Beesha Reewin " Baardheere unii leh"

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If i ever find one i'm ready to put money towards testing them. i think story is stretch just like xawadle connection. I also hear some leelkase elders say their is tribe called korshe in ethiopia is leelkase but i've never met anyone from tribe or anyone that can say they are real lol. my goal is to find maxamud ali next to test
My family has met some korshe before they exist
The gudoomiyaha kursi is handed out from Kismaayo. You better work on improving beesha's ties with Axmed Madoobe before making any demands 😂
This is what prompted this Shir i think. Reewins heard Axmed madoobe was building golaha deeganka and we want our fair share.
is dabarre big clan and do they mainly live in dinsoor?
dabarre live mostly in bay but extend to lower shabelle and middle jubba too, they are sizeable clan which use to have even their own militia in the civil war unlike the other digil clans. Thats also why I don't think all of them could be all leelkase, but maybe some of them are and were assimilated into the larger tribe.
dabarre live mostly in bay but extend to lower shabelle and middle jubba too, they are sizeable clan which use to have even their own militia in the civil war unlike the other digil clans. Thats also why I don't think all of them could be all leelkase, but maybe some of them are and were assimilated into the larger tribe.
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Maybe some LLK wadaads settled amongst dabarre that seems like the most possible scenario
they live in parts of middle jubba east of the river but not buuale sxb, stop the unii leh behaviour :ulyin:
They also live In Buaale as well. Buaale is known to be a Dabarre and ajuuraan town.

Buaale is split into two sides. The eastern side which is purely Dabarre and Ajuuraan and western side which is a mix of Dabarre ajuuraan and Daarood.
af dabarre is said to be very different from af maay linguistically ( maay being nearer to maxaa tiri than dabarre), do you speak af maay and can maay spakers understand them?
It's very similar to Maay and basically mutually understandable. It does have some terms which are closer to Maxaa though. This guy is speaking it.

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