


well said over time the original Issas may have assimliated the neighbouring rooms, and afars because it is very easy, and is culture. however im sure you have herd about the reer Galan we are a very large tribe in the Issa and we live around jeldessa and djbouti some in Somaliland
Yes my father described to me the different tribes in issa.

The culture in the region isn't too different which is why it was easy for assimilations to take place. Honestly afar within Djibouti aren't too different from Somali in Djibouti as well. Just like Oromo in hararghe are near identical in culture to Somali as well. It's just 3 Cushitic tribes that have assimilated each other for centuries within this region.

You will not feel too different going from Djibouti to afar city like Tadjourah or Somali city like Dir Dhaba or a oromo city in hararghe.
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♚Sargon of Adal♚
I do not think Somalis would eliminate tribe or attempt to mass assimilate under the veil of nationalism. Simply due to stability. Nationalism could take on a different more hybridized form. Where tribe has a marginal role in politics (or a transformed one) but still persists. People simply won't forget their roots. And the idea of a post-qabil world in Somalia though a possibility is highly improbable. They are not identical to Oromo or Afar. Nor would they take their lead with respect to identity formation.
The only thing that can get rid of tribal affinity is a huge change in society, for example, it took 1,000 years of English rule to dismantle Irish tribalism, the hatred for the Brits united them, a single goal of having united Ireland, the similarities are there, we all want a united Somalia out of the hands of Ethiopia and Kenya.

Patience is key, we need to slowly build ourselves up, if history taught us anything, we're greedy people.


~Gallantly Gadabuursi~
Staff Member
The only thing that can get rid of tribal affinity is a huge change in society, for example, it took 1,000 years of English rule to dismantle Irish tribalism, the hatred for the Brits united them, a single goal of having united Ireland, the similarities are there, we all want a united Somalia out of the hands of Ethiopia and Kenya.

Patience is key, we need to slowly build ourselves up, if history taught us anything, we're greedy people.
Yet the upper classes still have coats of arms and methods to trace their ancestry.
I'm not interested in Somalis following the path of others. Emulation isn't desirable. You must create systems that serve you but don't wash away your history.

As someone who is Gadabuursi, I strongly recommend you read about how your forefathers organized themselves. I find that many diaspora kids from our clan are woefully ignorant about their history/past. Their parents do nothing to impart them any sense of qabil awareness.

Assuming tribe is something dirty when it is the bedrock to which Somali society was formed. The tribe was similar to a national identity until we were forced to be together under colonialism. You are Gadabuursi. Learn the names of our Kings for the past 500 years, how our ancestors organized themselves and their laws.

@Arkan can fill you in. I do not preach hate of other clans. Though having been born and raised in the diaspora, the problem I see is we're raising a bunch of historically amnesic Gadabuursi/Samaroon children. @Awdalite knows what I'm talking about. We were like you once. Post-qabil only to realize it was a pipedream and not real in practice. We live in the now. Not a future we will never see.
So you claim to be issa? How about you state your proper lineage and where your reer live exactly.
my tribe was assimilated by the Issa I found out that we are oroginally Ala Oromo. we are a very large tribe the reer Galan live in Somaliland Ethiopia, and Djibouti.
Yes my father described to me the different tribes in issa.

The culture in the region isn't too different which is why it was easy for assimilations to take place. Honestly afar within Djibouti aren't too different from Somali in Djibouti as well. Just like Oromo in hararghe are near identical in culture to Somali as well. It's just 3 Cushitic tribes that have assimilated each other for centuries within this region.

You will not feel too different going from Djibouti to afar city like Tadjourah or Somali city like Dir Dhaba or a oromo city in hararghe.
dir Dhabi is originally gurgura reer Galan and Nole territory

Garaad diinle

 
my tribe was assimilated by the Issa I found out that we are oroginally Ala Oromo. we are a very large tribe the reer Galan live in Somaliland Ethiopia, and Djibouti.
That's odd since the only oromo who live between dir dhabe and jigjiga are afran qallo while ala oromo live mostly west of the erer river. You said you found out that you were oromo originally who've been assimilated into the issa right? What lineage did you belong too within the issa clan? What is your abtiris?
That's odd since the only oromo who live between dir dhabe and jigjiga are afran qallo while ala oromo live mostly west of the erer river. You said you found out that you were oromo originally who've been assimilated into the issa right? What lineage did you belong too within the issa clan? What is your abtiris?
the Ala are part of the Afran Qallo and are the largest tribe they live from south of Awash to Jeldessa, though there mainly concentrated in the area between Asebot, and Erer where they border the Gurgura. they outnumber the Gurgura in Dire Dhabe, and if we are including reer Galan, outnumber the ''original Somali'' Cisse in Jeldessa. my clan is the reer Galan and my father is originially from near Gaza Hadem. in the Somali region, and my mother is from Hawuya the border of Ala , and the Babille just south of Harar.

Garaad diinle

 
the Ala are part of the Afran Qallo and are the largest tribe they live from south of Awash to Jeldessa, though there mainly concentrated in the area between Asebot,
Right i'll rephrase what i said. Among the afran qallo the most known oromo sub-clans who live south of jaldessa are jaarso and nole just as this simplified map showcases so where does the ala come into the picture?


my clan is the reer Galan and my father is originially from near Gaza Hadem.
So you're from the border area. Are you fluent in both somali and oromo? What is reer galan. Where do they live and are they only found among the issa or in other clans too. Also tell me about their linage, this is the first time i've heard of this reer you gotta give me something to work with here.
Right i'll rephrase what i said. Among the afran qallo the most known oromo sub-clans who live south of jaldessa are jaarso and nole just as this simplified map showcases so where does the ala come into the picture?


So you're from the border area. Are you fluent in both somali and oromo? What is reer galan. Where do they live and are they only found among the issa or in other clans too. Also tell me about their linage, this is the first time i've heard of this reer you gotta give me something to work with here.
addressing the the map is incredibly incorrect, and outdated the Jarso live no where near jeldessa or dire dawa they don't even border the Issa they border the gerri kombe, Babille, Hume, Burssug, and other Somali Darood sub clans. This map cuts off all Ala contact with somalis, and Afars this is extremely incorrect the Ala border the Issa and Gadabuursi north of Mieso, and border the isa in jeldesa, and Afar north west of Asebot. they also live in Ganda Harla and you will not find a single Jarso or NolLE. the Ittu are very small and live between Awash, and Bedessa.

my mother is a oromo from very near hawuya gouda and she is Ala her self I do speak a little oromo, and a little somali but I mainly speak English since I was born here but my father grew up speaking somali and my mother oromo. The Reer Galen are Issa and under Issa are reer Musse. there is also a Oromo tribe in the Ala called Werra Galen who live in-between Dire Qallu (Asebot) to south of Dir Dhabe but you can find a few in Laga Harre, and Jeldessa. the one on the Isa side live in a triangular shape like the Afar live in northern Somaliland south western Djibouti, and north eastern Ethiopia our land stretching as far as Jeldesa where we meet with the Oromo side. also there is also a sub clan in Majerten called Reer Galan who is the son of Mahammed Gaal (a nickname for Oromo's back in the day) .
I also think that the Majeerten Galan are the long lost brothers of the Abbado, and Galen Ala the Abaado have a very large subclass within them selves called Majeeto who live near Dire Dhabi in Adele, and Ganda Harla.


Trudeau Must Go #CCP2025
addressing the the map is incredibly incorrect, and outdated the Jarso live no where near jeldessa or dire dawa they don't even border the Issa they border the gerri kombe, Babille, Hume, Burssug, and other Somali Darood sub clans. This map cuts off all Ala contact with somalis, and Afars this is extremely incorrect the Ala border the Issa and Gadabuursi north of Mieso, and border the isa in jeldesa, and Afar north west of Asebot. they also live in Ganda Harla and you will not find a single Jarso or NolLE. the Ittu are very small and live between Awash, and Bedessa.

my mother is a oromo from very near hawuya gouda and she is Ala her self I do speak a little oromo, and a little somali but I mainly speak English since I was born here but my father grew up speaking somali and my mother oromo. The Reer Galen are Issa and under Issa are reer Musse. there is also a Oromo tribe in the Ala called Werra Galen who live in-between Dire Qallu (Asebot) to south of Dir Dhabe but you can find a few in Laga Harre, and Jeldessa. the one on the Isa side live in a triangular shape like the Afar live in northern Somaliland south western Djibouti, and north eastern Ethiopia our land stretching as far as Jeldesa where we meet with the Oromo side. also there is also a sub clan in Majerten called Reer Galan who is the son of Mahammed Gaal (a nickname for Oromo's back in the day) .
Top 5 most informative Hararghe posts on this Website
Right i'll rephrase what i said. Among the afran qallo the most known oromo sub-clans who live south of jaldessa are jaarso and nole just as this simplified map showcases so where does the ala come into the picture?


So you're from the border area. Are you fluent in both somali and oromo? What is reer galan. Where do they live and are they only found among the issa or in other clans too. Also tell me about their linage, this is the first time i've heard of this reer you gotta give me something to work with here.
Top 5 most informative Hararghe posts on this Website

Garaad diinle

 
addressing the the map is incredibly incorrect, and outdated the Jarso live no where near jeldessa or dire dawa they don't even border the Issa they border the gerri kombe, Babille, Hume, Burssug, and other Somali Darood sub clans. This map cuts off all Ala contact with somalis, and Afars this is extremely incorrect the Ala border the Issa and Gadabuursi north of Mieso, and border the isa in jeldesa, and Afar north west of Asebot. they also live in Ganda Harla and you will not find a single Jarso or NolLE. the Ittu are very small and live between Awash, and Bedessa.
It was a simplistic map as i said before and although it's out dated it got some stuff correctly though not fully. You seem to know a lot when it comes to oromos their clan distribution and their geographical location for someone who recently learned of his oromo lineage, how come? I presume you've been to hararghe a number of times, i'm i correct in saying this?

also there is also a sub clan in Majerten called Reer Galan who is the son of Mahammed Gaal (a nickname for Oromo's back in the day) .
Hold your horses there buddy gaal also means infidel or non-muslims in general and it's not preserved for oromos only. In this particular case it probable means camel.

I also think that the Majeerten Galan are the long lost brothers of the Abbado, and Galen Ala the Abaado have a very large subclass within them selves called Majeeto who live near Dire Dhabi in Adele, and Ganda Harla.
You're jumping to conclusion here but i honestly think that you're probably gurgure somali if not outright issa. How about you do a 23&me or better yet a yfull to test and see where or which qabil you'll cluster with?
It was a simplistic map as i said before and although it's out dated it got some stuff correctly though not fully. You seem to know a lot when it comes to oromos their clan distribution and their geographical location for someone who recently learned of his oromo lineage, how come? I presume you've been to hararghe a number of times, i'm i correct in saying this?

Hold your horses there buddy gaal also means infidel or non-muslims in general and it's not preserved for oromos only. In this particular case it probable means camel.

You're jumping to conclusion here but i honestly think that you're probably gurgure somali if not outright issa. How about you do a 23&me or better yet a yfull to test and see where or which qabil you'll cluster with?
yes I do know a lot about the oromo because as I said before my mother is a oromo from near hawuya guda, and yes I've visited hararghe. my uncle Mahmmed Carab claims Somali when he is in the somali side of Dire Dhabi and Oromo on the oromo side. we can claim both sides and not be caught if we want lol but it only makes sense we are oromo hence our name Reer Galan literally translating to the people of the lake in Oromo Werra - Galan. also for the Majeerten my theory is probably right how is Mahmmed a infidel if his name is Mahmmed think about it. plus we all know that Oromos were called Gal lets not act dumb here. but yes I will be sure to take a DNA test in a few months and let you know how it goes.

Garaad diinle

 
yes I will be sure to take a DNA test in a few months and let you know how it goes.
Great tag me when you do also if possible try going for yfull dna test.

also for the Majeerten my theory is probably right how is Mahmmed a infidel if his name is Mahmmed think about it.
Gaal also means camel in somali and it's still used as such in some dialects in southern somalia.
Great tag me when you do also if possible try going for yfull dna test.

Gaal also means camel in somali and it's still used as such in some dialects in southern somalia.
I will just correct you it is Geel not Gaal my mothers father was a Somali Abu General who moved to Medina town Mogadishu when she was a teenager and she speaks the southern dialect fluently Gaal is not camel walaal

Garaad diinle

 
I will just correct you it is Geel not Gaal my mothers father was a Somali Abu General who moved to Medina town Mogadishu when she was a teenager and she speaks the southern dialect fluently Gaal is not camel walaal
Your not wrong expect that is af maxa tiri. In af maay which is a prestigious dielect that preserved many ancient somali vocabulary and it's pronunciation still use gaal for camel. You've got somali clan names such as gaaljecel means lover of camels. Geel use to be pronounced gaal but it changed in af maxa tiri while af maay persevered as it's. The rendille which is a somaloid group use gaal for camel.


♚Sargon of Adal♚
Top 5 most informative Hararghe posts on this Website
addressing the the map is incredibly incorrect, and outdated the Jarso live no where near jeldessa or dire dawa they don't even border the Issa they border the gerri kombe, Babille, Hume, Burssug, and other Somali Darood sub clans. This map cuts off all Ala contact with somalis, and Afars this is extremely incorrect the Ala border the Issa and Gadabuursi north of Mieso, and border the isa in jeldesa, and Afar north west of Asebot. they also live in Ganda Harla and you will not find a single Jarso or NolLE. the Ittu are very small and live between Awash, and Bedessa.

my mother is a oromo from very near hawuya gouda and she is Ala her self I do speak a little oromo, and a little somali but I mainly speak English since I was born here but my father grew up speaking somali and my mother oromo. The Reer Galen are Issa and under Issa are reer Musse. there is also a Oromo tribe in the Ala called Werra Galen who live in-between Dire Qallu (Asebot) to south of Dir Dhabe but you can find a few in Laga Harre, and Jeldessa. the one on the Isa side live in a triangular shape like the Afar live in northern Somaliland south western Djibouti, and north eastern Ethiopia our land stretching as far as Jeldesa where we meet with the Oromo side. also there is also a sub clan in Majerten called Reer Galan who is the son of Mahammed Gaal (a nickname for Oromo's back in the day) .
My Maternal Great Grandmother was Jarso on both sides she was born in Hirna in 1920's around 120km from Dire Dawa, in her late teens to early 20's she meet my maternal great-grandfather in Jigigia who is Gadabursi(Xeebjire) paternally and Issa maternally, a lot has changed in the last 100 years.

