Beautuful Somali bantu & Lamagoodle couple Allahumabarik

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Inter racial marriage in Somalia will become very common, as online dating apps and due to economic factors Somali girls will happely marry out as long as the man can provide ☺


Somalia will have a coup and pogroms if mass immigration from EAC or any Christian state evever happens.

You can sit here and spew nonsense online but the matter of fact is the Somalis distinguish themselves from others clearly snd for a reason.
Brother I'm not advocating for every somali to suddenly let his daughter marry a bantu. I'm advocating that we treat the with respect so that the Christian bantus don't have an easy way to manipulate them. It's better to keep them close than to allow outside forces facilitate conflict. At least they're not land snatching thieves like the oromo.

Internet Nomad

You southerners were so lazy you started importing bantus to work the farms for you. Now you become bantus.
The craziest thing is now these bantus own these farms. Or at least majority reside there.

I wouldn’t mind if the farm owners were Somali and used the bantus as cheap labour but these niggas own the bread basket of Somalia.
He looks somali
Nope. If you don’t look like these two individuals below then you’re not Somali:


Internet Nomad

What's the issue. Allah gave them the land. It belongs to them.
Nigga we brought them as cheap labour and now they own the land.

When italians stopped Slavery the bantuas already living in the farm lands just kinda inherited it.

They should of help the slavers phase into a employer employee relationsship.
Don't forget guys a couple years ago a Somali Bantu man was burnt alive simply because his nephew married a woman who was jileec from the hawiye murusade clan. He was denied her hand in marriage and eloped with her and for that his uncle was burnt alive in broad daylight subxaanallah.

That is unislamic and despicable. I support intermarriage as we are all brothers. Intermarriage promotes brotherhood and gets rid of qabyaalad and racism
This is the same couple. His mother is Ajuuran allegedly which is why he looks somewhat ethnic.
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