Bajaaj Are Getting Banned In Mogadishu


With little fabrication you can get creative and turn the Bajaaj into mini shop, food truck, coffee and Mac macaan truck , veggies and fruits stall. Park it in a prime location with out worrying about property rent


Dr Osman I'm going to Sue if if you steal my business idea

I remember suggesting to puntites about converting 'shipping containers' becuz that's done and looks elegant and seems cheap for the 'small business person' to do, but your idea adds 'mobility' which my container converters didn't. That's the great thing about ideas, we can review what is affordable, practical, and more elegant then existing solutions(sticks, scrap metals, etc)
I remember suggesting to puntites about converting 'shipping containers' becuz that's done and looks elegant and seems cheap for the 'small business person' to do, but your idea adds 'mobility' which my container converters didn't. That's the great thing about ideas, we can review what is affordable, practical, and more elegant then existing solutions(sticks, scrap metals, etc)
Tin containers are not optimal for Somalia there's multiple issues that arise firstly its a metal box in hot ass Somalia. Secondly when you put windows or doors into it makes less structural safe, My friend was working a place in Boston that's one of the worlds leading companies in shipping container converting as an architecture and he was telling me all the issues with it. Plus we need to ban the import of metal sheets for house go back to stone.
It’s the responsibility of the government to create jobs for the people. Sad times for the young men and women who make a living out of bajaaj


I posted a thread a while ago how Hormuud were trying to ban bajaajs using the government. Sad to see they are actually doing it now. This is why monopolies are dangerous people. It leads to state capture and the state being used to serve the interests of the monopoly rather than the people. And when the monopoly is a terrorist organisation like Hormuud and other Ictisaam enterprises, you have a disaster
I posted a thread a while ago how Hormuud were trying to ban bajaajs using the government. Sad to see they are actually doing it now. This is why monopolies are dangerous people. It leads to state capture and the state being used to serve the interests of the monopoly rather than the people. And when the monopoly is a terrorist organisation like Hormuud and other Ictisaam enterprises, you have a disaster
How do you know they are terrorist?


Hormuud uses the government to create and make laws. They have a new taxi company so they told the government to ban Bajaaj, their main competition, in order to monopolize the market. If the government isn’t able to ban their competitors, then they will use Al Shabab to kill them instead.
Too much noise and pollution.
The city needs public transportation, bus stops and better infrastructure. Too much traffic pollutes and causes a severe security risk. We welcome this new law.

The fact that the only people opposing it on this thread are fifth colum aliens who hate reer Muqdisho. Is a testamony to this law benefitting the city. Remember that this law cuts Bajaaj traffic in half. Making room for bus and proper taxis.
The city needs public transportation, bus stops and better infrastructure. Too much traffic pollutes and causes a severe security risk. We welcome this new law.

The fact that the only people opposing it on this thread are fifth colum aliens who hate reer Muqdisho. Is a testamony to this law benefitting the city. Remember that this law cuts Bajaaj traffic in half. Making room for bus and proper taxis.
I support A and B because the bajaaj are getting too much but do you think they should also reduce the tax if their working days are lessened?