Maxaad uu xanaaqaysa boowe, ma kalmada 'doqon' ayaad Ka xanaaqtay?But I called you by your actual name. I even referred to my 'race' by the cay your cuqdad filled people call us by, I was being fair my Cagdheer friend. I even threw the MJs into the mix to make you habby.
It is also your nature to work with foreigners, ya ibnul akhdam ibn Al Doqoniya Al Caghdeeriyah. Stop working with the Kenyattis and cutting them trees down.
Voicemail: so uhhh hi SL here, we can't take your call right now, we're currently searching for our recognition. It should be coming any day now, I'll call you back when I find it.
I would have rather my people done what you said, but they chose isolationism due to Cali Mahdi declaring himself president.
Oh well, that was 30 years ago, but you are still the adoon of Xabash, baastaryahow.
Macasalama walaal. Don't forget to pray your witr Salah.
I1door taught you about that too.
horta you 1door or dir, i always get confised,
xooolo langab ay, adoonyahow lick my caghdeer feet,