Arab Muslims in Michigan endorse trump

Skin bleaching is actually way more common in Nigeria. 77% of their women bleach. It's something that happens all over the continent. I've lived in a few Somali cities. All imams of all mosques I've been to were Somalis. How can Somalis be anti African when we are Africans ourselves? Bantus aren't the only Africans nor do they own this continent. Dhulkeena marti kuma nihin, midabkeena iyaga xikir uma ahan. I'd like to know how exactly somalis seek validation from Arabs when often times we don't even understand each other. And who's we oromo. You were speaking in 3rd person
This guys another dusty Orom?
We are racist to Arabs too. What is wrong with pride in your nation? Arabs should be more racist like Turks, they’re too weak and accepting now.