Garaad diinle
They do indeed speak a dialect of their own but it's an arbore like language.Don't daasanach speak their own dialect? or a 500 year old Arbore language that grew apart?
Further more they are nilotic in origin. I suspect that they were in the first nilotic wave
who tried to fight the arbore but eventually got incorporated into the arbore and followed them
to what is today ethiopia when the arbore fled but i'm just guess at this point.
How much do u know ab Somaloids nilotic interaction? Somaloids in Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania is crazy
It's not that they are somaloid rather they are nilotic people that absorbed somaloid people.
They don't strictly speak a somaloid language like the arbore but just like the kalenjin they
have somaloid loans such as toban meaning ten and so on. It could very well be that an ancient somaloid or a somali like people lived in uganda but i dont know. The baz language vocabulary looks somaloid. I'm sure they lived in tanzania. South cushitic place in the cushitic language tree is contested because it appears to have lowland east cushitic components, maybe it was introduced by somaloid people.
That's what they say and it likely have some truth to it. They even have a somali clan name despite living close to tanzanian borders. I thing i had a link laying around talking about it. These garre sure is found everywhereWaSegju are Somaloid? I knew they had a very close relationship with Katwa, but being of Somaloid origin is shocking
I don't know the man simply called them hawiya that fled somalia because of an arab man called ajuran or something. I do have the book somewhere so i'll try to uppdate when i find it.Scource? What kind of Somali were they speaking? Af-karre? I remember talking to a guy with NFD Ajuraan reer abtis who said that they used to speak a rendille like dialect until recently. Kenya seems to have been a very interesting area
Yeah i think there were two of them. One lives with the rendille and another lives in lamu archipelago and speak swahili.Nilotified Tunnis in Kenya?
Yeah, even the later Daroods who kicked out Orma knew too; Madanle -> Garre & a unkown group known as Batira -> Orma -> Darood
I once watched i video about a warday cali saying that his is native to jubaland ever since they
deafeted the madale and when asked about it he was silent. Batira? Could it just be bartire i know they live in jubaland today.