Are you a true wadani?

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its not. not in our lifetime at least.

I rather build myself a satisfactory life in the west and accept that england is my permanent home because I know the situation in Somalia is probably only gonna get worse.
we have moved from a decade of civil war to another one of terrorism. no point in holding out for something at that will never happen.

I never had any delusions about living there, no matter how fast it manages to progress in our life time it would never be to the same standards as the west. I'm not really ready to give up freedoms I've been afforded here hahaha

I would love to give back tho but it's a it's a bit disheartening to know that most ppl would rather want you dead than accept your help...
Heybad waxaad ku leedahay dhulkaaga hooyo. We all long for it in some way and hope to aid in the rebuilding of it. I missed out on growing up there and I don't want my son to miss out too inshaAllah. If we all wait for the next person to take the initiative and sit tight there will be no progress. There is no future without hard work, commitment and some sacrifices along the way.


Gaalkacyo Gangster
Heybad waxaad ku leedahay dhulkaaga hooyo. We all long for it in some way and hope to aid in the rebuilding of it. I missed out on growing up there and I don't want my son to miss out too inshaAllah. If we all wait for the next person to take the initiative and sit tight there will be no progress. There is no future without hard work, commitment and some sacrifices along the way.
It won't be easy, but nothing worth it ever is.
It's because those back home feel abandoned because they think we live in paradise and they live in complete misery. We are seen as "xasid". I'd implore you to go back and see it for yourself first. How's your Somali?

I'm going back this summer inshaAllah. My mum said the same thing - she said just see how you feel before you go jumping in. My Somali is not the worst but wallahi it's got really bad because I've essentially had limited Somali contact for about 2 years straight while studying away from home. Using english that long has messed me up even worse than I was before. My mum said she will correct me from now on so that I don't make any mistakes and I'm eager to learn.


Jet life till my next life
I am this hopeful Somali who wants to build up her skill set in the West so I can use it to help my people back home. Am I wasting my time thinking I can help dadkeeyga? Are Somali people too separate to help as a whole to the point where they will sabotage any collective progress?

I feel a duty to help dadkeeyga. Am I dumb?

Naaah, you're real smart, probably want to set up a restaurant and rob those innocent people back home from they money! Don't justify your opportunistic behaviour as some sort of nationalism. You ain't slick :kodaksmiley:
Naaah, you're real smart, probably want to set up a restaurant and rob those innocent people back home from they money! Don't justify your opportunistic behaviour as some sort of nationalism. You ain't slick :kodaksmiley:

If I wanted money, I'd stay in the West or go to carabta - trust me.


I'm going back this summer inshaAllah. My mum said the same thing - she said just see how you feel before you go jumping in. My Somali is not the worst but wallahi it's got really bad because I've essentially had limited Somali contact for about 2 years straight while studying away from home. Using english that long has messed me up even worse than I was before. My mum said she will correct me from now on so that I don't make any mistakes and I'm eager to learn.
You'll learn it quickly once you stay there for at least 3 months. Mind you I was mostly in the north which influenced my accent I ended up having. It's also a bit of culture shock but just see it first before you think about establishing anything or helping. It's a noble cause but dealing with nomads and their mentality can be a headache. They're very pure hearted, better than the Somalis in the west which is why I understand how they perceive us as xasid. You'll also get a lot of marriage proposals if you're single. :ftw9nwa:
@waraabe is it even nationalism though? It seems like any time dad Somaali wax doonayaan iney isu taraan it's called 'nationalism'. In the rest of the world it is called 'using your brain'.

We have been warped to think 'dadkeeyna haan caawino' is a dirty phrase.
@waraabe is it even nationalism though? It seems like any time dad Somaali wax doonayaan iney isu taraan it's called 'nationalism'. In the rest of the world it is called 'using your brain'.

We have been warped to think 'dadkeeyna haan caawino' is a dirty phrase.
You are talking to a people who in the year 2016 still choose to persecute certain clans over some fairy tale of their patriarch eating dead animals. Can't make this shit up
You are talking to a people who in the year 2016 still choose to persecute certain clans over some fairy tale of their patriarch eating dead animals. Can't make this shit up

So...? Your point is...? Give up? Haye give up laakin when Somalia is liberated and you're being shoved in gas ovens by the Westerners you cling to, don't ask for help.
So...? Your point is...? Give up? Haye give up laakin when Somalia is liberated and you're being shoved in gas ovens by the Westerners you cling to, don't ask for help.
Not at all. Just highlighting just how backward the situation home is. Somebody has to do something about it and I think we have a moral responsibility to not abandon the Somali people


You are talking to a people who in the year 2016 still choose to persecute certain clans over some fairy tale of their patriarch eating dead animals. Can't make this shit up
Because it's jealousy. Some rebuilt their lands after being persecuted during the dictatorship of Afweyne and afterwards, see Puntland and Somaliland. Somalis want you to help them but for their own interests not hebel hebel. The survival instincts of the nomad mixed with a brutal dictatorship and a diaspora created this mistrust and envy towards one another. But Somalis aren't a creative bunch and place too much of an emphasis on others and how they perceive them. Who knows maybe you could be the change?
No hope at all. Best to focus on your tribal tuulo and helping those people. They will be most appreciate of it. The best way to help your people is to be completely apolitical about it and do not pay any attention at all to the political realities or governments. Setting up apolitical charities and organizations back in your tuulo that focus on development is a good first step.
i actually had some hope before i went back in 2015. as soon as i stepped out onto the desolate, barren and seriously depressing land I totally gave up hope. the place is a like a dystopian wasteland, i actually felt guilty the whole time because the place is too depressing.
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