@Hassan mahat the Dr Osman supports you. Why would I support an idealogy that promotes and says this 'comes first and is the law' of the land and all answers must be found thru this methodology.
When Secularism clearly says the answers to life comes from our brains not 'faith or praying'
I know where I am fighting for. I ain't sitting nowhere near that arab culture. I lost all respect for them when I see no evidence of their 'success', haday jidka xaqqa ku socodan, why are they failing worldwide? That is why I left Islam, I threw out. I feel so liberated sxb, no more trying to please people or using boring ass prayers and rituals that never changes a damn thing.
It's two different approaches to life and outlook and they are not compatible. Brain vs Faith weeye, you either choose one, u can't mishmash the two and create a mushakal. I will never believe in anything untill I see 'proof' sxb, and I hope your the same. I doubt a god would exist that teaches u to follow what u hear and obey it, that's 'man made' for sure.
When Secularism clearly says the answers to life comes from our brains not 'faith or praying'

I know where I am fighting for. I ain't sitting nowhere near that arab culture. I lost all respect for them when I see no evidence of their 'success', haday jidka xaqqa ku socodan, why are they failing worldwide? That is why I left Islam, I threw out. I feel so liberated sxb, no more trying to please people or using boring ass prayers and rituals that never changes a damn thing.
It's two different approaches to life and outlook and they are not compatible. Brain vs Faith weeye, you either choose one, u can't mishmash the two and create a mushakal. I will never believe in anything untill I see 'proof' sxb, and I hope your the same. I doubt a god would exist that teaches u to follow what u hear and obey it, that's 'man made' for sure.