Yh that was the jokeIts nothing but a tribal contest there is no democracy lmao

Yh that was the jokeIts nothing but a tribal contest there is no democracy lmao
This proves Somaliland is an Isaaq state, he criticized SNM last week and now is being humiliated. @Sophisticate
Mr. Abbib's situation reflects broader issues of divided loyalties, negatively impacting him while he remains held in Mandera.
Gadabuursi disunity stems from:
- Self-Interested Political Elites: Leaders prioritize personal gain over communal clan interests. There is also a problem of Xorgaalnimo among them resulting in doublemindedness and being purely motivated by what is in it for them.
- Apolitical Gadabuursi Diaspora: Western-born and raised Gadabuursi youth struggle to connect with their clan identity. Due to weak clan ties and insufficient historical knowledge from their parents. Their apolitical stance and lack of effort to engage with their qabil heritage and those back home. This disengagement and the absence of an active online presence among Gadabuursi diaspora youth outside Somalia and neighbouring regions hinder their ability to unite, raise awareness, and mobilize for common causes. Limiting their effectiveness in addressing community issues and supporting Awdal.
- Business Investments Elsewhere: Gadabuursi business elites often investment in Hargeisa relative to Borama or Awdal revealing that there are divided interests.
- Economic Isolation: Lack of a port and poor road infrastructure connecting Awdal to Djibouti and Ethiopia.
- Diverted Tax Revenue: Awdal's tax revenue is diverted to Somaliland with minimal return.
- Inadequate Political Representation: Representation in Somaliland does not reflect Awdal’s population size.
- Abandoned Infrastructure: Borama’s Aden Issaq Airport has been neglected for 30 years.
- Sabotaged Development Plans: Plans for Lugahaya port were sabotaged, with funds allegedly misappropriated.
- Delayed Road Development: Longstanding road development connecting Djibouti, Awdal, and Ethiopia has been stalled.
- Undermined Movements: The Awdal State Movement was weakened by leaders allegedly paid off by Silanyo.
- No Strong Political Allies: Despite some affinity, Awdal lacks strong political allies in Djibouti or Somalia. While Khaatumo State elites respect Reer Awdal, they are not positioned to support the cause effectively.
Ceerigaabo in the plan*Eastern Sanaag
We still hold Ceerigaabo and Western Sanaag.
Every single White person when they hear about somaliland:I was being told it's a democracy though
No; Habar Afan: Jibraacin.@NidarNidar is Abiib Reer Nuur?
I agree that no harm should ever come to him and he has experienced an injustice. I cannot figure out or tell you why the (sitting on one's hands approach is being used). I can only speculate it could be due to him being pro-SL while many of the youth are disgruntled and not very supportive of the idea. They have seen no change from Riyale or Zaylici holding those posts. There has been a disillusionment from the project of SL and no progress nor promise of change. It's in fact quite a parasitic relationship between Awdal and SL if we are being frank. There is certainly shortsightedness. Perhaps there would be more support for Abbib if he was unapologetic about Awdal State. Another reason could be a general fear about protestors also being deposited in Mandera. TBH sometimes there needs to be even more pressure to see a noticeable change.That is fine what u explained and the large challenges facing gadabursi but that doesn't answer how dare they stand idly while.someone like ina abiib who hasn't harmed anyone or any clan and simply stood up.for his clan well being. Lots.of Somalis mistake.clan love.for hatred against them, noone is harming them.or.seeking any negativity by loving one own history and clan.
Ina Abiib has suffered a great injustice and its about time gadabursi organize and mobilize because they are on the right side of history not isaaq and if any war happens, the clan who is doing dulmi never wins anyways, it's a damn.sealed victory for awdal.
Nah just habar awal state. They do this shit to GX and HJ mps too. You’d think they would’ve learned their lesson after the dhulbahante chimpoutThis proves Somaliland is an Isaaq state, he criticized SNM last week and now is being humiliated. @Sophisticate