I hope to establish a nursing school once I have to knowledge to do so. With a new form of nursing care in line with that in the west. Although I cringe at the uniforms the local hospitals have currently, it must be bare below the elbow and no jilbaab this is strict infection control procedure. One which warrents the safety of all patients the reduction of MRSA and C-Diff is a well established routine here in the west. The same can be said in somalia, their entire concept must be changed. They must be a respected profession as well (not classified as the doctors hand maiden) as they are here in the UK.
You are idealistic, full of ambition and innocent. Why didn't you travel back home? You said you have all your family back home. Go on vacation sometime and spend that nursing money you got to see the local culture from up close.
PS: America hires European nurses. In case you wanted to do a stint in America as well and see the world a little before you get established.