Are there a lot of childless Somali men that married single moms?

Yep I knew it. .

We both know that you wouldn’t like it if divorced men with kids were treated like the plague. Is it desperate when divorced men with kids are able to marry single never married women?

Men not having an issue with a divorced woman with kids doesn’t mean they have limited options. Any man can get a single woman the same way when women marry men who had kids aren’t also desperate. Have you heard of love? Having a lot in common ect? Why do we have rich men who have more options like you, like Ben affleck and like that guy who owns Amazon ect who are worth a shit tonne of money with single mothers?

Why does the idea that our culture is egalitarian when it comes to men and women being able to move on and find love again an issue? Do you think Single mothers need to live a life of being condemned for the rest of their lives?

You can have your preferences and not want one but for you to have issues with women moving on and finding love again is sickening and it’s funny it’s always aimed at women. This sort of mentality is a way in which women end up in abusive marriages. You’ll look down on a woman being divorced hence what happens is that cultures in the men like you think like you create societies in which women can’t leave bad and abusive marriages since YOU think these women’s value goes down.
The redpill has infected many young Muslim men
Within the Somali American diaspora, I think the practice of getting divorced then married several times over is dying out. Not a single one of my old University friends married a divorcee/single mom either.

For me, I'd never marry a single mom/divorcee. I don't have kids and I've never been married, I'll have the same exact expectations of her.
I think nowadays it’s mostly freshies who are marrying Single moms
Within the Somali American diaspora, I think the practice of getting divorced then married several times over is dying out. Not a single one of my old University friends married a divorcee/single mom either.

For me, I'd never marry a single mom/divorcee. I don't have kids and I've never been married, I'll have the same exact expectations of her.


Plotting world domination
Never seen a Somali guy actively raise other kids

Bro I don't think any of these men particularly the fobs have any interest in actually raising the kids. They're just there for the wife. I feel bad for some of these kids because a lot of them actually need a decent father figure. The men coming into their lives won't fulfill that role.


Bro I don't think any of these men particularly the fobs have any interest in actually raising the kids. They're just there for the wife. I feel bad for some of these kids because a lot of them actually need a decent father figure. The men coming into their lives won't fulfill that role.
plenty of them marry a xalimo in the west and then divorce her after getting their paperwork sorted. happened too many times.
Idiotic Somali males who copy Hindi and Arab men, don't even realise that they created the single mother and widow crisis to begin with. You can't start a clan war over a water well, and leave 50 widows behind in one day, and then leave them to fend for themselves first of all. That's why Somalis do/did Dumaal; to provide for all the single mother widows left behind. But some of you have adopted Hindi/Arab culture like fatherless weirdos, and don't realise this.

Secondly, let's keep it real, a lot of Somali women are beautiful, and a lot of men don't lower their gaze, so they will lust, hence the pursuit of single mothers.

Final, most offensive part of pretending to look down on single mothers; your Prophet SAW married multiple single mothers, his first wife, Khadijah (AS) had 2 former husbands and children when they get married. I don't know why you losers think you are above the Prophet SAW, in fact, I should stay silent whilst you continue in this arrogant mindset and watch you get a first class ticket to hellfire.

Khadijah had two husbands, Abu Halah Tamimi by whom she had a son named Hind bin Abu Halah, and Atiq bin Aidh Makhzumi, by whom she had a daughter named Hind.

I also think some of you don't want a woman that isn't a virgin, because you are insecure about your manhood, and have a c0rn fried brain, but that's a topic for another day.

If they gave other reasons; such as 'why is she divorced' and 'I don't want ex husband drama' etc, that's totally valid. But these are not the reasons being used.
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that tweet makes Somali niggas seem hella desperate smh 😂😂🤦‍♂️ I’m glad most younger diaspora dudes don’t do that shit

By your line of thinking, the Prophet SAW was 'hella desperate', soo maaha.
If you are not confident about your manhood, just say that.

The only time these bozos speak positively about Somali culture is when they want to portray Somali men as single mother loving losers.

Guess who else would be a 'single mother loving loser', according to your insecure little mind?

I have no issue with people's preferences of not wanting to deal with divorced people, and people with children, unless they are the same, but to call it 'desperate' and other offensive words, is outrageous when the Prophet SAW married single mothers and widows. Waa edab darantihiin.
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This is what I mean when I say UK and some Western Somali men have been influenced by Timo jelec Western men. The fact that historically we never looked down on Somali single mothers is source of embarrassment to them. Other forms of misogyny that Somali women face isn’t enough, they also want to add the stigma of looking down on women whose marriages didn’t work.

They do copy Asian and Hindi men, and combine that with the lowering levels of Testosterone, c0rn fried brains, and here we have the mind of the diaspora misogynist. Weak minds and weak backs. Walahi my theory is, a lot of their issues with single mothers, and divorcees, is that their brains are c0rn fried and they are not confident in their manhood. Their revulsion for women that aren't virgins, is very telling. They worship Dawah bros, but haven't read the Seerah.
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She’s not exactly lying. I’m happy that Somali culture doesn’t stigmatize divorcees and widows. This probably has a lot to do with our nomadic roots, which often emphasize community support. However, I can’t help finding these kinds of tweets tone-deaf
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She’s not exactly lying. I’m happy that Somali culture doesn’t stigmatize divorcees and widows. This probably has a lot to do with our nomadic roots, which often emphasize community support. However, I can’t help finding these kinds of tweets tone-deaf

Somali nomads, created the large population of widows with their incessant clan wars. It's their own fault. Plus, back home, marriage is like dating, by the time a good number of them are in their 20s, they have had 2 spouses. You should all go back home, and see how many divorced people are in their 20s. Nobody cares back home. Stop trying to import insecure Asian men culture, do you not have fathers, male relatives to emulate.


Plotting world domination
Somali nomads, created the large population of widows with their incessant clan wars. It's their own fault. Plus, back home, marriage is like dating, by the time a good number of them are in their 20s, they have had 2 spouses. You should all go back home, and see how many divorced people are in their 20s. Nobody cares back home. Stop trying to import insecure Asian men culture, do you not have fathers, male relatives to emulate.
Were westerns.

None of the guys on here have been divorced. Expecting most of these men to be cool with dating single moms is dumb since they haven't even tried to date yet.

The average age of marriage for men is 27 years old currently in America. At least 90% of these guys won't be checking for single moms once they're financially stable. The divorcees and single moms within our generation in the West will have to wait a bit longer for eligible Somali prospects. Like mid 30s to 40s when a fresh batch of divorced and single fathers enter the dating scene.

You can't blame this on Arab an Asian influence. This is part of western culture. Most men that wait until their financially stable to get married aren't dating single moms.
Were westerns.

None of the guys on here have been divorced. Expecting most of these men to be cool with dating single moms is dumb since they haven't even tried to date yet.

The average age of marriage for men is 27 years old currently in America. At least 90% of these guys won't be checking for single moms once they're financially stable. The divorcees and single moms within our generation in the West will have to wait a bit longer for eligible Somali prospects. Like mid 30s to 40s when a fresh batch of divorced and single fathers enter the dating scene.

You can't blame this on Arab an Asian influence. This is part of western culture. Most men that wait until their financially stable to get married aren't dating single moms.

I maintained that I have no issue with people not wanting to marry single parents or widows, if they have normal logical reasons. But to look down on them or call it 'disgusting' is egregious. If these guys haven't gotten married yet, and I've seen some of their posts, I don't think they should discount divorce with their nasty attitudes. It would be smarter for them to have a humble mouth.
Were westerns.
None of the guys on here have been divorced. Expecting most of these men to be cool with dating single moms is dumb since they haven't even tried to date yet.

The average age of marriage for men is 27 years old currently in America. At least 90% of these guys won't be checking for single moms once they're financially stable. The divorcees and single moms within our generation in the West will have to wait a bit longer for eligible Somali prospects. Like mid 30s to 40s when a fresh batch of divorced and single fathers enter the dating scene.

You can't blame this on Arab an Asian influence. This is part of western culture. Most men that wait until their financially stable to get married aren't dating single moms.
Hey, the Arab and Asian influence we’re talking about which I’ve explained is based on attitudes. Us women have also become more conservative about dating divorced men with kids. Before I married I wasn’t checking for them at all and my family wouldn’t have felt comfortable. I believe as a man who has never married, you’re well within your rights to not want to be with a divorced woman.

What’s the issue, is the degradation, the insults, the lowkey put down of men who are okay with single mothers.

Why can’t single mothers be offered the same respect as single fathers? Do we women talk about them? Put them down? Mock our friends or other women for being with them?

The issue is that collectively Western Muslim men are trying to create a culture in which single mothers are social pariahs, not worthy or respect or love.

Also, this is motivated by a lot of frustrated men’s lack of access to women. We live in a world in which women are marring later and many aren’t sticking around to stay in abusive/unhappy marriages. The hatred of single mothers stems from this as well. In today’s current climate, if you mess around, a woman would happily leave you and these men hate that and what better way to make a woman suffer by rejoicing in her supposed lower value?
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Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
"if that’s ‘sus to you, you then look within and see why. Clearly deep down you look down on single mothers."

Yeah pretty much. Now I'm not going to hop on random platforms just to dunk on single moms for no reason. I don't hate them.

I'm pretty westernized so Arabs and Asian people didn't influence my views on single moms. I just consider it a desperate move for a guy with no kids to marry one.

I also never liked this reputation we had. If we have a bunch of Somali men in the West that married single moms that means they're dating prospects were already horrible. If single moms are the best prospects in your current dating pool than you fucked up somewhere in the past.
people divorce it's normal shit, instead of fixing singel motherhoodcrisis by helping them remary u niggas are ruining it by stigmazation it and making them impossible for them to remarry thus having more fucked up fatherless kids, if so then u low iq
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people divorce it's normal shit, instead of fixing singel motherhoodcrisis by helping them remary u niggas are ruining it by stigmazation it and making them imossible for them to remarry thus having more fucked fatherless kids, if so then u low iq

Don't forget, that Somali men back home, would cover for each other, as 'Dumaal', if there was a widow/divorce. But in the West, they want to neglect their wives, and then when their wives are single, scare Somali men away. OK then, don't complain if your children's stepdaddy is Abu Tyrone or Abu Ginger.

