More closer = means you’ve high eursian compare to other Somalis?Beni-Amer sourced their first South Arabian DNA from a northern polity called Ona culture which had nothing to do with the later Habash. Ona was an agropastoralist state and quite different despite receiving influence from separate but very much related to Semites the ones that later would settle in the Axum area and become the pre-Axumites. The 107 generation time stated by this source of yours, roughly coincides with this phenomenon. Later the Beja received other Arabian admixture as well, which was also distinct from Habash influence. Bejas with Arabian DNA got that stuff independently and should not get confused with Habash Tigray highland people.
Is Beja closer to a Habash? Yes, I would think so. This is the same reason I am closer to a Habash than a Somali on G25 as well. This doesn't mean I am actually more Habash than Somali, now does it? It's important to use distances with background information in mind otherwise we make false historical assertions. Beja is closer to Habash because of indirect aligned and related genetics that are closer in proportions, not because they are of the same stock, and that is why Somalis have a higher distance (Somalis lack the Arabian elevated stuff). But in terms of signature, factoring only the Cushitic part, they are closer to us than the Agaw agrarians.
Shimbiris was correct that we had Habash-like influence based on the minor South Arabian DNA, but it had nothing to do with the Axumite people; so not derived from them. We likely got an influence from the agropastoral Cushites of the northern Horn of Africa who had South Arabian influence and received it in the earliest stages when the South Arabians moved to the region. When E-V32 went through Eritrea from the down from Nubian/Eastern Desert region, he would have absorbed this Arabian element to a degree while mixing with these Cushites who had Arabian admixture. This could explain why we have baked in minor Arabian DNA.