Arabization is the worst that happened to Somalis

Those girl or woman are wearing cabaret not hijab that is Arab word and second the Arab female cloth is Arab culture design by Arab like I said everything doesn't have to sound Arabic nor look Arab in order to Muslim and I agree with that th letter shoulders display

Hijab is any attire that covers your awra. Those girls are wearing hijab.
Hijab doesn't have to be black or Arab attire. I thought that was the whole point of your post?

Also, its funny that you anti Arabization people have no problem with the baati/diraac which is also Arab in origin.
Hijab is any attire that covers your awra. Those girls are wearing hijab.
Hijab doesn't have to be black or Arab attire. I thought that was the whole point of your post?

Also, its funny that you anti Arabization people have no problem with the baati/diraac which is also Arab in origin.
Well any attire thy cover the private parts doesn't have to be pronounce Arabic in Somali language the attire to over private parts is called gabardine everything doesn't to be arabic
And give proof that Dirac and baati are Arabic cloths
Few pics can't tell much about the whole society in the past, this one of them problems of not recording your history. Women in Somalis dressed differently according to their location.
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In my opinion, the more reer badiyo and consistently moving the more she wore less clothes, or the dressed was only one long piece of fabric wrapped on the body
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Apart from the first one, none of those pictures are Islamically acceptable attire. Also, note that the one pic that one is actually wearing gabaasar is that of an old woman. I'm not a historian, but it seems mostly older women would wear gabaasar and unmarried women often not cover their hair at all.

Majority of the pictures i've seen online of Somalis of the past were mostly northerners. Yet, my gran in her youth who is from the South dressed no differently. However, in saying that there was a proper difference between city people and Bedouin people. City women were often influenced by Arab fashion and wore diraac and Bati a lot earlier than Reer Miiy people.


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
I didn't say someone can't learn Arabic all I said is don't use Islam to say ppl should speak Arabic in daily live and make it in Somalia as second language and also to use for economics and in public school and in government the system and have Arabic and Arab culture and cloth
That is what I am against not someone who want it to learn what the reason may be
Who said "People SHOULD SPEAK ARABIC"?! I don't know where you get your news from but no one is obligated to learn Arabic in our country nor does the educators make it a necessity.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The cultural custom was different back then. Head covering denoted she was married/off the market. Girls normally showed their hair until such time.

I don't think Arabization is occurring just because some historically and genetically ignorant people consider themselves Arab. :lol: Somalis are still largely Somali. So I don't see Arabization just because clothes are more conservative.

Also, of all the Somali inhabited regions Djibouti is probably the most liberal in attire to this day.

Apart from the first one, none of those pictures are Islamically acceptable attire. Also, note that the one pic that one is actually wearing gabaasar is that of an old woman. I'm not a historian, but it seems mostly older women would wear gabaasar and unmarried women often not cover their hair at all.

Majority of the pictures i've seen online of Somalis of the past were mostly northerners. Yet, my gran in her youth who is from the South dressed no differently. However, in saying that there was a proper difference between city people and Bedouin people. City women were often influenced by Arab fashion and wore diraac and Bati a lot earlier than Reer Miiy people.
Can I have proof that Dirac and bastion is arab
Few pics can't tell much about the whole society in the past, this one of them problems of not recording your history. Women in Somalis dressed differently according to their location.
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In my opinion, the more reer badiyo and consistently moving the more she wore less clothes, or the dressed was only one long piece of fabric wrapped on the body
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Bro this people reason like the iranians in exile, the show pictures of their women in mini skirts and they equate that as being free and evolved as people, when in reality they during that time 90% of the people was poor as hellπŸ˜… i hate this people with a passionπŸ˜… we have our own culture, customs, language and land, we dont intermarry with the arabs that much they hold no power in our goverments or own land, so how again are we being turned into arabsπŸ€”
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Well any attire thy cover the private parts doesn't have to be pronounce Arabic in Somali language the attire to over private parts is called gabardine everything doesn't to be arabic
And give proof that Dirac and baati are Arabic cloths

We are Muslim and Quraan and hadiths use the words Jilbaab and hijab. So lets not be extreme in rejecting everything Arab because it's going to get to a point where you will start to reject parts of the deen due to Arabization. The Quraan is in Arabic, the hadiths are in Arabic and our beloved Prophet s.a.w spoke Arabic.
Who said "People SHOULD SPEAK ARABIC"?! I don't know where you get your news from but no one is obligated to learn Arabic in our country nor does the educators make it a necessity.
Well according to a lot Somalis in Somali and in West or Middle East Somalis want to be that way cuzco of islam
Bro this people reason like the iranians in exile, the show pictures of their women in mini skirts and they equate that as being free and evolved as people, when in reality they during that time 90% of the people was poor as hellπŸ˜… i hate this People with a passionπŸ˜… we have our own culture, customs, language and land, we dont intermarry with the arabs that much they hold no power in our goverments or own land, so how again are being turned into arabsπŸ€”
Stop lying Arabs and EU and Ethiopia and Kenya and Britain and turk ruled and colonies Somalis in the past and present and Arabs and I thinkbarabs and turk will colonies somalis in future or China or American or eu
The cultural custom was different back then. Head covering denoted she was married/off the market. Girls normally showed their hair until such time.

I don't think Arabization is occurring just because some historically and genetically ignorant people consider themselves Arab. :lol:

Also, of all the Somali inhabited regions Djibouti is probably the most liberal in attire.

View attachment 152147
True but every culture in the world changes, somali men used to walk around with spears and a feather in their hair which said that they had killed someone in a battle, and in Kirgizistan the unmarried men used to kidnapp the women and marry them is their custom, nothing stays the same. And of you look at our generation in the west many walk around with mini skirts and cleavege showing, so again things change.
Well according to a lot Somalis in Somali and in West or Middle East Somalis want to be that way cuzco of islam
Your lying sxb, you probably have never been to Somalia, and probably never spoken to one living thereπŸ˜… we dont eat like them, speak like them,dance like them, recite poems as them ciyaarta naga dhaaf abtiπŸ˜’
Can I have proof that Dirac and bastion is arab

It's either a case of they influenced us or we Influenced them.

Khaleeji and Yemeni Arab women wear clothing similar to baatis, mostly long sleeve. I know Yemenis wear diraac as well. They wear it to this day, but mostly at home.

I reckon its them that influenced us as reer miiy who didn't have much contact with Arabs never wore batis or diraacs. Only city Somalis who traded with the Arabs did. Women in the city have probably wore batis or clothing similar to Batis for more than 100 years. However, batis only became mainstream for all Somalis in the last 70-60 years.
It's either a case of they influenced us or we Influenced them.

Khaleeji and Yemeni Arab women wear clothing similar to baatis, mostly long sleeve. I know Yemenis wear diraac as well. They wear it to this day, but mostly at home.

I reckon its them that influenced us as reer miiy who didn't have much contact with Arabs never wore batis or diraacs. Only city Somalis who traded with the Arabs did. Women in the city have probably wore batis or clothing similar to Batis for more than 100 years. However, batis only became mainstream for all Somalis in the last 70-60 years.
That is not proof


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