Bantu Countries Invaded Congo to Cleanse M23 Tutsis.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
There is a full scale war going in the Congo against the Tutsis The Bantu Expansion is still happening Kagame alone supporting The Tutsis
Mean while the Bantus are already blaming us after getting their ass whooped


Forza Somalia!
There is a full scale war going in the Congo against the Tutsis The Bantu Expansion is still happening Kagame alone supporting The Tutsis
Mean while the Bantus are already blaming us after getting their ass whooped
Sxb, Kagame (Rwanda), Uganda and M23 are the baddies. Kagame was fueling conflicts and atrocities in eastern congo to export blood minerals, including gold, diamond, cobalt, etc.
Paul Kagame is a CIA asset he even steals resources from the Congo this guy wants Tutsi to dominate the Great Lakes region.

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
Paul Kagame is a CIA asset he even steals resources from the Congo this guy wants Tutsi to dominate the Great Lakes region.
Yes Kagame is a CIA asset they support him behind closed doors because the Bantus in that region are pro Russia and China and the West doesn't like that that's why they're ignoring this war

Dalac Bilaash

☠ Emperor of The Horn ☠
60% of Tutsi males has E-West african HB, 20% B HG, 4% E-P2. Horn African Y haplogroups are under 3%. They speak Bantu language. They share more genetic kinship with Hutus than in other group.
Yes but they used to be southern Cushites they've been totally wiped by the Bantu Expansion that's why they have Bantu Admixture and Bantu Language but their features are still the same even after mixing with Hutu Bantus.


Forza Somalia!
Yes but they used to be southern Cushites they've been totally wiped by the Bantu Expansion that's why they have Bantu Admixture and Bantu Language but their features are still the same even after mixing with Hutu Bantus.
What about their Paternal haplogroup that is similar to other Bantus? Even their autosomal dna is similar to Hutus.


Cushite Arab
60% of Tutsi males has E-West african HB, 20% B HG, 4% E-P2. Horn African Y haplogroups are under 3%. They speak Bantu language. They share more genetic kinship with Hutus than in other group.
If they're fathers are Bantu how did they maintain their Cushitic features?
Yes Kagame is a CIA asset they support him behind closed doors because the Bantus in that region are pro Russia and China and the West doesn't like that that's why they're ignoring this warView attachment 315273
Kagame first supported Kabila and wanted him to put Tutsi in the government once he refused he backed rebels that’s when the second Congolese war started. Tutsi dominate Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and he wants Tutsi to dominate Tanzania and Congo you can take out the men out of the Horn of Africa but you can’t take out the Horn of Africa in the men, what a xoogster Kagame is.

El Nino

Cabsi cabsi
60% of Tutsi males has E-West african HB, 20% B HG, 4% E-P2. Horn African Y haplogroups are under 3%. They speak Bantu language. They share more genetic kinship with Hutus than in other group.
Thats outdated research sxb, largest single Y-dna they have is E-M293, in fact E1b1ba is is not that high among them.