What a wierd question. Somalians are black, maybe they believe in themselves they're not but in the eyes of the world, they are black.
Of course were black africans.What a wierd question. Somalians are black, maybe they believe in themselves they're not but in the eyes of the world, they are black.
I'm actually a gender fluid non binary inverted homeopathic demographically non-identifiable double pivot trequartista sequenced false 9.
- Europeans did it to differentiate themselves from others. Creating an in-group and designating others as apart of an out-group. Europe isn't a continent, but is artificially demarcated from Asia.
- A split between Semetic speaking Ethiopians from their Cushitic speaking counterparts likely occured 3-3.5 kya, which coincides with the last admixture event that Somalis and Habeshis share. What I've also read is that the African element found among Somalis and Ethiopians is pre-Bantu, owning to the fact that the Bantu expansion did not affect those areas. There is genetic evidence of a West-Central-East-South migration that took place in the past 4,000 years, its quite recent. This could explain why many Africans today are not very genetically distinct (particularly those of the Niger-Congo stock). It is postulated that that the movement from East-to-West Africa occurred somewhere around ~40,000 years ago. And it is well established that the Africans that left East Africa were separated for several millenniums.
- . Melanesians have been isolated from Africans for so long (50,000 years) that even the Europeans appear equidistant or even closer to Africans than Melanesians are to Africans, the same can be said for people like the Negrito and the Andamese. Simply because they look superficially African doesn't mean they are genetically, so. According to Templeton (2006) The European population is closer in genetic distance to African populations than Melanesian populations.
- So, your aabo is black because a racist cop in Ohio called him the N-word. Does that mean he's only black when facing discrimination/unfair treatment? Has black become a catchall term for the "eternally downtrodden" or a "forever victim". It appears like that coming from your response. So why on God's green earth would I want to be associated with defeated people with grim prospects?
You already are associated with them. THAT'S the point. Your rejection of that notion to you appears to be some bold stance on self-autonomy when in reality it's a genuinely broken ideology you've attached some incredible importance to. It means nothing when race can literally only denote your skin colour and heritage. To some, being even tanned, rough-haired, and of African origin is more than enough to qualify you as black, and that is essentially the treatment you'll suffer.
And I never associated it with eternally downtrodden folk. Considering how many central Africans are finding their way into Ivy League schools and STEM fields, I find promise within African resurgence and I personally foresee a time when the continent may learn to unify slightly in an attempt to shed itself of the horrifying years of colonization and slavery. And that IS an experience Somalia shares. Whether it inflicted it or accepted it. I don't find that too optimistic and I don't think it's innately negative. And you're not really painting it any worse either.
Sxb, I did not come to Europe as a refugee. My parents were here long before that nation's collapse. We are Somali, but are not from Somalia proper (Hint - it's another country). Does that mean that I won't ever go back home? I certainly will especially, since the future looks promising.
Not the point I was making. I was born in Canada as well and my parents fled long before the civil war. I wasn't conceived or have any direct link to that country's 90's strife. Though, I never really disagreed with this from the beginning. We are by and large homogeneous people who fiercely identify with our nation's history first and foremost, and the same can be said with the Horn of Africa as whole. I do not dispute this nor do I reject this. I live by this myself. You aren't attacking the meat of my argument: which is if black is a flippant terminology why can't it coincide with one's own ethnic beliefs. Why can't ethnicity trump race and race be the umbrella term?
And the future looks promising for most of Africa. Especially the ones that are slowly realizing how secularism is the only means of which to accomplish any and all goals.
- In our census we're allowed to specify our ethnicity. Must suck to be American, but I'm sure you can tick other.
-Africa always had boundaries although they were more of a tribal nature. Alx our ancestors did not allow encroachment like other nearly extinct African groups.
Yeah I know that, but in the modern sense which is the entirety of my discussion topic, the possibility of "going extinct" is irrelevant. Unless you're afraid of cross-marriages and culture blending (which i wouldn't worry about at all) the chances of our people going extinct is gone.
Look here's basically how race has broken down in my country
You have three categories that are umbrella terminology for three continents more or less. White for light-skinned Europe and the Commonwealth countries (and this would include countries like Greece and the Mediterranean people) Black for dark-skinned Africa (from North African Berbers all the way down) and Asian (oriental) for East Asia downward. Then you have the all encompassing Hispanic label that sadly groups countries like Mexico with South American countries they have no contact with and have actual oceans separating them. Now how readily can people accept these labels? That's literally up to them. If you live in a country that is more susceptible to accepting nationalities over race, then quite frankly you're living the dream. That's the better model, but it's not how it breaks down where I live. My whole life it was black, white, asian, and when I saw entire continents getting grouped together based on superficial features, I treated it as such: superficial. So simply checking the box other to state a nation I genuinely don't have a stake in felt cheap.
I know the genetic dispersion within Africa. Trust me you don't need to explain it to me. I'm discussing the nuances of black within the modern sense and only within the modern sense when we're inside melting pot societies like Toronto and so forth.
Unless your point is that showing solidarity with blacks and identifying as such could lead to debilitating issues because eventually they'll simply segregate themselves genetically and realize we're not that close with them as once believed. Like, that scientific discoveries would eventually disqualify us anyway and being ousted would be a worse scenario for our people.
Again, to me it seems you see black as a threat rather than a census box you check. When you're a minority in a country, I can't imagine why you'd want to be an even greater minority. Even when, as you said, the term has no impact on the continent it originated from. It only matters a the country you're living in explains it to you. You can reject it. I mean that's fine. But you also can't be shocked when people scoff and label you anyway.
I suggest you check out this blog, the brother sources his material with references from peer reviewed articles which I've looked at. I trust his work:
Templeton, A. R. (2006). Population Genetics and Microevolutionary Theory. John Wiley & Sons.
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This discusses the genetic divergence between the very Eastern Africans and their Western counterparts. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it does not discuss the divergence or genetic similarities between the midway points or Northern Africa. And it mostly contextualizes how Eurasia formed as well. This makes sense because even today the smallest trace test you'll find in a Somali DNA test is usually Senegal at a whomping 2-4%. That mostly confirms that the divergence occurred some tens of thousand's of years and that Somalis remained homogeneous until intermingling with South Asian and the Middle East. Only way those trace levels wouldn't fluctuate and stay consistent.
At least this seems to be a thorough test done. However, what I'm really asking for is the genetic findings for those Australoids. The ones with black features from Papua New Guinea. I can't find shit on them.
Unless that was the Melanasian part. Which isn't corroborated with DNA analysis at.
Black People - is a term used in certain countries, often in socially based systems of racial classification or of ethnicity, to describe persons who are perceived to be dark-skinned compared to other given populations.
Based on this definition I would consider myself black.
Race - is a social construct, is a group of people who share similar and distinct physical characteristics, as well as shared cultural practices and affectations.
On this definition I wouldn't consider myself black as my race as we don't share many things other than our skin tone. But, in the United States,Somalis are considered Somalis or Somali-American as to Black people are known as African Americans or Black Americans. My mom always checked other though![]()
Why would atheism trump the rest of his cultural experiences. Unless you think Islam is such a staple in everything we do, and honestly I beg to differ.
Plus blacks are incredibly religious.
No, I consider myself Somali because it's my ethnicity. There are a lot of unique things in the Somali culture that isn't tied to Islam. Also, just because I'm an Atheist doesn't mean I hate 100% of Islam or religion in general. In my opinion, religion is made up just like art and that doesn't mean I don't like or enjoy aspects of Islam or religion in general. Why would I have more in common with black Americans? Are you saying that sense were godless we would party, gang bang and have random sex with random chicks every week (stereotyping blacks here)? I have more in common with the western European culture. That doesn't mean I'm not interested in Somalis/Somalia's affairs or culture.Really?
Aren't you an atheist?
The vast majority of somali culture centres itself around islam, so...
I would think atheist somalis would have a lot in common with other black people especially american blacks.
I agree. Even though I'm student and I do keep my circle very small, if I wanted to expand my social group it would mostly contain of whites and east Asians because I live in city where there is more whites and Asian compare to blacks. Also more whites and Asians are less religious compared to blacks no matter education, income etc.Why would atheism trump the rest of his cultural experiences. Unless you think Islam is such a staple in everything we do, and honestly I beg to differ.
Plus blacks are incredibly religious.
I agree. Even though I'm student and I do keep my circle very small, if I wanted to expand my social group it would mostly contain of whites and east Asians because I live in city where there is more whites and Asian compare to blacks. Also more whites and Asians are less religious compared to blacks no matter education, income etc.
Genomic estimates of the divergence times between European and African populations are more recent than those between Australo-Melanesia and Africa.