Average homes in Britain and Ireland pre-Roman contact


A man without a 🐫 won't be praised in afterlife

Xamar circa 1991

The crazy thing is that it's a accurate representation.
I wonder how/what led to the romans being so advanced compared to everyone else
My question exactly lol. And even before them, the Greek, right? Cause I think certain parts of Roman culture were inspired by the Greek, if I’m not mistaken. Well, the gods at the very least. But yeah, I really do wonder. Maybe the Mediterranean was just so comfortable and there was such a lack of any real environmental pressures, that they were so bored and could just idle around and think about innovations all day? I wonder lmao

But then, most innovation I think is born out of necessity and circumstance, so that doesn’t sound quite right. Who knows.
My question exactly lol. And even before them, the Greek, right? Cause I think certain parts of Roman culture were inspired by the Greek, if I’m not mistaken. Well, the gods at the very least. But yeah, I really do wonder. Maybe the Mediterranean was just so comfortable and there was such a lack of any real environmental pressures, that they were so bored and could just idle around and think about innovations all day? I wonder lmao

But then, most innovation I think is born out of necessity and circumstance, so that doesn’t sound quite right. Who knows.
This is a tinpot theory, but I think the Mediterranean diet helped improve their IQ. Similar with Japan who have a very heavy sea based diet. They’ve also been advanced throughout the eons compared to the rest of the world


teetering in-between realities
My question exactly lol. And even before them, the Greek, right? Cause I think certain parts of Roman culture were inspired by the Greek, if I’m not mistaken. Well, the gods at the very least. But yeah, I really do wonder. Maybe the Mediterranean was just so comfortable and there was such a lack of any real environmental pressures, that they were so bored and could just idle around and think about innovations all day? I wonder lmao

But then, most innovation I think is born out of necessity and circumstance, so that doesn’t sound quite right. Who knows.
it's probably because they were in close contact with so many other communities, the egyptians, sumerians, phonecians. generally there was a lot of trade and interaction which led to these communities learning more from each other. A lot of the shit greeks and romans came up with were based off what they learned from egypt

