Best place for a new capital?

New capital

  • Ceerigaabo

    Votes: 17 63.0%
  • Gaalkacyo

    Votes: 7 25.9%
  • Baydhabo

    Votes: 3 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Seeker of knowledge and truth
Mudane who do you wish to civilise us?


Don't say Xabashi, I'll cry real tears.
Are you denying the Kingdom of Abyssinia as a civilized nation in the world a kingdom that centuries old it’s not surprising their country is still intact and were in chaos truth hurts most times sxb :pachah1:
Let's move it to a virtual space .

The president and everyone have to be online all the time, run the country fro. Your house. :manny:

Ok seriously speaking, why do u guys think this will be a solution?

Wont alshabab and other destructive elements just follow us to the new capital and start fresh?

These are zuumalis we are dealing with. Waa waxaan bisinkba loo qaban habeenkii hooyadood lagu aasaye.

Also idk why any qabiil would want the chaos in xamar to be brought to their lands.
Split city ???:russ:

Ceerigaabo is wholy dominated by one Subclan muuse ismaciil (Hy).

I Would say garoowe, but question is if puntland would allow that....bigger question is would hawiye allow to change the capital..
That’s why galcayo is a better choice both clans have a claim to it
Split city ???:russ:

Ceerigaabo is wholy dominated by one Subclan muuse ismaciil (Hy).

I Would say garoowe, but question is if puntland would allow that....bigger question is would hawiye allow to change the capital..

Give hawiye one more president elections if they mess around with the successor of Farmaajo then move that shit OUT !

Move it to the north somewhere.

Nacalaa, what type of post-apocalyptic, Last Day, type shit are these niggas using.

Does anyone know the exact name of the machinery used at 01:18?
Let's move it to a virtual space .

The president and everyone have to be online all the time, run the country fro. Your house. :manny:

Ok seriously speaking, why do u guys think this will be a solution?

Wont alshabab and other destructive elements just follow us to the new capital and start fresh?

These are zuumalis we are dealing with. Waa waxaan bisinkba loo qaban habeenkii hooyadood lagu aasaye.

Also idk why any qabiil would want the chaos in xamar to be brought to their lands.

I say we take over Socotra
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, and establish a new capital city there.

The only way Al Shabab can get in is by sea, and we'll shower them and their little rubber dinghy rapids with bullets like this.

(Sidenote: man I really feel sorry for these pirates on the receiving end,

look at the machines these soulless Russians and Americans are using. I know they joke about it after - cadaan dhaqan).



Why would we pander so much to one dysfunctinal clan? Move it to ceerigabo and call it a night, hawiye has their chance and ruined it
I say we take over Socotra
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, and establish a new capital city there.

The only way Al Shabab can get in is by sea, and we'll shower them and their little rubber dinghy rapids with bullets like this.

(Sidenote: man I really feel sorry for these pirates on the receiving end,

look at the machines these soulless Russians and Americans are using. I know they joke about it after - cadaan dhaqan).

we are more likely to lose more lands than gain Socotra.
Right now, there's no solution to the problem in Somalia.

shame we were born int his era.


Let them chimp out and bomb their own city if we move the capital:manny: there doing the worst case scenario already anyways so it’s f*ck there feelings:susp: once we start the conversations it either they fix up or get worse giving us further incentive to move:ooh: both ways we win by starting the convo like I said were already at the worst case scenario so might as well bring it up


I could agree with you but then we’d both be wrong
Give hawiye one more president elections if they mess around with the successor of Farmaajo then move that shit OUT !

Move it to the north somewhere.
Kkkkkk Hawiye had 25 freaking years to run the country and they have done jack shit.
If were gonna go Gaalkacyo why not go Kismaayo it’s a majority Darood city with “Hawiye” residents its medium size easy to control and it’s civilized,sure its close to Kenya but Gaalkacyo is closer to Ethiopia I’ll take my chances against adoonta anyday than the midgets raw meat eaters in an invasion :kanyeshrug:

no such thing as hawiyes in kismayo, galjecel became hawiye in 1991, and they live in the outskirts with camels with Ogaden, they were called Mj allies in the 60s to push Ogaden out of kismayo Mj made galjecel, calwrmare harti 5th column, now it back fired, but no such thing as what we call real hawiye, angal, hbaaar gidir, murusade etc,

galjecel is welcome but seriously they are not hawiye, hawiye have been selling the hawiye passport like dir have and one day will get jaarso/akisho/gurgure like 5th column enemies, they need to kill giving away the passports easily
Why do we need to convince Hawiye as if they're some sort of "Lords" to be pleased Mooryaanta?!

If Dir/Darood and 0.5 minority clans agree on this resolution of moving the capital then Hawiye would have no say.. constitutionally and politically.

Mogadishu hampered our nationhood and took us back 100 years. We need to abandon the cursed anarchist enclave and build a brand new capital up north or Northeastern part of the country.

teh whole system is screqwed up, the whole 4.5 Bs and the one capital system

if we seriosyly allowed one man one vote darood would win by a mile, thats the truth,

darood lives in jubaland, galnus and puntland and khaatomo and do not forget cawlyahan in bakool,

if we did it like the US and voted with reps every 4 years picking the delegation who will choose the presdeint, darood again would win by a mile, jubaland, 3 gobals, bakool waa 6 counties calwyahan own 3 so half that gobal, puntland, galgauude some counties and khaatumo and puntland,

this 4.5 is BS, its like the EU, malta of few hundred thousnad has more MEps per capita than Uk of 60 million, its why the UK cannot block useless laws like we cannot bring in oranges from non EU nations like before becasue italiy and spain would moan and can block Uk becaseu they have some skewed system where the Uk gets less MEps than much much smaller nations in eu,

we need 4 capitals, we need one man one vote, but hawiye will not alow this becaseu they know they would lose, so would dir and eley, dont even get me started on eley, they half half bakoool and bay thats 1 and half gobal yet get bloody 60 Mps the same as whole of darood, agah, what can of system is this ?

lets atleast eb like south africa or switzerland, have several capitals, and maybe even 2 or 3 presidents afterall switzerland has 7 and they are much richer than almost all nations on earth, no oil, landlocked, yet an economy per capita larger than any nation on earth, even rich qatar
That will be against @Teeri-Alpha '' plan of splitting Jubbaland for the "Absame race" from Somalia.

He doesn't want non-absame coming to his jewel.


we need 4 capitals like south africa, ideally i would like to have the swiss model, 7 presidents, 14 regions, each two get one president each rules for 1 year and the others veto him,

decentralised tax systems, if we get the swiss model we dont need to worry about who is president,

why dont we just get rid of the president and make the regional presidents rule one year each? and have veto, the EU has rotated 6 months presidency and it works,

we will only come together for two bloody things, defence and currency, it will be a currency board, the US has 13 presidency from all over the US states who veto what the Fed can do with monetary pol icy,

so let each region attract investment, decide on their tax policy but only come together when we are being attacked/war and currency board, with one vice governor for the central bank from each region that can veto,

if i was farmajo i would spemnd 90% of time on the constitution, once we have the swiss model or UAE model we would not worry about one potential dictator or where the capital is,

if yuo look at it, hisotrucially we wre similar to a german conferacy, if Ogaden was being attacked, we would have other ogadens, dir, marehan etc helong them at war with habashi and oromo invaders for centuries,

look at fatahul habash, it was harari, canfaar, arusha, jidwaq, absame, marehan , isaaq helping to fend over the oromo and habashi invaders for centuries, we only came togetehr at times of war

the german states were like this until they created germany in 1871,

also nations that have confederation are the most developed because the have decentralised red tape and taxes, if Bavaria is taxing too much, you go to Prussia or humburg in 1600s,

the swiss have the same model, the Americans had the same model until the mid 1950s where the federal power got bigger and state power got smaller, but still if socialist California taxes you too much you simply go to taxes, or Florida,

we need confederation system, we need decentralisation, and only share the foreign policy, currency board and defence,

and we need to stay neutral for atleast 100 years to develop,

when europe was killing her self, sweden and the swiss became massive exporters as all other nations destroyed their industries through air bombing, we need that,

i will not put my fate and the fate of my race Absame Kuumade in the hands of a centralised xamar FGS

we already tried that and failed
how about we do the swiss model,

decentralised tax system, they ahve 14 regions, 7 president, 1 for each region, lets each region pursue her investment and development policy rather than from the central government, we need confederation,

we somalis are suspicious and free people by nature, we are nomads, we never had centralised like the habashi, they were slaves for thousands of years they had feudalism, they were owned by lords of the manor, we on the other hand were free nomads with decentralised sultans tat only came together when we were invaded, this is why a small population remained free in Somali lands for thousands of years
500 years ago, 100 years ago, 1000 years ago the average Somali was only answerable to god and his nomadic live, was free never paid taxes, and helped during times of invasion,

the average habashi was a farm slave owned by the local lord, the titled the land, they had feudalism, the slept when told, they went to war on orders, this is why they re obedient, but were practically slaves as they were not allowed to leave the farm land owned by the lord,

why not take our natural history and advantages and turned it into a strength?

lets decentralise, taxes, local leadership focuses on investment, and will have a veto against the central gov,

who was the white explorer who Somalis are a race of republicans who miss trust centralised authority? no wonder the failed experiment called centralised Somalia failed,
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