Believing in Darwinism is Kufr.

Internet Nomad

There is a quote that explains religion perfectly and u seem to be showing same traits as the quote.


You seem over-focused on hell and punishment which guides ur faith, which is fine, u haven't experienced psychosis niyahow, u come out of that hellish experience with 'personal god' as u experienced something radically different to the avg geeser. But religion may work 4 them if their 'growth' has simply ended with 'I FEAR HELL and therefore I Pray to Allah'.
This qoute is kinda dumb when you realise that people who tend to do better in tough life situations are religious people as they have a understanding that everything happens for a reason.

Its why shouldn’t i be “overly focused” on where i go after i die?

I and many Muslim worship Allah because he is the only one Worthy of worship.


Just because we don't have another theory doesn't make evolution true,
thats like saying the only theory for the reason apple falls when dropped is gravity, if you cannot come up with another theory then the theory of gravity has to be true,
lack of evidence is not proof of evidence
if you cannot prove something to be 100% true and any other possibility to be impossible you cannot assert your theory is 100%
if you want to say evolution is the most rational theory to you thats fine, but I do not believe it is fact
how do you explain the similarities between all living and non living organisms, we all have similiar patterns and created in a similar way, all material in the universe has similar patterns, balance in the way it is formed, when you look at the universe and earth, you will find similarity in all material, how do you explain that?

That's true absence of evidence isn't evidence 4 absence. Even if not single shred of evidence for god didn't exist, we can't conclude god doesn't exist primarily on lack of evidence. I agree 100% there. Why? well did gravity just 'exist' when found and proven? of course not, it always existed and was FOUND later.


This qoute is kinda dumb when you realise that people who tend to do better in tough life situations are religious people as they have a understanding that everything happens for a reason.

Its why shouldn’t i be “overly focused” on where i go after i die?

I and many Muslim worship Allah because he is the only one Worthy of worship.

It means simply u haven't experienced pain/suffering on any grand life-changing SCALE and u been TAUGHT TO 'FEAR' IT. Once u have which I did thru psychosis, u come out a different man about your outlooks on God and LIFE. Why? Becuz u can imagine that pain-suffering multiplied into infinity and eternal, which u can't becuz u ONLY 'FEAR' it but haven't really experienced it. That's what it means, religion WORKS 4 U and addresses YOUR NEEDS of 'fear of god and trying to prove YOUR WORTHY before god and ur fears of the unknown such as death'. Where-as spirituality all that is GONE, your relationship with GOD is MUTUAL Respect. Trust me u don't fear death anymore after psychosis U PRAY ALLAH GIVES IT TO U ONLY PEACEFULLY to end the psychosis.


Madaxweynaha Qurbo Joogta 🇸🇴
It means simply u haven't experienced pain/suffering on any grand life-changing SCALE and u been TAUGHT TO 'FEAR' IT. Once u have which I did thru psychosis, u come out a different man about your outlooks on God and LIFE. Becuz u can imagine that pain-suffering multiplied into infinity and eternal, which u can't becuz u ONLY 'FEAR' it but haven't really experienced it. That's what it means, religion WORKS 4 U and addresses YOUR NEEDS of 'fear of god and trying to prove YOUR WORTHY before god'. Where-as spirituality all that is GONE, your relationship with GOD is MUTUAL Respect.
Have you read the descriptions of hell? Nothing you’ll experience in this world can compare. You’d have to be crazy to not fear the hell described if you believe in God and believe that he is just. I mean God himself tells us to fear him. Fearing god is the part of the essence of spirituality. It means you are conscious of God and are aware of him at all times in your life.

But that’s only one side of the equation, the other part of spirituality is loving God and thanking for his blessings. It’s is thanking him after filling your belly or thanking after sneezing. We worship God because we fear his punishment and because we love him and want to be in his servitude. This is peak spirituality for me, to both fear and love God

Internet Nomad

It means simply u haven't experienced pain/suffering on any grand life-changing SCALE and u been TAUGHT TO 'FEAR' IT. Once u have which I did thru psychosis, u come out a different man about your outlooks on God and LIFE. Why? Becuz u can imagine that pain-suffering multiplied into infinity and eternal, which u can't becuz u ONLY 'FEAR' it but haven't really experienced it. That's what it means, religion WORKS 4 U and addresses YOUR NEEDS of 'fear of god and trying to prove YOUR WORTHY before god and ur fears of the unknown such as death'. Where-as spirituality all that is GONE, your relationship with GOD is MUTUAL Respect. Trust me u don't fear death anymore after psychosis U PRAY ALLAH GIVES IT TO U ONLY PEACEFULLY to end the psychosis.

It seems your mental unfit to make sound judgement may Allah ease your suffering and make it easy for you to enter the gates of Jannah.
Narrated Ali ibn AbuTalib: The Prophet (ﷺ) said: There are three (persons) whose actions are not recorded: a sleeper till he awakes, a boy till he reaches puberty, and a lunatic till he comes to reason. Abu Dawud said: Ibn Juraij has transmitted it from Al-Qasim b. Yazid on the authority of 'Ali from the Prophet (ﷺ). This version adds: "and an old man who is feeble-minded."(Abi Dawud)

The Prophet(ﷺ) said: “Four types of people will be tested on the day of judgement: a deaf man who cannot hear anything, a mad man, an old aged man and a man who died during fatrah (a period of time when no messenger was sent to people). The deaf man will say: “Oh Allah, Islam came while I cannot hear anything!”. The mad man will say: “Oh Allah, Islam came while the boys throw animals’ excrement on me!”. The old aged man will say: “Oh Allah, Islam came while I can understand nothing”. And the man who died during a fatrah will say: “Oh Allah, I witnessed no messenger from You”. Then Allah takes a promise from them to obey Him. Then He will command them to enter hell, and who enters it will find it peace and cool, and who disobeys will be dragged to hell” (Masnad Ahmad)
[Say], "Then is it other than Allah I should seek as judge while it is He who has revealed to you the Book explained in detail?" And those to whom We [previously] gave the Scripture know that it is sent down from your Lord in truth, so never be among the doubters. And the word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can alter His words, and He is the Hearing, the Knowing.Quran(6-114,115)


This qoute is kinda dumb when you realise that people who tend to do better in tough life situations are religious people as they have a understanding that everything happens for a reason.

Its why shouldn’t i be “overly focused” on where i go after i die?

I and many Muslim worship Allah because he is the only one Worthy of worship.

After death I have concluded their is 2 options.

1. U go into deep sleep, void, outside time-space. This isn't as bad as religion ppl make it, why? you won't even know. I would pray for this silently to god in my psychotic episode becuz the world was unbearable seeing these artficial JINNS calling themselves humans.

2. U experience another reality. Now this is scary part. If it's good or bad experience. A beautiful dream/heavenly state or hellish nightmare state. I have troubles dealing with 'eternal' life becuz life loses meaning if their no 'death', in-fact it can even make u feel ur imprisoned becuz u can't choose to DIE? I personally would consider it hell if I was on a beach 365 days a year, let alone ETERENITY.

Internet Nomad

After death I have concluded their is 2 options.

1. U go into deep sleep, void, outside time-space. This isn't as bad as religion ppl make it, why? you won't even know. I would pray for this silently to god in my psychotic episode becuz the world was unbearable seeing these artficial JINNS calling themselves humans.

2. U experience another reality. Now this is scary part. If it's good or bad experience. A beautiful dream/heavenly state or hellish nightmare state. I have troubles dealing with 'eternal' life becuz life loses meaning if their no 'death', in-fact it can even make u feel ur imprisoned becuz u can't choose to DIE? I personally would consider it hell if I was on a beach 365 days a year, let alone ETERENITY.
You have trouble dealing with eternity because you only have this world as a frame of reference.

I think God knows more about the human mind than we can comprehend. He knows that we would hate infinite life on earth. Thats why he created heaven to be far superior that the passage of time will not effect us mentally.
After death I have concluded their is 2 options.

1. U go into deep sleep, void, outside time-space. This isn't as bad as religion ppl make it, why? you won't even know. I would pray for this silently to god in my psychotic episode becuz the world was unbearable seeing these artficial JINNS calling themselves humans.

2. U experience another reality. Now this is scary part. If it's good or bad experience. A beautiful dream/heavenly state or hellish nightmare state. I have troubles dealing with 'eternal' life becuz life loses meaning if their no 'death', in-fact it can even make u feel ur imprisoned becuz u can't choose to DIE? I personally would consider it hell if I was on a beach 365 days a year, let alone ETERENITY.
do you believe in good and evil, and do you believe in balance?


do you believe in good and evil, and do you believe in balance?

I think good n evil are human concepts and why some things r universal while others cultural. I believe in evolution principle of survival of the fittest(not bruteness) but survival based on morality-laws among humans to ensure we can survive to reproduce and LIVE.

So I think our shared aspiration as humans to LIVE and not DIE played a great role in creating good/evil, morals, laws, etc and then later on was 'attributed' to 'god or gods' to re-inforce it.


@cooli3o how did humans not have morality before god, they wud be extinct if that was the case, becuz they wud kill each other off untill no-one is left. Humans must be the source of morality and then attributed to GOD.

Garaad Awal

Former African
Evolution is an objective truth and it doesn’t contradict Islam. Morons like this Salafi Mexican wants to keep the Islamic world in the medieval age.

His favourite Sheikh, the Big Poppa of the Salafi Cult Ibn Baz said that anyone who believes the Earth isn’t flat is a Kafir mul7id 😂😂

This is from a NY Times article in Feb 1995


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Omar del Sur

Evolution is an objective truth and it doesn’t contradict Islam. Morons like this Salafi Mexican wants to keep the Islamic world in the medieval age.

His favourite Sheikh, the Big Poppa of the Salafi Cult Ibn Baz said that anyone who believes the Earth isn’t flat is a Kafir mul7id 😂😂

This is from a NY Times article in Feb 1995

I am the moron according to you but your arguments are based on

1- something totally irrelevant
2- fake information

first you try to manipulate the audience with an appeal to racism. the truth is the truth irrespective of who says it. furthermore, Salafiyyah has zero anything to do with Mexicans. I was taught by Yemenis and that was where I learned it from. There's zero anything particularly Mexican about Salafiyyah. There are Arab Salafis, Indian Salafis, Somali Salafis, there was a famous Albanian Salafi, etc. it's not like it's something that came from Mexico.

2- Your big "own" besides appealing to racism (and why would you need to do that if you really had any solid argument?) is fake information.

just because the NY times says something doesn't mean it's true.

the "flat earth" fatwa is a hoax and I have no idea where they even got it from.

so your post contains not one single solid argument. I want to keep the Muslim world in medieval times? the OP I don't think has a single word that is mine and what you're saying could just as easily be said by someone like Ataturk.

Darwinism clearly contradicts the Quran. If believing in what the Quran says is medieval, I want to be medieval.

anyways, these quotes show that you're simply some person with an agenda against salafiyyah

Salafi scum

I despise all Salafis
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I think good n evil are human concepts and why some things r universal while others cultural. I believe in evolution principle of survival of the fittest(not bruteness) but survival based on morality-laws among humans to ensure we can survive to reproduce and LIVE.

So I think our shared aspiration as humans to LIVE and not DIE played a great role in creating good/evil, morals, laws, etc and then later on was 'attributed' to 'god or gods' to re-inforce it.
so in actuality something like murder or rape isn't actually bad or evil. rather it is something we dislike and we label it as "bad" or "evil"

Garaad Awal

Former African
anyways, these quotes show that you're simply some person with an agenda against salafiyyah
This is how I know you are not bright.I have consistently stated I was against the Wahabi ideology whether the Madkhali variety or the terrorist variety.

Salafism is a cancer and holds Muslim nations back. The way forward isn't literalism and anti-science.While other civilizations explore space and other scientific fields we will have Salafis and their criminal/idiotic Western converts like yourself trying to tell us that Allah is literally above supposed 7 heavens sitting on a throne like Zeus

Omar del Sur

This is how I know you are not bright.I have consistently stated I was against the Wahabi ideology whether the Madkhali variety or the terrorist variety.

Salafism is a cancer and holds Muslim nations back. The way forward isn't literalism and anti-science.While other civilizations explore space and other scientific fields we will have Salafis and their criminal/idiotic Western converts like yourself trying to tell us that Allah is literally above supposed 7 heavens sitting on a throne like Zeus

Yes, I know you have been open about being anti-Salafiyyah but I wanted to make it clear in case people weren't aware.

I am not an ex-con, I've never been to prison or anything like that and I live a boring and mundane life studying tech. You could call me Western, I was born in the West. Culturally I am of the third world, though not the MENA region specifically.

What does believing Allah is above his throne have to do with scientific and technological progress?

As far as I'm aware, believing Allah is above his throne or being an atheist or believing or not believing we came from monkeys... I don't think any of that is going to make a difference when it comes to learning JavaScript or building airplanes or whatever. How is believing we came from monkeys going to make someone better at coding??

Frankly, this narrative that being religious or irreligious is going to determine how good you are at science and tech is absurd. I met an Indian Salafi who is very successful in tech. Indians are good at tech whether they are Salafi, Hindu, whatever. Those same people who are engaged in constant religious wars and are staunchly religious are the same people who run the tech world.

Believing in Darwinism, atheism, etc. is not some magic amulet that is going to magically make people better at science and math. This is like thinking dressing in European clothes is going to make someone better at science and tech (although this kind of thinking is unfortunately too common amongst the colonized). Meanwhile the people winning in science and tech aren't even European.
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This is how I know you are not bright.I have consistently stated I was against the Wahabi ideology whether the Madkhali variety or the terrorist variety.

Salafism is a cancer and holds Muslim nations back. The way forward isn't literalism and anti-science.While other civilizations explore space and other scientific fields we will have Salafis and their criminal/idiotic Western converts like yourself trying to tell us that Allah is literally above supposed 7 heavens sitting on a throne like Zeus

They can re-interpret it easily and say creation is from god side of time but our side of time it's evolution. Or they can say god is guiding evolution in a hidden dimension. Didn't know Salafi have 2 variety? I thought they were terrorists or sympathizers(using the pen).

I do know about their idol worship madness and turning 'mohamed into an idol' thinking their is actual blessings in eating with 3 fingers or beard lol or following his toilet instructions, right foot first kkkkk. Mohamed was worried ppl start COPYING HIM and not BE THEMSELVES, that's why he was conscious of not allowing ppl to his grave.

It's pure idol worship salafism. Imagine how low their understanding of god must be. How can god be literal, his unlimited wisdom and intelligence and scale all limited to 7th century knowledge, bothered me about their salafi understanding. We should say in-fact we will never CAPTURE god knowledge and only OUR ATTEMPTS and our human attempts is limited and will evolve across time. That's true deen.

These salafs think they know god becuz of their arrogance do not fall for their lies.
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@Garaad Awal imagine being so confident 100% in how a human interprets Islam even tho u know their faulty. These ppl worship their own interpretation of god, they minimize god to what their scholars teach them. It's truly sad. I always say to god I don't know u but only doing my own petty human effort.

The smartest ppl on earth will tell u the truth that their DUMB and limited just on this 'dunya' knowledge sinces it is so large in scale and INFINITE AND NEVER ENDING. They know they don't have the capacity to read every book written or scale every website in the world. I feel sorry for ppl who r settled about god 100%, their only fooling themselves


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