Beesha Reewin " Baardheere unii leh"

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Mashallah, Beesha Reewin the owners of Baardheere held a Shir a few days ago addressing the unspeakable oppression happening in Baardheere and Gobolka Gedo as a whole.

Baardheere which is majority Raxanweyn as well as being historically home to Jameecada Baardheere which was founded by Ibrahim Yabarow born to the Jambaluul clan or Raxanweyn has no raxanweyn represention In.local gov.
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It is a major oppression today that Baardheere which hold a majority raxanweyn population to have no raxanweyn represention in the local government.

The DC of Baardheere as well as the vice DC all hail from the Marehan subclan of Daarood. Marehan also dominate majority of the other local government positions.

This is a direct cause of population engineering done by siyaad barre in his 21 years of rule where he moved members from his clan from Caabudwaaq to Baardheere. The Marehan clan then held the city by force in 1991 till today.

It is only right the native owners of Baardheere speak up and make sure they get their fair share of representation in Baardheere and Gobolka Gedo as a whole.


Galkacyo iyo Calula dhexdood
Baardheere was majority Darod, 60% Darod, 92 years ago in 1931.
Today, it is likely 80% Darod. D&M should focus on KG.


Somali Saayid

Frm President of Somalia, MP for Life, Cheese Love
If you are the majority, your people would've been in office rn. Just because beesha mx treats minorities well doesn't mean u can claim our deegans.
Lol. What good treatment. Gobolka Gedo government positions is basically only Marehan. Only ceelwaaq is Garre and they got that through constant fighting.

The reason why we ain't in office is because of qiyaano done by Marehan. We have been patient but the time for Isla xisaabtan has come.

We are going for gudoomiyaha gobolka Gedo nothing less.
Lol. What good treatment. Gobolka Gedo government positions is basically only Marehan. Only ceelwaaq is Garre and they got that through constant fighting.

The reason why we ain't in office is because of qiyaano done by Marehan. We have been patient but the time for Isla xisaabtan has come.

We are going for gudoomiyaha gobolka Gedo nothing less.

The gudoomiyaha kursi is handed out from Kismaayo. You better work on improving beesha's ties with Axmed Madoobe before making any demands 😂
Mashallah, Beesha Reewin the owners of Baardheere held a Shir a few days ago addressing the unspeakable oppression happening in Baardheere and Gobolka Gedo as a whole.

Baardheere which is majority Raxanweyn as well as being historically home to Jameecada Baardheere which was founded by Ibrahim Yabarow born to the Jambaluul clan or Raxanweyn has no raxanweyn represention In.local gov.
They should take not only baardhere but also Cabuudwaaq too.
In Somalia the only thing that counts is xoog, better not to make these claims if you can't back them up, no one will give land up just because you beg for it sxb
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Let him cook
Are you hoping to establish a d&m- leelkase connection hear 😂
You do hear nowadays many of them like reer diinsor claiming descend to tanade darood
lol i want someone to counter bidenkulaha when he tries to say lower shabelle Habar Gidir land

I’ve heard that the dabaare are leelkase i've also heard awrtable. even in small chance its true they will never claim smaller darood tribes living in north its suicide in wild wild west that is south


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
lol i want someone to counter bidenkulaha when he tries to say lower shabelle Habar Gidir land

I’ve heard that the dabaare are leelkase i've also heard awrtable. even in small chance its true they will never claim smaller darood tribes living in north its suicide in wild wild west that is south
We can test dabaare to see if he match leelkase ydna haplogroup


Let him cook
We can test dabaare to see if he match leelkase ydna haplogroup
If i ever find one i'm ready to put money towards testing them. i think story is stretch just like xawadle connection. I also hear some leelkase elders say their is tribe called korshe in ethiopia is leelkase but i've never met anyone from tribe or anyone that can say they are real lol. my goal is to find maxamud ali next to test


Beesha haplogroup e-by8081
If i ever find one i'm ready to put money towards testing them. i think story is stretch just like xawadle connection. I also hear some leelkase elders say their is tribe called korshe in ethiopia is leelkase but i've never met anyone from tribe or anyone that can say they are real lol. my goal is to find maxamud ali next to test
Mohamud ali Will be e-by8081 us they live next to muse sultan in bayla district 😂
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