Bajaaj Are Getting Banned In Mogadishu

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
Next thing you know thousands of young men are taking up arms in the middle of the capital against the government. What's the chances boob qaran are baj baj drivers.


Why doesn't he stop this 'tower' madness in hamar and create meaningful jobs so the locals all become consumers and on top of that have savings and investments. Brilliant economics 'create shiny' towers so 'we look rich' but the masses have '1 dollar' to their name. Excellent HAGONOMICS.

If they converted their 'towers' into 'money making ventures' it wud spread to the 'poor to shift to the middle' leading to more investment opportunities for them to grow even wealthier, but NO, just a 'nice tower' sitting there not generating a cent 4 them, wat a 'dead investment'


This small country town in Australia




That small country town in Australia has more wealth per capita, more economic resilience(reliable middle class consumer base), a world-class infrastructure(roads, schools, electricity, water, drainage, sewage) PLUS a higher human capital then that 'shitty tower fest show' by mumbai where all its ppl are '1 dollar' a day.

That's my goals for Puntland vs Hamar


I want PL economissts to assess all investors when they come, how their investment will 'spread to create a larger middle class' and if it doesn't send them to hamar. A larger middle class will generate more 'economic' investment by default, when they 'grow', the rich 'respond n grow' even further, the 'pyramid structure' doesn't change. But if the peasants are all at the bottom of the pyramid, it will hurt investors cause they have nothing to 'invest' becuz their no consumers(middle class or middle of the pyramid).

It's absolutely crucial for investor class to shift the peasants into the 'middle' it will lead to 'more growth' for the top of the pyramid as they will 'respond' and increase production or further investment. It's a proven model, it's an 'economic resilient model'.

But investors also demand a strong govt, law n order, effective courts, contractual laws, infrastructure, quality accreditated schooling to generate the human capital needed, good health outcomes for locals(longer working life). The locals need basics in order to 'reach' middle class.

They need everything investors demand, plus food security/clean water/quality schools/health etc. So let's send the 'priorities' that each govt has to focus on from 'local input and investor input'. Let's send our demands of investors(type of investment, value pie sharing, supply chains reactions). Let's send our demands of what we expect from locals also. Everyone must get lost and focus on their area rather then arguing all day over shit.
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The big thing govt/investors should demand that locals improve becuz everyone has a role to play not just one side.

Locals needs to improve on their morality, honesty, school/work ethic(not cheating or short cuts), assist govt in security. I think if we implement 'local accountability' thru 'statistics gathering and displaying who is the 'most criminal in prison, who works the worst, who has the lowest school performance' and we expose this nationally not to 'harm' them but to improve. Lack of accountability leads to social decay cuz they have nothing to fear, yaaba lala hisabtamayo. Even god 'measures' ppl in judgement day, but our govt doesnst measure not ONE THING. God said 'qowm aan is badelin illahi ma badelo' so u can keep prayin he aint answering. How does a 'qowm' change. ACCOUNTABILITY changes a 'qowm'


With high unemployment rate already they want to make it worse.

Wallahi if their was social accountability set up to measure all clans each year and publically listed so all can access and see where the 'pain points' are, it will lead to greater competition plus a complete eradications of social decay we witness due to 'fear of being seen as the failure' clan.

They follow everything in Islam up to the point of 'isla hisabtan' funny right? yet isla hisaabtan is how god judges but they ironically do not use this 'method' lol no wonder god said he won't change a 'qowm' untill they change, meaning u need to 'judge yourselves' and hold yourselves accountable like he holds you accountable. If we skip this 'accountability' part, everything will rott to corruption and social decay will spread and god made it clear he isnt going to 'interfere' so no prayer will change it.
this is stupid, the youth want to work they can make 20 a day which is around 400 a month, people are just upset that the youth are thriving and living.

Somalia has 70 % of its population under the age of 30

This is why people LIke Formajoo are able to come back, stupid policies like this just give fuel and ammo to opposition.

If the Government cant replace bijajajs with Factories and other jobs then this idea is just stupid.


“I am an empathic and emotionally-aware person.
Apparently hormuud has taxis and hormuud want the bajaaj gone so they can get the market to themselves.

Maybe someone can shed more light into that.
Facts they want people to use their Uber like app Dhoweeye which has successfully taken over Hargeisa

Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
this is stupid, the youth want to work they can make 20 a day which is around 400 a month, people are just upset that the youth are thriving and living.

Somalia has 70 % of its population under the age of 30

This is why people LIke Formajoo are able to come back, stupid policies like this just give fuel and ammo to opposition.

If the Government cant replace bijajajs with Factories and other jobs then this idea is just stupid.
No more Failmaajo :mjlol:

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time to hire bus drives and make jobs in other sectors for them. First time I am seeing this mayor do anything meaningful for the people traffic was crazy.


Anti Qabilist - Somali Patriot
This small country town in Australia




That small country town in Australia has more wealth per capita, more economic resilience(reliable middle class consumer base), a world-class infrastructure(roads, schools, electricity, water, drainage, sewage) PLUS a higher human capital then that 'shitty tower fest show' by mumbai where all its ppl are '1 dollar' a day.

That's my goals for Puntland vs Hamar
Are you really comparing India to Australia !
there is a massive difference between the two countries. Shouldn’t have to explain it to you, quite self explanatory don’t you think. Instead of complaining why don’t you go to Somalia and help make a difference.
Hormuud is behind this they want some Uber app of there’s to take over. These guys are a monopoly they already dominate most of Somalia expect for the north.


LG gang we gon slide for my nigga 🤐🥷
I’m not shocked tbh they already been banned in Bosaso they’re not practical to have in the big cities once we implement actual traffic rules. I’d suggest putting bus routes in the bigger cities to replace the need for bajaaj.