Basra poem 😎😎😎😎

Hit me with your best shot, mate.
You really ain’t scared

What a sad sight you are young lady
you’re dreams are drifting soft and hazy
Get out of your hoyoos basement
Go find a job maybe
Madow Slim shady looking ahhh 😱 😱😱
You probably wear shin pads everywhere you go
You probably use an ipad as a phone
You’re most likely just skin and bones


YOURE FiNISHED !!!!!!!!!!!!
What a sad sight you are young lady
you’re dreams are drifting soft and hazy
Get out of your hoyoos basement
Go find a job maybe
Madow Slim shady looking ahhh 😱 😱😱
You probably wear shin pads everywhere you go
You probably use an ipad as a phone
You’re most likely just skin and bones

View attachment 330658
YOURE FiNISHED !!!!!!!!!!!!
View attachment 330659
Proud of you for plucking up the courage to write your own sh*t. I wish I could say the same about Drake (a.k.a BBL Drizzy)

