Bantu Countries Invaded Congo to Cleanse M23 Tutsis.

Cartan Boos

Average SSC Patriot
It's not their land, they don't even appear on colonial maps. They migrated out of Rwanda, Burundi first in the 19th century to escape taxes and they were welcomed by the Bashi, Balega and others natives of Kivu. Then other who fled violences in Rwanda and Hutu takeover joined them but they imported their tribalism(Hutu vs Tutsi) in Congo and strated claiming the land which wasn't theirs to begin with. The fact that they were helped by Rwanda afterwards which are considered the enemy by most congolese is contradictory with their aim to be accepted as congolese. What's needed is a growing presence of congolese forces, institutions on the ground and the respect of traditional lands. As long as the congolese government doesn't control well it's eastern territories, it will go on
banyamulenge are native to their land, even after long genocide against them they still believe in congolese unity even after being deny their congolese right, f*ck the congo goverment
banyamulenge are native to their land, even after long genocide against them they still believe in congolese unity even after being deny their congolese right, f*ck the congo goverment
Somali bantu are more natives in Somalia than Banyamulenge in Congo. They first set a foot in Congo two centuries ago as refugees flying taxes from Rwandan kingdom. Over the years more recent refugees joined them due to the political and tribal turmoils in Rwanda/Burundi. On top of that they attacked their host country by aligning with Rwanda. Just imagine if the Bajuni or Somali Bantu attacked Somalia with Kenya's help causing millions of direct or indirect deaths. You and I know how Somalis would react so don't expect native congolese to easily embrace them