Beautiful CHURCH in Somalia

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I got boomer connections
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borama mosque, is beautiful.

I think we suck at building beautiful mosques.


I got boomer connections
This is the shit I'm talking about. Absolutely no planning. Somalis need to go back to our coastal architecture. It was unique and beautiful.

I think is ok look for small border town, you should mosques in west african countries, they're made of huts.


This is the shit I'm talking about. Absolutely no planning. Somalis need to go back to our coastal architecture. It was unique and beautiful.

It's actually very similar to the coastal designs (themselves based on the Holy Mosque in Medina I believe) but it's been painted in vivid colours.
This is the shit I'm talking about. Absolutely no planning. Somalis need to go back to our coastal architecture. It was unique and beautiful.
Our (reer Banaadir) coastal architecture. You uneducated scoundrel... Don't hijack the history, achievements and contributions of the coastal dwellers.


Our (reer Banaadir) coastal architecture. You uneducated scoundrel... Don't hijack the history, achievements and contributions of the coastal dwellers.

Reer Benadir is not equal to cad cad, you were adopted by the real natives. No one knows what to call you because you're not a clan so people just call you Reer Xamar (not Reer Benadir ffs) cad cad and Gibil cad and the latter two are offensive so you're Reer Xamar and real Xamaris resent it. If only you knew how little people really think of you. The cuisine comes from centuries of trade with Muslim Asians and Turks, it's not yours. And the architecture precedes you by half a millennia.


Suicidal men adore me.
Reer Benadir is not equal to cad cad, you were adopted by the real natives. No one knows what to call you because you're not a clan so people just call you Reer Xamar (not Reer Benadir ffs) cad cad and Gibil cad and the latter two are offensive so you're Reer Xamar and real Xamaris resent it. If only you knew how little people really think of you. The cuisine comes from centuries of trade with Muslim Asians and Turks, it's not yours. And the architecture precedes you by half a millennia.

Thank you. I hate that they're hijacking my term. I'm a real xamari. Fucking gypsies. They haven't contributed to shit.


Thank you. I hate that their hijacking my term. I'm a real xamari. Fucking gypsies. They haven't contributed to shit.

They even claim they brought Islam to Somalia when the first Somali built mosques were built in Zeila and Somali Galbeed 1,000 years before they arrived non our shores to sell biscuits. They came to us because we were enlightened and a busy trade hub. They don't even know what they are, they'll claim Persian, Omani, Yemeni and Hindi just so they can claim to have brought this or that to Somalia like we aren't the best tradesmen in Africa even today.


Suicidal men adore me.
They even claim they brought Islam to Somalia when the first Somali built mosques were built in Zeila and Somali Galbeed 1,000 years before they arrived non our shores to sell biscuits. They came to us because we were enlightened and a busy trade hub. They don't even know what they are, they'll claim Persian, Omani, Yemeni and Hindi just so they can claim to have brought this or that to Somalia like we aren't the best tradesmen in Africa even today.

Say that again!! We're one hell of a old country. They haven't contribute to shit but their own misery.


Say that again!! We're one hell of a old country. They haven't contribute to shit but their own misery.

They came to us like people go to Europe. They merely lived in a very prosperous region (they were initially a tiny group but they bred like mice) and today they claim to have built something which the Italians tried to seize from us because of it's history an beauty. The colonizers didn't even register their existence so imagine what state they were living in pre independence but they act like the war took everything from them.
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