I don't think that they get desperate, but it's more about the pressure they receive from family and society really. Most girls would be happy to wait until they find a man who meets all their criteria, whatever age that might be. However, dadka hadalkooda ee ka joogi la'yihiin.
26 is not even old.
So far the poll ranks between 27-30. I kinda agree. If a halimo hasn't had a family of her own by that time something
isn't right.
When are you getting married horta? Gabar ma ku raadiya inabti?
Hadaa gabadhaha qaaradkastoo ee joogaan guurka dib ee uu dhigteen ..women are giving birth to their first child in their late 20s/early 30s waa la ilbaxay.
Not necessarily walaal, times have changed. And anyway guurka waa calaf - taas ha ilowin. Gabadhaha niyada ha ka jabinin see waaye.
If you marry before 30 it means you ain't got a career you care about . This applies to both men and women
No point having a career if your eggs dry up. That is why even white women cry and rush to hospital to get IV treatments
when they don't meet deadline to be a mother.
Dont Somali girls want to marry in their early to mid 20s?
I never see Somali women marrying in their later years.
IVF means you can have kids at 60 these days so there is no rush for marriage and rightly so.
IVF is rather free or doesn't cost much
True. Somali women get married early to mid 20s. That is why I said by the time they reach 26 they panic because it
is only 4 years away from the dreaded "30" .
Why do they panic though? Is it because they want babies or because the older they become, the less likely a man wants them? If it's the former, they can have kids in their 30s and they shouldn't worry
It is costly and there is a higher chance of health complications. Besides no halimo wants to be a mother to a toddler when she
is a ayeeyo. Afterall life expectancy in Somalis is not high. It is unrealistic option.