Autism in the Somali community

Somalis ain't inbred, it's bc these kids live in cold environments and all lack vitamin D

They are trying to find angles to deride Somalis with. Real Inbreeding causes weird genetic defects and problems that don't even occur in Somalis.

And Somalis don't usually marry their first cousins either, and usually marry a seperate family line and not someone related. Which has been the case historically

Definitely vaccines something in our genetics doesn’t agree with it

In cold weather states like Minnesota white children have similar rates of autism. How do you explain that if it's Somali genetics? Do White European Americans practice inbreeding?

Results indicated that Somali (1 in 32) and White (1 in 36) children were about equally likely to be identified with ASD
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I've read this study before. They sampled only 39 Somalis all of whom were from Galbeed. Its nothing to take seriously, all it says is that Somalis are slightly more related to each other than other Africans are. Somalis aren't actually inbred nor can you determine marriage practices through RoH anyways.


Plotting world domination
Will all the inbreds we got I'm starting to understand where all of our uglies are coming from.

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Had to block this negro on TikTok a few weeks ago. Bro is a walking stereotype.

The Somali version of a negro caricature.


Plotting world domination
I've read this study before. They sampled only 39 Somalis all of whom were from Galbeed. Its nothing to take seriously, all it says is that Somalis are slightly more related to each other than other Africans are. Somalis aren't actually inbred nor can you determine marriage practices through RoH anyways.
This already debunked stop it nayaa, we lil above sub saharen bc they dont have the founder effekt, remember this doesn't even represent all Somali as this was taken from sub sub clan in Ogadenia, they isolated clan
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We still have a shitload of somalis that marry within their tribe. A lot of niggas are down to marry their first cousins.
We still have a shitload of somalis that marry within their tribe. A lot of niggas are down to marry their first cousins.

A Somali from a different sub clan within a wider qabil is not in most cases someone directly blood related to you.

Will all the inbreds we got I'm starting to understand where all of our uglies are coming from.

View attachment 344783

Had to block this negro on TikTok a few weeks ago. Bro is a walking stereotype.

The Somali version of a negro caricature.

There can be ugly people in every community, it has no relationship with inbreeding.

Is this guy a product of Norwegian inbreeding? and proof that all Norwegians are inbreds?
It’s not because of marrying your cousin, no one knows the reason why there is a high rate of autism within the Somali community but I believe the most plausible explanation is lack of vitamin d, especially with Somalis not living in their home country they aren’t exposed to enough vitamin d and many Somali mothers are covered. Unfortunately Somalis refuse to take vitamin d, which if important because of what it does to the body. For example, for women it causes severe period pains and lack of vitamin d contributes to depression.
This only happens in heavily populated Somali communities. Due to the fact of being over prescribed medication from the doctor while the mother is pregnant. Autism is not that common in Somalia it like 1/1000. This why my parent never lived in heavily populated Somali communities. In addition the Canaan noticed Somali family will have 5-7 kids. For them to have the hegemony in there cities they started over medicating Somali communities.
People are often looking for a silver bullet and a single core reason, but in the end, there are many different confounding variables.

While Vitamin D is frequently mentioned as a relatively good explanation for why certain mental conditions might be more common in the diaspora, I also want to highlight another point. Somalis tend to have larger family sizes and often continue having children well into the later stages of their lives. This is true for both men and women.

"...A 2011 study in Molecular Psychiatry of over 5.7 million children in five countries found a link between older fathers and autism.
The researchers showed that the chance of having a child with autism was 28 percent higher among fathers who were in their 40s, and 66 percent higher for men in their 50s, compared to fathers younger than 30."

"...The link between a mother’s age and autism is more complex: Women seem to be at increased odds of having a child with autism both when they are much older and much younger (reference to teen mothers) than average, according to some studies. Nailing down why either parent’s age influences autism risk has proved difficult, however."

"The researchers found that mothers over 40 had a 51 percent higher risk of having a child with autism than mothers 25 to 29, and a 77 percent higher risk than mothers under 25."

To be fair, this is anecdotal, but first-generation Somali men often don’t "retire" from fatherhood and may continue having children into their sixties if given the chance. There's a stereotype of the Somali uncle returning to the homeland and marrying a woman half his age to continue having children after his wife in the West can no longer do so for a reason.

The tribal mindset that "more is better" still lingers for some, with the belief that the pinnacle of a man's success is to have many descendants who proudly carry his name.

We know from data that second-generation immigrants, regardless of background, tend to have fertility rates similar to the native population. They typically have children from their mid-twenties to early forties and then stop, opting for smaller family sizes with a focus on quality over quantity.

It's also clear that older and younger women giving birth significantly increases the risk of autism. However, we can question how much of the decision to have children later or early in life is due to a personal desire to continue giving birth, versus fulfilling the wishes of their husbands.

When you factor in all the variables, older parents, vitamin D deficiency, and marrying within your own sub-sub-sub-clan you're essentially stacking the odds against your child.


Loyal To The One True King of The Seven Realms
Autism is a fake psyop just like ADHD, it doesnt exist. Some kids are just born retarded. How come theres no autism in Africa?


Too many inbreds
We need to promote intermixing with other Cushites and somali tribes or Yemenis/Omanis whilst both retaining and keeping track of ancestry.
Can’t be this, I’ve seen more Somali autistic kids in the west than my time in Somalia, I saw none there

