Beautiful CHURCH in Somalia

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Suicidal men adore me.
They came to us like people go to Europe. They merely lived in a very prosperous region (they were initially a tiny group but they bred like mice) and today they claim to have built something which the Italians tried to seize from us because of it's history an beauty. The colonizers didn't even register their existence so imagine what state they were living in pre independence but they act like the war took everything from them.

My mother told me they are called cad cads because people in Xamar didn't know who they were and where they came from they only saw that they were lighter skinned. LMAO IF THAT'S NOT THE DEFINITION OF GYPSIES.
Reer Benadir is not equal to cad cad, you were adopted by the real natives. No one knows what to call you because you're not a clan so people just call you Reer Xamar (not Reer Benadir ffs) cad cad and Gibil cad and the latter two are offensive so you're Reer Xamar and real Xamaris resent it. If only you knew how little people really think of you. The cuisine comes from centuries of trade with Muslim Asians and Turks, it's not yours. And the architecture precedes you by half a millennia.
Wallahi you are beyond delusional. You're probably clinically insane.. I don't mean to give you cold feet but who were the Mozeidi Arabs that jointly ruled with Somalis as part of the Muzaffar dynasty? Their descendants are still with us. Who else did you think the reer Faqi (an cadcad tribe) are? Ajuuran were heavily involved in the construction of the coast, I'll give credit where it's due. Stop shamelessly revising history nayaa. Wallahi we were the wealthiest people on the coast as well...

What does the word 'Banaadir' mean you dhadhaan. Walle is a Pastoralist claiming to be the descendant of the original coastal dwellers? I'm tired of having this conversation with you. You clearly have an inferiority complex wallahi. We are the business class nayaaa.

The independent researcher wrote that the Benadiri are people of an "urban and trading way of life" and that "[l]iving on the shoreline, participating in the Indian Ocean trade, and living in towns, their socio-economic life has developed in ways different from that of their fellow [nomadic pastoralist (SOMRAF 2010)] Somalis of the interior" (Independent Researcher 21 Nov. 2012). According to the Somali Minority Rights and Aid Forum (SOMRAF), a Nairobi-based not-for-profit human rights, aid and development NGO working in Somalia and other countries (MRG Oct. 2010, ii), non-pastoralist groups are generally considered "inferior or minority groups" in Somalia (SOMRAF 2010).

LOOOOOOOOL We were 'looked' down upon? Wallahi your people looked up to us you dimwit...

Sources indicate that, although the Benadiri enjoyed a "privileged status" prior to the civil war, they were subsequently targeted by other groups who took their businesses and properties (MRG Oct. 2010, 12; UK 17 Jan. 2012, para. 19.67).

"In correspondence with the Research Directorate, a UK-based independent researcher who lived in Somalia for 25 years and completed her doctoral thesis on the Reer Hamar/Benadiri people stated that the Reer Hamar "belong to the lineage groups that are associated with stone-town Mogadishu, the oldest part of the city ... which was historically known as Hamar" (21 Nov. 2012). MRG explains that the Reer Hamar are part of a group of minorities that originates from "mercantile urban communities" established by migrants from the Arabian Peninsula who settled along the southern coast of Somalia and built stone towns for defence and trade (Oct. 2010, 8, 11).

Some sources indicate that Reer Hamar are also known as Benadiri [also spelled Benadiiri, Banadiri, Benadir] (UK 23 Oct. 2012, para. 3.9.3; UN 24 Feb. 2009, para. 53; Academic 19 Nov. 2012). Others suggest that the Reer Hamar are a sub-group of the Benadiri (Mohamoud Feb. 2012, 10; ACCORD Dec. 2009, 17; MRG Oct. 2010, 11). According to the Norwegian Country of Origin Information Centre (Landinfo), the term Benadiri has only been used to refer to people since 1991, before which it was strictly a geographic term (Norway 17 Dec. 2009, 2)"

Sources indicate that the Benadiri do not constitute a "clan" because they do not claim to have a common ancestor (Norway 17 Dec. 2009, 2; MRG Oct. 2010, 34, note 43). Rather, as Landinfo explains, they are "a group or category of clans, including sub-clans, of light skin … and of partly Arab descent" (Norway 17 Dec. 2009, 2). According to a report based on a lecture given as part of a workshop on clans in Somalia organized by the Austrian Centre for Country of Origin and Asylum Research and Documentation (ACCORD), by Dr. Joakim Gundel, a political analyst specializing in Somali studies, the Reer Hamar are mainly of Arabic descent but are "not exactly a homogenous ethnic group" (ACCORD Dec. 2009, 17). The independent researcher emphasized that, in more recent times, Somalis who are not ethnically part of the Benadiri may call themselves or be considered Benadiri or Reer Hamar because they live in the general area of the Benadir coast (21 Nov. 2012).

Reer Hamar/Benadiri people stated that the Reer Hamar "belong to the lineage groups that are associated with stone-town Mogadishu, the oldest part of the city ... which was historically known as Hamar" (21 Nov. 2012).

I'll repeat, this kind of architecture and design wasn't found amongst other ethnic Somalis, why is that? We both know the answer to that question. I have soo many more sources and information regarding this topic that I did not make reference to.

Waa kaa naxi wallaahi.


My mother told me they are called cad cads because people in Xamar didn't know who they were and where they came from they only saw that they were lighter skinned. LMAO IF THAT'S NOT THE DEFINITION OF GYPSIES.

They're not a tribe or a clan or from one country. They're Swahili and other tribes who intermarry (in the old days we scarcely mixed with them) that's why no one knows what to call them.
Muslims want mosques in villages in northern Europe and in the Amazon where tribesmen who have never been contacted before live but they refuse to have 1 church for a small Christian community in one of the largest cities in Africa.


This is why I support Switzerland and those other European far right political parties in the way they treat you.


HRH Duchess of Puntland, The Viscount of Garoowe
Muslims want mosques in villages in northern Europe and in the Amazon where tribesmen who have never been contacted before live but they refuse to have 1 church for a small Christian community in one of the largest cities in Africa.


This is why I support Switzerland and those other European far right political parties in the way they treat you.

Two wrongs don't make a right. If you support the discrimination of Muslims in western countries then you are in no position to talk shit about how minorities are treated in some Muslim countries.
Two wrongs don't make a right. If you support the discrimination of Muslims in western countries then you are in no position to talk shit about how minorities are treated in some Muslim communities.

I only support your discrimination because you guys always discriminate against minorities.

If this wasn't the case I would not do so. I would have absolutely no reason to. I am not calling for Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs to be discriminated against. I hope they can practice freely. Even the Shias are not intolerant as the Sunnis.

Your community has an intolerance problem.


Muslims want mosques in villages in northern Europe and in the Amazon where tribesmen who have never been contacted before live but they refuse to have 1 church for a small Christian community in one of the largest cities in Africa.


This is why I support Switzerland and those other European far right political parties in the way they treat you.

I think we should have fewer mosques which serve all Muslims instead of the farce we have right now. But the colonial period was very recent. If Muslims had colonised all of Europe and extremists forcibly converted people and took their children into madrassas on their own it would be the same.
They're not a tribe or a clan or from one country. They're Swahili and other tribes who intermarry (in the old days we scarcely mixed with them) that's why no one knows what to call them.
Lol @ scarcely mixed with them... Wallahi your women threw themselves at us. Why do you think the Somali ancestors of every Banadiri were all women without fail? Our haplotypes are not indigenous... Logically, we can deduce from this that it was our men marrying your women... You can go fucking cry if you want. Nothing will change... We were your superiors so you had to get physical...

"Successively, other groups emigrated from different regions in the Arabian Peninsula at different times. Among the followers of the first group of settlers consisted of members from the clans of, in alphabetical order, the Abdisamad, Alawidin, Amudi, Asharaf, Ba-Fadal, Ba-Hamish, Ba-Jamal, Bakri, Ba-Muqtar, Ba-Sadiq, Hamdan, Omarudin, Shamsudin, Shawish, and Wali.

Upon their arrival, these early settlers have established centers of commerce, doing business with traders from as far as India and China. So sophisticated, with urban culture and extraordinary literate background, these early settlers along thecoast of the Indian Ocean were described by foreign visitors as "people bound together by ties of citizenship and not by tribal relationships", remarking on their identification with locality and not by tribal affiliations."

Wallahi all of my great grandparents knew how to read and write.



Suicidal men adore me.
I only support your discrimination because you guys always discriminate against minorities.

If this wasn't the case I would not do so. I would have absolutely no reason to. I am not calling for Buddhists, Jews, Christians, Hindus, Sikhs to be discriminated against. I hope they can practice freely. Even the Shias are not intolerant as the Sunnis.

Your community has an intolerance problem.

Don't blame this on Sunnis! This is a problem that has risen from Wahhabi doctrine. Before the war in Somalia Muslims, non practicing, atheist, Christians whatever you were lived among each other. This is problem based on lack of knowledge. How many Muslims can actually read and understand the Quran and don't take the words of their sheikhs as facts? Today you have sheikhs in Somalia telling the poor and the sick to give them money so that they can heal them.
I think we should have fewer mosques which serve all Muslims instead of the farce we have right now. But the colonial period was very recent. If Muslims had colonised all of Europe and extremists forcibly converted people and took their children into madrassas on their own it would be the same.

There is a small Christian community in Somalia whether you like it or not. They fear for their lives so they go underground.

There's should be a church that is allowed to be built for the small Christian community. Whether that one is rebuilt or another, it doesn't matter.

You even banned Christmas to be celebrated in Somalia. Maybe the Westerners should ban Eid and Ramadan and let's see how you people like it.


Suicidal men adore me.
Lol @ scarcely mixed with them... Wallahi your women threw themselves at us. Why do you think the Somali ancestors of every Banadiri were all women without fail? Our haplotypes are not indigenous... Logically, we can deduce from this that it was our men marrying your women... You can go fucking cry if you want. Nothing will change... We were your superiors so you had to get physical...

"Successively, other groups emigrated from different regions in the Arabian Peninsula at different times. Among the followers of the first group of settlers consisted of members from the clans of, in alphabetical order, the Abdisamad, Alawidin, Amudi, Asharaf, Ba-Fadal, Ba-Hamish, Ba-Jamal, Bakri, Ba-Muqtar, Ba-Sadiq, Hamdan, Omarudin, Shamsudin, Shawish, and Wali.

Upon their arrival, these early settlers have established centers of commerce, doing business with traders from as far as India and China. So sophisticated, with urban culture and extraordinary literate background, these early settlers along thecoast of the Indian Ocean were described by foreign visitors as "people bound together by ties of citizenship and not by tribal relationships", remarking on their identification with locality and not by tribal affiliations."

Wallahi all of my great grandparents knew how to read and write.


No ones gonna read that shit



Suicidal men adore me.
There is a small Christian community in Somalia whether you like it or not. They fear for their lives so they go underground.

There's should be a church that is allowed to be built for the small Christian community. Whether that one is rebuilt or another, it doesn't matter.

You even banned Christmas to be celebrated in Somalia. Maybe the Westerners should ban Eid and Ramadan and let's see how you people like it.

The banning of Christmas was because the govt feared Al shabab would target those that celebrate it. It's only temporary.


There is a small Christian community in Somalia whether you like it or not. They fear for their lives so they go underground.

There's should be a church that is allowed to be built for the small Christian community. Whether that one is built or another, it doesn't matter.

You even banned Christmas to be celebrated in Somalia. Maybe the Westerners should ban Eid and Ramadan and let's see how you people like it.

It honestly doesn't bother me because Islam has no problem with Christianity as long as it's not being used oppressively. They should be able to practise their faith but we're worried that they'll use it politically like the Shias and Wahabbis do. We're just not strong enough to deal with it yet.
They even claim they brought Islam to Somalia when the first Somali built mosques were built in Zeila and Somali Galbeed 1,000 years before they arrived non our shores to sell biscuits. They came to us because we were enlightened and a busy trade hub. They don't even know what they are, they'll claim Persian, Omani, Yemeni and Hindi just so they can claim to have brought this or that to Somalia like we aren't the best tradesmen in Africa even today.
Ancient history of somali cities
The city states of Mossylon, Malao, Mundus and Tabae in Somalia engaged in a lucrative trade network connecting Somali merchants with Phoenicia, Ptolemic Egypt, Greece, Parthian Persia, Saba, Nabataea and the Roman Empire. Somali sailors used the ancient Somali maritime vessel known as the beden to transport their cargo.
The banning of Christmas was because the govt feared Al shabab would target those that celebrate it. It's only temporary.

They announced they banned it twice before and they did so because "We are a Muslim nation". They only came out and brought Al Shabab into the conversation after they were criticized.


Suicidal men adore me.
My mothers neighbor in Somalia had a Christmas tree in his house. Somalis like to believe Christian Somalis don't exist, they do but they fear their lives.
Muslims want mosques in villages in northern Europe and in the Amazon where tribesmen who have never been contacted before live but they refuse to have 1 church for a small Christian community in one of the largest cities in Africa.


This is why I support Switzerland and those other European far right political parties in the way they treat you.

There is church in Hargeisa ask reer Hargeisa about it and I am sure how our faith is strong Somalis people will never convert for Christianity after all our history with Ethiopia and seeing they side with Ethiopia against Somalia.
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