As a Representative of Beesha Yusuf Darood,

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~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
There's a clear physical distinction between the different tribes. Generally speaking, most Darod men roughly have this phenotype:

Hutus and Dir roughly have this phenotype:

And Isaac people generally look like this:

There are exceptions, but this captures well the phenotypes of people living in Somalia based on tribal and ethnic considerations.

You're the biggest troll. And you have solidified it. None of these people look like your typical Somali. Welcome to my ignore list. :snoop:
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what hutus?! that isnt even a somali tribe. waar iska amuus..u bloodly fool.

Hutus and Hawiye are one in the same.

The guy your talking to is a troll :ulachen001:
I myself resemble the second guy :ulachen001:

If that is true, then you're not a pure Darod like most. You must be one of the handful of Darods who are infected with too much Hutu and Dir blood. If it were up to me, bantus like you would be forcibly kicked out of the family so we don't have people thinking your phenotype is typical among us.


Hutus and Hawiye are one in the same.

If that is true, then you're not a pure Darod like most. You must be one of the handful of Darods who are infected with too much Hutu and Dir blood. If it were up to me, bantus like you would be forcibly kicked out of the family so we don't have people thinking your phenotype is typical among us.
I'm scared:xgoltwn:
Yes your right am mixed with dir :ulachen001: But neither my parents nore there parents are bantu so try again:ulachen001:
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