BBC: Risking death to smuggle alcohol past Somali bandits and Islamist fighters


Banned Khat drug 'pushed underground' in Wales, users say - BBC News

Somaliland Police Seize 888 Liters of Smuggled Alcohol - Mustaqbal Media

Me rn

They must love their alcohol in Mogadishu so the demand is high and the supply can't keep up driving up the price ! Also the fact that Caabudwaaq is on the border with Ethiopia making cost of transporting goods from Ethiopia cheaper.

Finally import tax, between the border and Mogadishu there are multiple clans and complex trade agreements between said clans.

trade inside Somalia is like trading inside Europe pre-world war 1, they have come a very long way to make trade cheaper and make more sense for all but as Somalis we still have a long way to go.
Right just hearing how they have to travel 100s of miles just to get some means that the scale of this demand is very small and this could probably be fixed with a better government but here we are.
Its not just alcohol or khat that is imported from Ethiopia, its everything. This trade is important for Goldogob and the relations with Ethiopia is important which is why I always clash with Kacaanist old heads who hate the Habesh in their bones, losing track of basic economic interest.
nigga are you serious right now
lets be real the only thing being imported is funding for the rebels, weapons, khat and now alcohol.

Any legit imports come by plane or ship (muqdisho) its simply illogical to travel all that way for anything basic that isnt illegal.

Maybe its different for northern somalia
“My neighbour Abshir who initially got me into smuggling alcohol, stopped doing it himself three years ago.”

Abshir offered his nephew, an unemployed graduate at the time, a job in smuggling. But he was killed on his third trip in an ambush by bandits.

“Afterwards Abshir quit smuggling. He became religious and turned to God. I rarely see him any more.”

This is not a joke these guys are playing with their lives to earn haram money, nonetheless this is a trip im planning to take of course not smuggling.

