Arab propaganda documentary on Somalia claims Mogadishu is an Arab founded city


I came across this video , mind that my Arabic is very basic but I understand it to some extent. I'll ask Arab speakers to confirm if I understood this correctly :
An Arab news channel reports on Somalia and it's Arab population including Syrian refugees , the Arab propaganda "journalist" freely roam in Xamarweyne and Shingaani districts interviewing Reer Xamar "Cad Cads" who claim they are arab and that they founded Mogadishu, the entire thing reeks of anti somali arab propaganda and they directly or indirectly deny any somali contribution to the development of Mogadishu's old town. If you see my post in the history section you'll realize that I'm a balanced history enthusiast so I never deny Arab influence in medieval somalia because it's a fact but I stand with most modern scholarship that considers the development of Mogadishu as a joint venture between Somalis and Arab migrants who eventually got assimilated by us. The Reer Xamar in the video show incredible arrogance and disloyalty to the country by trying to act cool with these Arab foreigners who did the report, the funny thing is that the Reer Xamar themselves who are begging Arabs to notice them are speaking in Somali (cause they don't know Arabic) or broken Arabic. Some of these people are recent Yemeni immigrants, If somalis ever dared to act funny in Yemen we would have been exterminated. The difference in treatment is stunning, Yemenis and Syrians are treated as locals in Somalia but Somalis in the Arab world were treated and are still treated like trash.

Highlights the Arab anti somali propaganda gets heavy from minute 17:00 , at minute 22.43 a benadiris Arab looking man claims they are the original people of Xamar and that somalis are forcing them to become Somali and black

I don't believe in conspiracy theories but I think Arab countries may have an agenda to deny and distort Somali history and culture in order tu further divide us , they want us to become like the Berber northafricans or the Sudanis whom they conquered and arabized by force or by deceiving. As somalis we have many bad traits but we also have a good heart, we have treated Arab Yemenis (both old and recent migrants) and syrians better than they have treated us in their countries and yet the Arab media is portraying us as guests and invaders in our own country. Arabs love to complain about afrocentrism and many somalis on this forum follow them , but why aren't we talking about arabo centric propaganda trying to falsify our history.?


I ask again Arab fluent speakers to confirm if I understood the general sense of the documentary especially the highlights that I mentioned, my arabic is very basic but the more I learn this language the more I'm able to understand the double faced anti Somali agenda from Arab governments against our people


Cast in the name of God Ye not Guilty
Langaabs :pachah1:
Xamar would've looked like aleppo 12 minutes into its founding if it was run by arabs
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"You have Black skin but white and pure hearts"

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What a Backhanded comment why do they fixate on skin colour so much seriously ?

Asians are Cadaan wannabes, they aspire to Whiteness. Black skin is dirt or a curse in their eyes. They find people like Somalis perplexing, well, proud Somalis of old, who were darkskinned AND proud.

I don't care what skin colour you are as a Somali, we must ride for all our skintones, and never accept such disrespect.
I mean they are not lying. If you look at the oldest buildings in Xamar they were built by Arabs who have know been assimilated as Reer Xamar/Banaadiri.

Somalis traded with the ancient world, thousands of years before you Asian migrants stepped foot on our shores.
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