I aint implying nothing i'm telling you straight ill be praying next to you in the masjid while giving tips to gaal intelligence services, so they can target you and your ilks and send in the predator drones to send you with quickness to your beloved 72 virgins
warya sakina laaq iyo is caaji
I disagree with you.Lol quit your false pride. I can show you National Geographic Articles dating back to 1982 where it was speaking on Somalia's famine and severe malnutrition.
Even in the Siyad Barre era, Somalia was a poor third-world dictatorship with poor infrastructure, low quality of living, and dependent on Soviet foreign aid.
I disagree with you.
Siyad bare era, that country was stable, we did have factories, great farming, great Army, even when people reach 60 government gave then passion money.
Early 70, 80s Somalia were rich, unemployment rate lower than 12%, they use to call Europeans pradise and Mugadishu called little Roma and it was tourist destination. Rich white people from Germany, UK, Holland and USA use to go there for honeymoon and they use to prefer their first born to be born in Mogadishu, Marko, Barawe or KISMAYU.
All what you wrote is nonsense. Don't listen what your parents told you, maybe they were opposite tribe of Bare spreadings hatred towards to him.
Somalis it's important to cherish your religion, but please let's move beyond the pre-feudal mentality.
Somalia will never become an advanced country if people don't have freedom of thought and belief. This essential freedom is what brings creativity and dynamism to a society, not a stifling conformity to old ways. This is my slogan: "Up with Islam, down with Islamic chauvinism, freedom for all."
who would have thought he we had so many atheists![]()