Are you a true wadani?

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I am this hopeful Somali who wants to build up her skill set in the West so I can use it to help my people back home. Am I wasting my time thinking I can help dadkeeyga? Are Somali people too separate to help as a whole to the point where they will sabotage any collective progress?

I feel a duty to help dadkeeyga. Am I dumb?
Nah we need ppl with vision like that, I feel the same way and think about it a lot more than is probably healthy. I wanna visit Somalia and scope the situation out first, but I've lived in Africa so it hopefully won't be as big of a culture shock to me. I don't see why we can't make a prosperous first world nation out of Somalia one day, just a lot of challenges to face down and who's gonna do it if not us? But we deffo can't just show up there with our Diaspora-saviour mentality, and think the locals need our saving or something. No, we gotta become the locals and work with the locals, u feel? :mjkkk:
I have a similar hope that I can to return and help create industry. Only problem would be that there would be no funding available for such risky adventure, (factorys, mills etc etc).

I am in the process of gaining a Chemical Engineering degree
For your safety you should first go to where your family or tribe lives. Then you can slowly branch out to closer areas and help people with your clans protection.
I have a similar hope that I can to return and help create industry. Only problem would be that there would be no funding available for such risky adventure, (factorys, mills etc etc).

I am in the process of gaining a Chemical Engineering degree
My degree is in Computer Science which wouldn't seem like much help to a developing nation, but how I see it is that the problems Somalia faces need well educated problem solvers who know the system, and so knowing what exact problems Somalia faces and how a Somali clan based society actually works are prereqs to getting anything done, hence having to scope out and live in Somalia first. But Chem E seems like a degree and skill set that would very likely come in handy, just maybe not in the way we're expecting looking at it from the outside.


I respect ppl who go back and help and become a benefit to the local population. I have no designs to go back permanently, but it would be nice to visit and experience it at least a few times.

The ppl who go back should develop a network, and there should be a way for the rest of us to support them, and know the resources are in good hands. Imagine if a portion of the remittances was going towards fixing root problems instead of sticking it with a temporary BandAid.
Hey Hun,

Just help yourself before doing anything. You're still young and need to build your skills. I have seen countless halfassed graduates arrive from the despora, only to disrespect the country by assuming everyone in it is stupid.

Bring a skill you are naturally great at, or a career path you love doing.

Somalia is the greatest startup on earth! There's no regulation. It's a execute or be executed by your failures type environment. There's so many amazing challenges to solve in Somalia, and you can't do it alone. If you want to help people you need to help yourself and help others who have the same goal and ambition as you to grow opportunities.
I respect ppl who go back and help and become a benefit to the local population. I have no designs to go back permanently, but it would be nice to visit and experience it at least a few times.

The ppl who go back should develop a network, and there should be a way for the rest of us to support them, and know the resources are in good hands. Imagine if a portion of the remittances was going towards fixing root problems instead of sticking it with a temporary BandAid.

We can easily do what the south koreans did and use the remittances sent to Somali from abroad as collatoral against a loan for investing into industry.


Weeping for the Nation of 68
I am this hopeful Somali who wants to build up her skill set in the West so I can use it to help my people back home. Am I wasting my time thinking I can help dadkeeyga? Are Somali people too separate to help as a whole to the point where they will sabotage any collective progress?

I feel a duty to help dadkeeyga. Am I dumb?

I think iam wadani
Hey Hun,

Just help yourself before doing anything. You're still young and need to build your skills. I have seen countless halfassed graduates arrive from the despora, only to disrespect the country by assuming everyone in it is stupid.

Bring a skill you are naturally great at, or a career path you love doing.

Somalia is the greatest startup on earth! There's no regulation. It's a execute or be executed by your failures type environment. There's so many amazing challenges to solve in Somalia, and you can't do it alone. If you want to help people you need to help yourself and help others who have the same goal and ambition as you to grow opportunities.

This is such an important advice walaal Allah haa ku barakeeyo.

I want to build up my skills and create a network of like-minded people. Funding is an issue but I think we over-whelm ourselves by thinking too big. If 10 people ask 10 people within their family to contribute $1 to their cause, we have $100 to spend. Even if we can only help one person with that $100 it is better than nothing. I think the first most important thing is building trust and links within the community. No matter how long it takes, this is the foundation. Once we can trust one another and our vision is clear, we will be unstoppable inshaAllah.
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