Somalia is located in the Horn of Africa (Somalia, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Eritrea,), a historic site for human migrations into either direction of Africa or Eurasia10,11,12,13. Rock art paintings in multiple sites of Northern Somalia show Neolithic human activities in this part of East Africa14,15. Later Himyarite and Sabaean inscriptions found in the same Somali region suggest existence of socio-cultural mingling with the ancient Axumite-South Arabian sphere15. Due to the geographic location of Somalia, the Somalis have both African and non-African ancestries12,13,16,17.It's not Sabaean but most likely the result of intra-Horn mixing and comes from Xabashis ultimately and it's only 5-10%. Either that or it's not even actually Arabian but is ancient Egyptian ancestry that came from Nubia with things like farming, the plough and other innovations into the Horn around 2000BCE with Y-DNA E-Z813 because some runs where both Ancient Egyptian and Yemeni samples are used show the Somalis showing AE ancestry but no Yemeni ancestry while the Yemeni ancestry in Xabashis and other Horners is depressed in favor of some AE ancestry. Either way, ancient Ethiosemitic and AE ancestry is not "Arab".