hate. She’s forced to keep a low profile otherwise #they will end up getting her ousted from Senate.

Somali women constantly get accused of β€œnot supporting” β€œnot being one of us” by gabadh carab. Not only ilhan, but look through halima’s IG comments. Being angry because she lowered her hijab when they have their hair showing in their pfpView attachment 335643

If there was some semblance of unity between us this could have been shut down very fast. We have to protect Somali women it’s that simple.

Somalis as a whole have to do double work for the dhegacas to get half the attention. We exist in a space where we somehow are expected to be the standup saviour for Arabic-speaking countries just because we’re β€œdevout Muslims” whilst receiving absolutely nothing back. Cut me out man I’m tired of this one-sided Muslim β€œunity” BS.
I wish I could like this many times. Couldn’t have said it any better.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
He’s right
what have these arabs done for palestinians :deadpeter:
His country of egypt with nearly 200 million people are doing nothing but eating falefel while kids are getting massacared. Why doesnt he level the same accusations against his own people lol


Ilhan Omar has done the most a US politician can do for Palestine. On the other hand, your Arab leaders have done the least they can do for Palestine.

Attacking Ilhan Omar, a single western politician, for not being a superhero? Your Arab leaders can’t even do the bare minimum.

She is a democrat at the end of the day, and must fall in line at this stage.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Ilhan Omar has done the most a US politician can do for Palestine. On the other hand, your Arab leaders have done the least they can do for Palestine.

Attacking Ilhan Omar, a single western politician, for not being a superhero? Your Arab leaders can’t even do the bare minimum.

She is a democrat at the end of the day, and will be punished for not falling in line at this stage. And for what gain? Will Palestine be freed?
a collective population of 700 million doing jack shit while their race gets wiped out but have the neck to go after a somali for endorsing a nigga from her own party :deadpeter:


a collective population of 700 million doing jack shit while their race gets wiped out but have the neck to go after a somali for endorsing a nigga from her own party :deadpeter:
Nothing is gained from not endorsing her own party, will palestine be an inch closer to being freed?

She will be trade her support, for future policy concessions that the party will pass.
what have these arabs done for palestinians :deadpeter:
His country of egypt with nearly 200 million people are doing nothing but eating falefel while kids are getting massacared. Why doesnt he level the same accusations against his own people lol
Speaking of Arabs what have Somalis who are Arab as well done for Palestinians? Nothing.


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Speaking of Arabs what have Somalis who are Arab as well done for Palestinians? Nothing.
we aint carabs lol. Carabs went from conquring persia in 2 days to now being langaab pussies. We are not arabs, never were. Carabs only imported al shabab iyo khawarij. The are 700 million but cant even fend off or protect their own dignity from 6 million joos

